Adding a Configuration Option

A number of PSRCHIVE classes have default behaviours that can be configured using a configuration file, as described in the psrchive_config manual.

This tutorial describes how to add new configuration options using the Pulsar::Config<> template class.

Begin by choosing a name for the new configuration option, which cannot be equal to the name of an existing option. There are three ways to add the new option:

  1. direct use of the Pulsar::Config<> template

  2. indirect use of the Pulsar::Config<> template via a pointer

  3. indirect use of the Pulsar::Config<> template via a CommandParser.

Direct Use

To serve as an example, consider adding a new configuration option to set the default value of threshold, a floating point attribute of a class named Prune. In the declaration of the Prune class:
class Prune

    // 1. Declare a static member, default_threshold
    static Pulsar::Option<float> default_threshold;

    // 2. Set threshold to default in constructor
    Prune ()  { threshold = default_threshold; }


    // 3. Declare threshold attributed
    float threshold;
The static member, Prune::default_threshold must be defined in a separate source code file; e.g. in Prune.C.
#include "Pulsar/Config.h"

Pulsar::Option<float> Prune:default_threshold
 "Prune::default_threshold", 3.0,

 "Threshold above which branches are pruned [metres]",

 "The default maximum length of a branch, beyond which the branch will\n"
 "be pruned using the Prune algorithm"

Indirect Use via Pointer

The above solution may be too invasive for some applications. For example, it may be desireable to set the default value of a variable belonging to a third party library or some other code that knows nothing about Pulsar/Config.h. It is still possible to set such variables using pointers, as in the following example:
#include "Pulsar/Config.h"

Pulsar::Option<std::string> third_log_filename_config

 "third_log_filename", "$HOME/third.log",

 "Default name of third party library log file"

Indirect Use via CommandParser

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