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PSRCHIVE user documentation: pdv
1.0 Purpose
The Pulsar Data Viewer, pdv, is designed to display some basic
archive data. Including
- Pulse widths and mean flux density
- Polarization summary
- raw profile data as ascii
2.0 Usage
pdv is very simple to use, it accepts the following arguments.
-b ibin
- Select a single phase bin, from 0 to (nbin - 1)
-n ichan
- Select a single frequency channel, from 0 to (nchan - 1)
-i isub
- Select a single integration, from 0 to (subint - 1)
-r phase
- Rotate the profiles by phase before printing
- Fscrunch first
- TScrunch first
- Pscrunch first
- Centre first
-B factor
- BScrunch by this factor first
- Convert to Stokes and also print fraction polarisation
- Convert to Stokes and also print fraction linear
- Convert to Stokes and also print fraction circular
- Convert to Stokes and also print position angle
- Print out calibrator (square wave) parameters
-f dcyc
- Show pulse widths and mean flux density (mJy) with baseline width dcyc
- Print mean flux density
- Do not remove baseline
- Print out profiles as ASCII text
- Print out profiles as ASCII text ( with per channel headers )
-S params
- Print out per subint data ( -h S to list valid params )
-H params
- Print out the history table for the archive ( -h S to list valid params )
-h arg
- Print out more detailed help for program arguments. Currently lists all available options for H and S
- Print the S/N
3.0 Testing and examples
3.1 History table
To display the processing command used at each revision of the file and the centre frequencies obtained at each step
pdv -H ctr_freq,proc_cmd *files*
3.2 Subint parameters
To display the subint parameters from each subint, showing the tsubint and offs_sub
pdv -S TSUBINT,offs_sub *files*
4.0 Known bugs and features that require implementation