Describes a single Tempo polyco set. More...

#include <polyco.h>


class  Expert
 Expert interface to polynomial attributes. More...

Public Member Functions

 polynomial ()
 default constructor
 polynomial (const polynomial &poly)
 copy constructor
 ~polynomial ()
const polynomialoperator= (const polynomial &poly)
int load (std::string *instr)
int unload (std::string *outstr) const
int unload (FILE *fptr) const
void prettyprint () const
double period (const MJD &t) const
 Returns the pulse period (in seconds) at the given time.
Pulsar::Phase phase (const MJD &t) const
 Returns the pulse phase (in turns) at the given time.
MJD iphase (const Pulsar::Phase &p, const MJD *=0) const
 Returns the time at the given pulse phase.
long double frequency (const MJD &t) const
 Returns the spin frequency (in Hz) at the given time.
Pulsar::Phase dispersion (const MJD &t, long double MHz) const
 Return the phase correction for dispersion delay.
double chirp (const MJD &t) const
 Returns the spin frequency derivative (in Hz/s) at the given time.
double accel (const MJD &t) const
 Returns the apparent acceleration toward observer (m s^-2)
bool is_tempov11 () const
char get_telescope () const
double get_freq () const
MJD get_reftime () const
Pulsar::Phase get_refphase () const
double get_reffrequency () const
double get_nspan () const
float get_dm () const
int get_ncoeff () const
double get_doppler_shift () const
std::string get_psrname () const
bool get_binary () const
double get_binph () const
double get_log_rms_resid () const
MJD start_time (double f=flexibility) const
MJD end_time (double f=flexibility) const
Pulsar::Phase start_phase (double f=flexibility) const
Pulsar::Phase end_phase (double f=flexibility) const

Static Public Attributes

static double precision = 1e-10
 Determines the precision of iphase (stopping threshold) in seconds.
static double flexibility = 0.1

Protected Member Functions

void init ()
 intializes all values to null

Protected Attributes

std::string psrname
 The pulsar name.
std::string date
 The calendar date string.
std::string utc
 The UTC string.
Pulsar::Phase ref_phase
 The pulsar phase at reftime.
double ref_freq
 Reference rotation frequency, F0 (Hz)
MJD ref_time
 The epoch to which the polynomial is referenced.
char telescope
 TEMPO telescope id code.
double freq
 Observing frequency.
bool binary
 true if the pulsar is in a binary system
double binph
 if binary, binary phase
double binfreq
 if binary, binary frequency
float dm
 dispersion measure
double nspan_mins
 number of minutes spanned by polynomial
bool tempov11
 Flag that the polyco was created using TEMPO v.11 or greater.
double doppler_shift
 Doppler shift due to Earth's motion along line of sight.
double log_rms_resid
 log of the r.m.s residual between polynomial and model
std::vector< double > coefs
 polynomial coefficients
bool keep
 used by polyco::keep to determine if this polynomial is used


class polyco
class Expert
bool operator== (const polynomial &, const polynomial &)
bool operator!= (const polynomial &, const polynomial &)

Detailed Description

Describes a single Tempo polyco set.

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