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SmoothingSpline.h Determines the spline smoothing factor as in Clark (1977) Definition: SmoothingSpline.h:93 double evaluate(double) evaluate the spline at the specified argument Definition: SmoothingSpline.C:220 void fit(std::vector< double > &data_x, std::vector< Estimate< double > > &data_y) Fit spline to data using current configuration. Definition: CrossValidatedSmoothing.C:51 void set_smoothing(double) Set the smoothing factor. Definition: SmoothingSpline.C:26 unsigned get_ndat_good() const Return the number of good data points included in the fit. Definition: SmoothingSpline.C:79 void get_nfree_trials(std::vector< double > &nfree, unsigned ndat) Get the trial smoothing factors. Definition: CrossValidatedSmoothing.C:26 void set_minimize_gcv(bool) Determine the smoothing factor using generalized cross-validation. Definition: SmoothingSpline.C:47 void fit(const std::vector< double > &data_x, const std::vector< Estimate< double > > &data_y) Fit spline to data using current configuration. Definition: SmoothingSpline.C:81 double get_mean_gof(const std::vector< double > &data_x, const std::vector< Estimate< double > > &data_y) Return the mean goodness-of-fit for the current smoothing. Definition: CrossValidatedSmoothing.C:175 void set_msre(double) Set the mean squared residual error, MSRE (Equation 5) Definition: SmoothingSpline.C:40 void set_effective_nfree(double) Set the effective number of freely estimated parameters. Definition: SmoothingSpline.C:33 SmoothingSpline() Default constructor. Definition: SmoothingSpline.C:16 Interface to GCVSPL sub-routine by Herman J. Woltring. Definition: SmoothingSpline.h:23 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17