static void | enlist () |
| Add an instance of this class to the Agent::libraries attribute.
static unsigned | get_num_libraries () |
| Get the number of available libraries.
static std::string | get_library_name (unsigned i) |
| Get the name of the ith available library.
static void | set_library (const std::string &name) |
| Set the current library by name. More...
static size_t | get_instance_count () |
| Returns the current number instances in existence.
static void * | operator new (size_t size, void *ptr=0) |
| Records the addresses of new instances allocated on the heap.
static void | operator delete (void *location, void *ptr) |
| Placement delete overload to match the placement new overload.
static void | operator delete (void *location) |
| Regular delete overload.
static size_t | get_heap_queue_size () |
| Return the number of heap addresses awaiting processing.
template<class Library>
class FTransform::PlanAgent< Library >
Template virtual base class of FFT library agents.
To use this template, the Library class must have nested classes named Plan, Plan2, and Agent