Composing Documentation

The PSRCHIVE online documentation uses Apache Server Side Includes (SSI) to place the header and side navigation bars on each page. Therefore, each file must be named with the .shtml extension. To achieve the same style and layout as the rest of the site, simply include the files open.shtml and close.shtml, as in the following example.
<html><head><title>PSRCHIVE Pronunciation</title>
<!--#include virtual="/open.shtml" -->

<h2><font color=red>PSR</font>CHIVE Pronunciation Guide</h2>

<font size=6> p&#0275; &#0277s &auml;r&rsquo; k&#0299;v </font>

<!--#include virtual="/close.shtml" -->
Note that open.shtml is included before the <head> tag is closed. This example can be seen here. The only unique content in the above example is the text enclosed in the title, <title>, the heading, <h2>, and the line of Unicode characters enclosed by <font>.

To change the name in the copyright notice, include a line like the following:

<!--#set var="name" value="Dr. Astronomer" -->
before the call to include close.shtml.

To set the fonts and colours on each page of the PSRCHIVE site, cascading style files are used. For example, it is often useful to set sections of code, or commands to be entered in the shell, or the contents of a file, apart from the main text of the documentation. This is commonly done using the preformatted text (<pre>) environment, for which three different styles have been defined.

For inline descriptions of C/C++ code, use <code> MyClass </code> and for blocks of code, use

<pre id=code>

class MyClass {
  void something ();

For inline descriptions of commands typed at the keyboard, including command line arguments, use <kbd> myprog </kbd> and for blocks of commands, including sample output, use
<pre id=kbd>
> myprog -c option filenames

sample program output

For inline descriptions of other things like filenames and their contents use <var> filename.txt </var> and for blocks of file contents, use
<pre id=var>

# Example configuration file

# Values are assigned to keys by name
key = value

Please also see the Application Manual Template.