Package Detection

PSRCHIVE can be directed where to find third-party software packages using one or more of the following environment variables:
  • PGPLOT_DIR : full path to the directory in which the PGPLOT libraries can be found
  • TEMPO2 : full path to the directory in which the TEMPO2 libraries can be found
  • PACAKGES : list of full paths to base directories containing other packages, such as FFTW and CFITSIO

Using the PACKAGES environment variable

You can specify one or more root directories in which to search for packages using the PACKAGES environment variable. PSRCHIVE will search the sub-directories for the required pacakges. For example, suppose that you have
  • FFTW installed in /usr/local/gnu/x86_64/fftw-3.1.2
  • CFITSIO installed in /usr/local/gnu/x86_64/cfitsio-3.030 and
  • Intel Performance Primitives installed in /usr/local/intel/ipp/5.1/em64t
setenv PACKAGES "/usr/local/gnu/x86_64 /usr/local/intel"
before running the configure script.

Using configure script options

The above example could also have been handled with
./configure --with-fftw-dir=/usr/local/gnu/x86_64/fftw-3.1.2 \
  --with-cfitsio-dir=/usr/local/gnu/x86_64/cfitsio-3.030 \
For a complete list of --with options, type configure --help