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PSRCHIVE user documentation:
Configurable Algorithms and Options
Some of the parameters listed below employ a special data type for
representing pulse phase, as explained here.
On-Pulse and Off-Pulse Estimation Algorithms and Options
These algorithms identify regions of pulse phase and
can be set using psrstat -c on=NAME:OPTIONS and
psrstat -c off=NAME:OPTIONS.
- above
Select all bins above a threshold times the standard deviation of the
off-pulse noise, where the off-pulse region is identified using
the currently configured off-pulse estimator.
- threshold sigma [default: 3]
- consecutive
Select all bins for which N contiguous bins are above a threshold
times the standard deviation of the off-pulse noise, where the
off-pulse region is identified using
the currently configured off-pulse estimator.
- threshold sigma [default: 3]
- consecutive points above threshold [default: 3]
- cumulative
Select the on-pulse region using the cumulative profile. The
on-pulse region is defined as the region between the last bin to fall
below threshold times the total flux and the first bin to
rise above 1.0-threshold times the total flux.
The off-pulse baseline is computed using
the currently configured off-pulse estimator.
- threshold fraction of total integrated flux [default: 10%]
- set
A static selection of regions of pulse phase
- normal
Iteratively select bins that are less than threshold times the standard deviation away from the mean,
as identified by an off-pulse estimator, assuming normally distributed data
- threshold sigma [default: 1]
- exponential
Iteratively select bins that are less than threshold times the mean (which is equal to the standard deviation)
assuming exponentially distributed data
- threshold sigma [default: 1]
- iqr
Iteratively select bins below thresholds computed using the inter-quartile range
- threshold for whiskers [default: 1.5]
- minimum
Select continuous region with minimum mean
- smooth the smoothing algorithm [default:boxcar mean with 15% duty cycle]
- find_min boolean = find the minimum [default] or maximum
- search the phase range to search [default: unspecified]
- found the phase range found [read-only]
Signal-to-noise Algorithms and Options
These can be set using psrstat -c snr=NAME:OPTIONS.
- phase
Default algorithm uses cumulative to find the on-pulse region and minimum
to find the baseline.
- standard
Uses template matching to identify the amplitude of the pulse and the
post-fit noise in the residual.
- file filename of standard
- adaptive
Uses cumulative to find the on-pulse and allows the off-pulse estimator
to be configured.
- baseline algorithm used to find the off-pulse baseline [default: minimum]
- modular
Allows both the on-pulse and the off-pulse estimators to be configured.
- off algorithm used to find the off-pulse baseline [default: normal]
- on algorithm used to find the on-pulse region [default: consecutive]
- square
Assumes that the signal is a square wave with a 50% duty cycle
- threshold multiple of off-pulse standard deviation required to detect on-pulse [default: 6]
- risetime width of phase region ignored at transitions between off-pulse and on-pulse regions [default: 3%]
- pdmp
Smooths profile with box-car mean of varying width and returns the maximum S/N [more]
Pulse Width Estimation Algorithms and Options
These can be set using psrstat -c width=NAME:OPTIONS.
- transitions Searches for phases at which pulsed flux rises above and falls below a threshold [more]
- bdc baseline duty cycle (fraction of pulse period) of the boxcar used to smooth the profile when searching for the off-pulse baseline [default: 0.15]
- fmax threshold (fraction of maximum pulsed flux) at which rising and falling edges will be sought [default: 0.5]
Smoothing Algorithms and Options
- mean Computes the local mean of the boxcar
- width phase range (duty cycle) of the boxcar [default: 15%]
- median Computes the local median of the boxcar
- width phase range (duty cycle) of the boxcar [default: 15%]
- sinc
- width phase range (effective width) of the sinc function; inversely proportional to the
width of the lowpass filter in the frequency domain [default: 15%]