PSRCHIVE user documentation: psrsh

1.0 Purpose

psrsh is a command language interpreter that provides access to PSRCHIVE data processing algorithms. It can be used either as an interactive shell or as a shell script command processor. If available, psrsh will use the GNU readline command-line editor, programmable word completion, and history mechanism. The development and use of psrsh scripts can significantly reduce file I/O: data can be loaded once and processed in many different ways, including polarimetric calibration and RFI mitigation.

2.0 Usage

2.1 Interactive shell

When psrsh is started without any command-line options, it presents a command prompt and waits for a command to be entered. A list of available commands can be obtained by entering ? or help. More detailed help on a specific command is available by typing
psrsh> help command
To exit the shell, type quit.

2.2 Shell script

To execute a sequence of commands on one or more archives without any interaction, run
psrsh script archive1 [archive2 ...]
where script is a text file containing a list of commands that are understood by the interpreter. Commands must be on separate lines, and lines beginning with # are treated as comments.

It is also possible to make script executable by placing

#!/usr/bin/env psrsh
in the first line of the file and appropriately setting the permissions of the file. The script may then be run as
script archive1 [archive2 ...]
By default, unless the script contains a call to the unload method, the results of the script will not be written to disk. However, if any of the
standard output options are used, then psrsh will unload the results as specified. This allows scripts to behave like most other PSRCHIVE programs.

2.3 Job preprocessor

Some PSRCHIVE programs (e.g.
psrplot and psradd) use the psrsh interpreter to perform preprocessing on input archives. These programs generally accept preprocessing commands, or jobs, using the -j and -J command-line options. The -j option accepts a semicolon-separated list of commands and the -J option accepts a psrsh script; for example:
psrplot -j job1[;job2;...] -J script ...
Both the -j and -J options can be used at the same time, and both may be used more than once. If a job command requires one or more arguments, then the command and its argument[s] must be enclosed in single or double quotes; for example:
psradd -j 'cmd1 arg1 arg2,cmd2,cmd3 arg1'
Used in this way, the psrsh interpreter provides a standardized interface with highly flexible and programmable pre- or post-processing functionality. It is also possible for applications to filter their input using the test command, which behaves much like the assert function in C and can evaluate a wide variety of expressions.

For a complete list of supported commands, type psrsh -H.

2.4 Shortcut Keys

Certain commands can be entered using a single character shortcut key, and shortcut keys may be combined to form a single string (so long as that string does not equal another command name). For example, to integrate an archive in frequency and time, reduce the number of phase bins to 128, and rotate by one quarter turn of phase before plotting:
psrplot -j 'FTB 128,r .25' etc.
Shortcut keys are shown in square brackets when you run psrsh -H.

2.5 Archive Stack

The psrsh interpreter supports storage of multiple archives on a stack, enabling backup of data before an operation is performed (history). When an archive is loaded using the command load filename it automatically replaces the top of the stack. The push and pop commands work as follows:
  • push   push a copy of the current archive on top of the stack.
  • pop   pop the archive currently on top of the stack. If not named (see next section) the archive will be deleted.

2.5 Archive Names

It is also possible to assign a name to each archive both on and off the stack, using the following commands:
  • set name   assign a name to the current top of the stack. If the archive is removed from the stack, it will not be deleted.
  • get name   replace the current top of the stack with the named archive.
  • remove name   delete the named archive
Some commands also accept names as an optional argument:
  • load name filename   loads the specified file and assigns it a name. The archive does not replace the top of the stack.
  • unload name filename   unloads the named archive with the specified filename.
  • push name   push the named archive onto the top of the stack (differs from get name, which replaces the top of the stack).
Some commands require a name as an argument, such as:
  • append name   copies data from the named archive into the archive currently at the top of the stack.

3.0 Algorithms

The psrsh interpreter acts as an interface to various algorithms in the PSRCHIVE library. It does not implement any new data reduction algorithms, but makes it possible to conveniently combine commands in ways that may not have been previously possible.

4.0 Testing and examples

5.0 Known bugs and features that require implementation

  • plotting?