Building a text interface

Sometimes it is useful to enable the configuration of a class through a text interface. For example, text parsed from the command line may be used to set the attributes of a class; also, a configuration file may be used to set default values or load a set of commonly used parameters. Finally, by making use of the same text interface, a graphical user interface can be built in a modular fashion.

To aid in the construction of text interfaces, a template class named TextInterface::To<T> has been developed. Here, T is the name of the class for which you want to build an interface, e.g. MyClass. Begin by creating a new class that inherits TextInterface::To<T>; e.g.

  class MyClassInterface : public TextInterface::To<MyClass> {

    //! Default constructor
    MyClassInterface (MyClass* instance = 0);

This is probably all that you will ever need to declare in the interface class. All of the work is done in the constructor; here, new attribute interfaces can be added, and text interfaces from other classes can be imported. It is not mandatory to accept a pointer to MyClass in the argument to the constructor; the usefulness of this feature will be demonstrated later.

Adding Attributes

To add an interface to an attribute of a class, there must be separate methods that get and (optionally) set the value of this attribute. Continuing with the preceding example, suppose that MyClass has three attributes, which are accessed via the following methods:
  std::string get_name () const;
  void set_name (const std::string&);

  double get_max () const;

  int get_code () const;
  void set_code (int);
Notice that there is no set_max method; this attribute is read only. To create the interfaces to these attributes, the MyClassInterface constructor would look something like:
MyClassInterface::MyClassInterface (MyClass* instance)
  add( &MyClass::get_name,
       "name", "Name of the source of data" );

  add( &MyClass::get_max,
       "max", "Maximum value");

  add( &MyClass::get_code,
       "code", "Observation code" );

  if (instance)
    set_instance (instance);
The arguments to the TextInterface::To<MyClass>::add method are pointers to member functions of MyClass, followed by the text name of the attribute and (optionally) a short description of the attribute. Two important things to note:
  • Methods that get the value of an attribute receive no arguments and must be const; ie.
      T get_attribute () const;
  • Methods that set the value of an attribute return no value, are not const, and accept a single argument either by value or by const reference, ie.
      void set_attribute (T);          // by value
      void set_attribute (const T&);   // by const reference

Arrays of Values

To add an interface to an array of values managed by a class, there must be separate methods that report the size of the array, as well as get, and (optionally) set the values of the elements in this array. For example, suppose that MyClass has an array of frequencies:
  double get_frequency (unsigned ichan) const;
  void set_frequency (unsigned ichan, double);
  unsigned get_nchan () const;
To create the interface to this array, the MyClassInterface constructor would include something like:
  VGenerator<double> generator;
  add(generator( "freq", "Frequency of each channel",
		 &MyClass::get_nchan ));
Note that VGenerator is a template with its argument set to the return type of the get_frequency method.

Importing Text Interfaces

When the class for which an interface is being constructed inherits another class and/or is composed of one or more other classes, it proves useful to incorporate the text interfaces to the parent and/or other classes into the new class interface. This is done in the constructor of the new class interface using the TextInterface::To<MyClass>::import method. It is currently possible to import the text interface of:

Inheriting the Parent interface

For example, suppose that a class named Child inherits a class named Parent, and that Parent has defined its text interface in a nested sub-class named Parent::Interface; that is:

  class Parent : public Reference::Able {
    class Interface;

  class Parent::Interface : public TextInterface::To<Parent> {
    //! Default constructor
    Interface (Parent* instance = 0);
Now suppose that the Child class follows the example set by its parent and defines its text interface exactly as above, with a nested sub-class named Child::Interface. In the constructor for Child::Interface, the Parent::Interface is imported as simply as:
Child:::Interface::Interface (Child* instance)
  import ( Parent::Interface() );

  if (instance)
    set_instance (instance);
Note that it is not mandatory to use nested sub-classes in order to import the functionality of a parent text interface into the text interfaces of its derived types. However, this convention proves useful when the text interface requires access to protected methods, and could also enable template codes that find the text interface to a class in this way, e.g.:
template<class T>
void quick_set (T* instance, std::string& key, std::string& value)
  typename T::Interface interface (instance);
  interface.set_value (key, value);

Importing a member interface

For example, suppose that a class named Composite has an attribute of type Component, and that the text interface to Component is defined by a class named ComponentTI. The Composite class must define access to its Component attribute through a method, e.g.

class Composite : public Reference::Able {
  Component* get_member ();
In the constructor for the Composite text interface, the Component text interface is imported as in the following example:
CompositeTI::CompositeTI (Composite* instance)
  import ( "member", ComponentTI(), &Composite::get_member );

  if (instance)
    set_instance (instance);
It is necessary to name the component interface. The names of the attributes in ComponentTI will be prefixed by the name of the component interface followed by a colon. For example, if ComponentTI defined three attribute interfaces
then these would be accessed through CompositeTI via

Importing the interface to the elements of a vector

Now consider a class named Vector which contains an array of attributes of type Element, and that the text interface to Element is defined by a class named ElementTI. The Vector class must define methods that return its size and provide access to each Element, e.g.

class Vector : public Reference::Able {
  unsigned get_size () const;
  Element* get_element (unsigned);
In the constructor for the Vector text interface, the Element text interface is imported as in the following example:
VectorTI::VectorTI (Vector* instance)
  import ( "x", ElementTI(), &Vector::get_element, &Vector::get_size );

  if (instance)
    set_instance (instance);
It is necessary to name the element interface so that is may be distinguished from other members of the vector class. The names of the attributes in ElementTI will be prefixed by the name of the element interface, followed by a range in square brackets, followed by a colon. Following the ComponentTI example from the preceding section, the attributes would be accessed through VectorTI via names like
The last notation means "from the fourth element to the end of the array".

Importing the interface to the data in a map

Now consider a class named Map which contains data of type Data indexed by a variable of type Key; the text interface to Data is defined by a class named DataTI. The Map class must define a method that returns an element of type Data given an argument of type Key, e.g.

class Map : public Reference::Able {
  Data* get_data (const Key&);
In the constructor for the Map text interface, the Data text interface is imported as in the following example:
MapTI::MapTI (Map* instance)
  import ( "y", Key(), DataTI(), &Map::get_data );

  if (instance)
    set_instance (instance);
The names of the attributes in DataTI will be prefixed by the name of the data interface, followed by one or more keys separated by commas and delimited by square brackets, followed by a colon. Continuing the example, suppose that
std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, Key& key);
is defined, which successfully parses colour names: "red", "blue", "green", etc. The attributes of each Data element would be accessed through MapTI via names like
If the name given to a map has zero length, then the square brackets may be omitted.