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PSRCHIVE user documentation: psradd1.0 PurposeThe psradd program combines multiple pulsar archives into one or more output files. It is the primary method of forming a mean pulse profile from many observations, it includes a number of criteria for automatically grouping observations into subsets, and it can perform arbitrarily complex preprocessing tasks using the psrsh command language.psradd is generally run in one of several modes:
2.0 UsageFor pulsar observations, psradd uses a phase model (currently, either a polyco generated by tempo or a predictor generated by tempo2) to align the phases of the sub-integrations of the output archives. The ephemeris used to generate the phase model may be specified using the -p ephemfile command line option. The ephemfile can be obtained using psrcat; e.g.psrcat -e Jname > Jname.ephIf psrcat cannot find a new pulsar, try the -all option to load any private catalogues with additional, unpublished data. 2.1 Preprocessing of input archivesArbitrarily complex preprocessing tasks can be performed on each input archive before it is added to the output file, as described in the psrsh manual. For example, to weight each profile by its signal-to-noise ratio before adding to the total,psradd -o -j 'w snr' input*.arYou can also make psradd produce a tscrunched output archive with the -T option. In frequency append mode, when combining sub-bands that span overlapping frequencies (e.g. the output of an oversampled polyphase filter bank [PFB]), it can be useful to first delete the channels from the edeges of each sub-band; e.g. psradd -o -R -j "delete edge .125" subband_*.arwill delete 12.5% of the channels from each edge of the band (for a total of 25% of the band deleted) before combining, which is useful if the PFB had 4/3 oversampling. 3.0 AlgorithmsNo information at this time.4.0 Testing and examplesA simple example: 1. Generate ephem file J1643-1224.eph: psrcat -e J1643-1224 > J1643-1224.eph 2. Run psradd to phase-align and concatenate the archives listed in 20cm.lis into file called 20cmadd.Ft, using ephemeris file J1643-1224.eph: psradd -f 20cmadd.Ft -p J1643-1224.eph `cat20cm.lis` 3. To check for phase alignment, plot an image of the dedispersed total intensity as a function of pulse phase on the x-axis and time on the y-axis psrplot -pY -jDp 20cmadd.Ft 5.0 Known bugs and features that require implementation