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HeapTracked.h void set_observatory_latitude(double latitude) Set the latitude of the observatory in radians. Definition: Mount.C:39 void set_source_coordinates(const sky_coord &coords) Set the coordinates of the source. Definition: Mount.C:31 Contains two basic classes that simplify dynamic memory management. Definition: HeapTracked.h:17 double get_hour_angle() const Get the hour_angle in radians. Definition: Mount.C:86 Determines if the instance was dynamically allocated on the heap. Definition: HeapTracked.h:53 HeapTracked & operator=(const HeapTracked &) Assignment operator. Definition: HeapTracked.h:64 static const Site * location(const std::string &antenna) Get the location of the named antenna. Definition: Site_location.C:22 virtual void get_sph(double &lat, double &lon, double &rad) const =0 Get the latitude and longitude in radians, and radius in metres. void set_observatory_longitude(double longitude) Set the longitude of the observatory in radians East of Greenwich. Definition: Mount.C:51 double get_azimuth() const Get the azimuth angle in radians. Definition: Horizon.C:27 bool __is_on_heap() const Return true if this instance is found in heap addresses. Definition: HeapTracked.C:96 double get_local_sidereal_time() const Get the LST in radians. Definition: Mount.C:100 void set_local_sidereal_time(double rad) Set the LST in radians. Definition: Mount.C:93 static size_t get_heap_queue_size() Return the number of heap addresses awaiting processing. Definition: HeapTracked.C:47 double get_zenith() const Get the zenith angle in radians. Definition: Horizon.C:41 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17