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ArchiveExpert.h void set_nchan(unsigned numchan) Set the number of frequency channels. Definition: ArchiveExpert.h:52 friend class Expert The default baseline removal strategy. Definition: Archive.h:579 void correct() Perform all of the corrections defined in Base/Checks/Check_registry.C. Definition: ArchiveExpert.h:92 void init_Integration(Integration *subint) Initialize an Integration to reflect Archive attributes. Definition: ArchiveExpert.h:64 IntegrationManager() null constructor Definition: IntegrationManager.C:16 Predictor * get_model() Return a non-const pointer to the current phase predictor. Definition: ArchiveExpert.h:84 Array of Profiles integrated over the same time interval. Definition: Integration.h:37 void set_npol(unsigned numpol) Set the number of polarization measurements. Definition: ArchiveExpert.h:56 void set_nbin(unsigned numbins) Set the number of pulsar phase bins. Definition: ArchiveExpert.h:48 bool zero_phase_aligned() const Return true if all Integration::zero_phase_aligned flags are set. Definition: ArchiveExpert.h:88 static void get_agent_list(std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &details) Get agent list. Definition: ArchiveExpert.h:96 Integration * load_Integration(const char *filename, unsigned subint) Load the specified Integration from filename, returning new instance. Definition: ArchiveExpert.h:60 void update_model(const MJD &mjd) Update the model. Definition: ArchiveExpert.h:76 void resize_Integration(Integration *integration) Provide Integration::resize access to Archive-derived classes. Definition: ArchiveExpert.h:68 void apply_model(Integration *subint, const Predictor *old=0) Apply the current model to the Integration. Definition: ArchiveExpert.h:72 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17