User's Guide: Standard Command Line Options

For the sake of consistency, a number of PSRCHIVE programs employ a standard set of command line options, including

Standard preamble

  -h,--help      print this help page
  -i,--version   version information
  -q             quiet mode
  -v             verbose mode
  -V             very verbose mode
  -M metafile    metafile contains list of archive filenames

Standard preprocessing

Some programs make use of the
psrsh command language interpreter to preprocess data. The relevant command line options are
  -j commands    execute pulsar shell preprocessing commands
  -J script      execute pulsar shell preprocessing script
Please see the psrsh manual for more details.

Standard output

Some programs that output a modified version of the data (e.g. psredit, psrsh, and paz) accept the following standard output command line options:
  -m             modify (overwrite) the original file
  -e ext         write files with a new extension
  -O path        write files to a new directory