Estimate< T, U > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Estimate< T, U >, including all inherited members.

abs (defined in Estimate< T, U >)Estimate< T, U >friend
atan(const Estimate &u)Estimate< T, U >friend
atan2(const Estimate &s, const Estimate &c)Estimate< T, U >friend
atanh(const Estimate &u)Estimate< T, U >friend
copysign (defined in Estimate< T, U >)Estimate< T, U >friend
cos(const Estimate &u)Estimate< T, U >friend
cosh(const Estimate &u)Estimate< T, U >friend
Estimate(T _val=0, U _var=0)Estimate< T, U >inline
Estimate(const Estimate< V, W > &d)Estimate< T, U >inline
Estimate(const MeanEstimate< V, W > &m)Estimate< T, U >inline
Estimate(const MeanRadian< V, W > &m)Estimate< T, U >inline
exp(const Estimate &u)Estimate< T, U >friend
get_error() constEstimate< T, U >inline
get_value() constEstimate< T, U >inline
get_variance() constEstimate< T, U >inline
inverse() constEstimate< T, U >inline
isfinite (defined in Estimate< T, U >)Estimate< T, U >friend
isinf (defined in Estimate< T, U >)Estimate< T, U >friend
isnan (defined in Estimate< T, U >)Estimate< T, U >friend
log(const Estimate &u)Estimate< T, U >friend
operator!=(const Estimate &d) constEstimate< T, U >inline
operator* (defined in Estimate< T, U >)Estimate< T, U >friend
operator*=(const Estimate &d)Estimate< T, U >inline
operator+ (defined in Estimate< T, U >)Estimate< T, U >friend
operator+=(const Estimate &d)Estimate< T, U >inline
operator- (defined in Estimate< T, U >)Estimate< T, U >friend
operator-(Estimate a)Estimate< T, U >friend
operator-=(const Estimate &d)Estimate< T, U >inline
operator/ (defined in Estimate< T, U >)Estimate< T, U >friend
operator/=(const Estimate &d)Estimate< T, U >inline
operator<(const Estimate &d) constEstimate< T, U >inline
operator=(const Estimate &d)Estimate< T, U >inline
operator==(const Estimate &d) constEstimate< T, U >inline
operator>(const Estimate &d) constEstimate< T, U >inline
operator[](unsigned)Estimate< T, U >inline
operator[](unsigned) constEstimate< T, U >inline
set_error(const U &u)Estimate< T, U >inline
set_value(const T &t)Estimate< T, U >inline
set_variance(const U &u)Estimate< T, U >inline
sin(const Estimate &u)Estimate< T, U >friend
sinh(const Estimate &u)Estimate< T, U >friend
sqrt(const Estimate &u)Estimate< T, U >friend
valEstimate< T, U >
val_type typedef (defined in Estimate< T, U >)Estimate< T, U >
varEstimate< T, U >
var_type typedef (defined in Estimate< T, U >)Estimate< T, U >

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