A set of ranges of values with a common Phase::Unit.
#include <PhaseRange.h>
Ranges | as (Unit) const |
| HasUnit (Unit u=Turns) |
unsigned | get_bin (double value) const |
double | get_as (Unit, double value, bool round_down=false) const |
double | get_scale (Unit) const |
void | set_unit (Unit u) |
Unit | get_unit () const |
void | set_nbin (unsigned N) |
void | set_period (double P_ms) |
| Set the period in milliseconds.
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &, const Ranges &) |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &, Ranges &) |
std::ostream & | insertion (std::ostream &) const |
std::istream & | extraction (std::istream &) |
Unit | unit |
unsigned | nbin |
double | period |
bool | insert_units |
A set of ranges of values with a common Phase::Unit.
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