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JenetAnderson98.h void set_Phi(double Phi) Set the fraction of samples in the low voltage state. Definition: JenetAnderson98.C:43 double get_var_Phi() const Get the variance of Phi. Definition: JenetAnderson98.h:79 virtual float get_cutoff_sigma() const =0 Get the cut off power for impulsive interference excision. void set_mean_Phi(double mean_Phi) Set the expectation value of Phi. Definition: JenetAnderson98.C:106 double A14(double mean_Phi) Given <Phi>, return the digitized power. Definition: JenetAnderson98.C:180 virtual unsigned get_ndig() const =0 Get the number of digitizers. virtual float get_threshold() const =0 Get the sampling threshold as a fraction of the noise power. double get_mean_Phi() const Get the expectation value of Phi, JA98 Eq.A2. Definition: JenetAnderson98.h:74 virtual void get_histogram(std::vector< float > &h, unsigned dig) const =0 Get the specified histogram. double get_A() const Get the slope of digitized vs undigitized correlation, JA98 Eq.43. Definition: JenetAnderson98.h:66 virtual unsigned get_nsample() const =0 Get the number of samples in each histogram. const Probability * get_measured_prob_Phi() const Set the measured probability distribution of Phi. Definition: JenetAnderson98.C:200 JenetAnderson98() Default constructor. Definition: JenetAnderson98.C:31 void set_threshold(double t=get_optimal_spacing(2)) Set the sampling threshold. Definition: JenetAnderson98.C:95 Reference::To< const Probability > measured The interface to a measured probability distribution of Phi. Definition: JenetAnderson98.h:121 double get_threshold() const Get the sampling threshold. Definition: JenetAnderson98.h:71 double get_hi() const Get the optimal high voltage output levels, JA98 Eq.40. Definition: JenetAnderson98.h:60 Statistics of two-bit quantization and artifact correction parameters. Definition: JenetAnderson98.h:38 Interface to the measured distributions of Phi. Definition: JenetAnderson98.h:127 double A4(double Phi) Given Phi, return the digitized power. Definition: JenetAnderson98.C:163 void set_sigma_n(double sigma_n) Set the normalized, undigitized power. Definition: JenetAnderson98.C:53 double invert_A4(double sigma_hat) Given the digitized power, return Phi. Definition: JenetAnderson98.C:174 void get_prob_Phi(unsigned L, std::vector< float > &prob_Phi) Get the theoretical probability distribution of Phi, JA98 Eq.A6. Definition: JenetAnderson98.C:145 double get_lo() const Get the optimal low voltage output levels, JA98 Eq.41. Definition: JenetAnderson98.h:63 void set_measured_prob_Phi(const Probability *data) Set the measured probability distribution of Phi. Definition: JenetAnderson98.C:194 static double get_optimal_spacing(unsigned bits) Table 3 - Optimum Input Threshold Spacing for a Uniform Digitizer. Definition: JenetAnderson98.C:15 double evaluate(unsigned idig, double Phi, double *dprob_dPhi=0) Evaluate the probability of Phi for the specified digitizer. Definition: JenetAnderson98.C:205 double invert_A14(double sigma_hat) Given the digitized power, return <Phi> Definition: JenetAnderson98.C:187 void set_alpha(double alpha, double Phi) Set the inverse width of the gaussian, sort of. Definition: JenetAnderson98.C:60 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17