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PSRCHIVE User's Guide: Increasing VerbosityBy default, the error messages produced by PSRCHIVE programs are quite terse. For example,psredit -c name TEMPO environment variable not definedWhy in 0437's name is TEMPO required to query an archive parameter? Add the -v command line option to gain more information: psredit -v -c name psredit: error on Error::stack Pulsar::Archive::load FITSArchive::load_header Pulsar::Telescopes::set_telescope_info Tempo::load_obsys Tempo::get_configuration Error::InvalidState Error::message TEMPO environment variable not definedThis sheds a little more light on the problem. At this point, you might decide to either ensure that TEMPO is installed, so that observatory information can be loaded from obsys.dat, or contact the developers and suggest that this is an unreasonable constraint. Side Note: This particular unreasonable constraint was removed during the development of this documentation. If you decide to seek help from the developers, it would be best to send as much information as possible by enabling full verbosity mode with the -V command line option; e.g. psredit -c name -V >& psredit_bug.logThe log file can then be attached to the Bug Report (below the Detailed Description, at the Upload and Attach a File prompt).