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PSRCHIVE user documentation: psrstatOn-Pulse and Off-Pulse Region Finding Algorithms and OptionscumulativeThe on-pulse region is estimated using the cumulative profile, and is defined as the region between the last bin to fall below a threshold fraction [default: 10%] of the total flux and the first bin to rise above 1.0-threshold times the total flux.The cumulative profile is computed by replacing the value in each phase bin with the integrated sum of all preceding phase bins; stated differently, the cumulative profile is to the pulse profile as the cumulative probability is to the probability density (i.e. the pulse profile is treated as a histogram). This raises some important points for consideration:
The second issue (linear increase in variance with pulse phase) is ignored in the current implementation. minimumThis algorithm can be used to find either the on-pulse or off-pulse region; by default, it is configured to search for the off-pulse (minimum). It first smooths the pulse profile using a box-car function (e.g. mean or median) and then sets the off- or on-pulse region to span the width of the box-car, centred on where the smoothed profile reaches its minimum [default] or maximum value.Because it searches for an extremum in noisy data, this algorithm will always under-estimate the true off-pulse mean or over-estimate the true on-pulse mean.