Pulsar Namespace Reference

Defines the PSRCHIVE library. More...


 Namespace contains GBT receiver info.
 Contains the enumeration of all calibrator types.
 Namespace contains Effelsberg receiver info.
 Namespace contains GBT receiver info.
 Namespace contains Nancay-specifc info.
 Namespace contains Parkes-specific routines.
 Namespace contains general info for each telescope.


class  Accumulate
 Profile differentiation algorithm. More...
class  AdaptiveSmooth
 Profile smoothing algorithms that automatically pick smoothing size based on profile SNR. More...
class  AdaptiveSNR
 Calculates the signal-to-noise ratio using a ProfileWeightFunction. More...
class  AddNoise
 Compute the logarithm of the Profile. More...
class  Algorithm
 Data manipulation implementations. More...
class  AnglePlot
 Plots an angle and its error as a function of pulse phase. More...
class  Append
 Algorithms that combine Integration data. More...
class  Application
 Application with basic command line options. More...
class  Archive
 The primary interface to pulsar observational data. More...
class  ArchiveSort
 Used in sorting archives by source name, frequency, and epoch. More...
class  ArchiveStatistic
 Commmon statistics that can be derived from an Archive. More...
class  ArrivalTime
 Manages arrival time estimation. More...
class  ASCIIArchive
 Loads ASCII data files also known as SIGPROC format. More...
class  ASPArchive
 Loads and unloads ASP Pulsar archives. More...
class  AuxColdPlasma
 Auxiliary cold plasma dispersion and birefringence corrections. More...
class  AuxColdPlasmaMeasures
 Stores parameters used to correct auxiliary dispersion and birefringence. More...
class  Backend
 Stores information about the instrument backend. More...
class  BackendCorrection
 Correct the backend convention. More...
class  BackendFeedInfo
 Communicates BackendFeed parameters to plotting routines. More...
class  BandpassChannelWeightPlot
 Plot of offpulse bandpass and channel weights. More...
class  BasebandArchive
 Pulsar Archive produced by psrdisp. More...
class  BaselineEstimator
 ProfileWeight algorithms that compute profile baselines. More...
class  BaselineStatic
 Finds a Profile baseline using an interative bounding method. More...
class  BaselineWindow
 Finds the phase window in which the smoothed Profile is an extremum. More...
class  BasicArchive
 Defines the pure virtual methods declared in Pulsar::Archive. More...
class  BasicIntegration
 BasicIntegration class. More...
class  BasisCorrection
 Correct the backend convention. More...
class  BinaryPhaseOrder
class  BinLngAscOrder
class  BinLngPeriOrder
class  BoostShiftAnalysis
 Analysis of the impact of instrumental boost on phase shift estimate. More...
class  BPPArchive
 Loads and unloads BPP Pulsar archives. More...
class  BrittonInfo
 Communicates Britton (2000) parameters to plotting routines. More...
class  CalibrationInterpolator
 A calibration solution that spans a finite bandwidth and time. More...
class  CalibrationInterpolatorExtension
 Stores Polarization Calibration Model Interpolator information. More...
class  Calibrator
 Polarization and flux calibrators. More...
class  CalibratorExtension
 Stores Calibrator parameters in an Archive. More...
class  CalibratorInfo
 Plots every class of model parameters from Calibrator::Info. More...
class  CalibratorParameter
 Plots a single class of model parameters from Calibrator::Info. More...
class  CalibratorPlotter
 Plots Calibrator parameters. More...
class  CalibratorSpectrum
 Plots flux profiles. More...
class  CalibratorStokes
 Stores the Stokes parameters of the reference source. More...
class  CalibratorStokesInfo
 Communicates CalibratorStokes parameters to plotting routines. More...
class  CalInfoExtension
 Stores information about the reference source (ATNF) More...
class  CalPhVFreqPlot
 Plots the calibrator phase vs frequency. More...
class  CalSource
 Corrects the Signal::Source type attribute of the Archive. More...
class  ChannelSubsetMatch
 Determine if one set of channels is a subset of another. More...
class  ChannelWeight
 Algorithms that set the weights of frequency channels. More...
class  ChannelWeightsPlot
 Plot of data weight vs frequency. More...
class  ChannelZapMedian
 Uses a median smoothed spectrum to find birdies and zap them. More...
class  CoherentDedispersion
 Record of phase-coherent dispersion removal algorithm. More...
class  ColdPlasma
 Corrects dielectric effects in cold plasma. More...
class  ColdPlasmaHistory
 Stores parameters used to correct Faraday rotation in each Integration. More...
class  Combination
 Binary transformations that combine data from another Container. More...
class  CommonOptions
 Common command line options. More...
class  CompareWith
 Loops over two dimensions of an Archive, comparing profiles. More...
class  CompareWithEachOther
 Summarizes a comparison of each Profile with every other Profile. More...
class  CompareWithSum
 Summarizes a comparison of each Profile with their sum. More...
class  ComplexRVMFit
 Fit rotating vector model to Stokes Q and U profiles. More...
class  ComponentModel
 Models a pulse profile using multiple components. More...
class  Config
 Stores PSRCHIVE configuration parameters. More...
class  ConstantGainInfo
 FluxCalibrator parameter communication. More...
class  Container
 Data storage implementations. More...
class  Contemporaneity
 Evaluates the contemporaneity of Integrations from two Archives. More...
class  ConvertIsolated
 Converts elements without equal neighbours to another state. More...
class  Convolve
 Computes the difference between two profiles. More...
class  Correction
class  Correlate
 Computes the difference between two profiles. More...
class  CrossValidatedSmooth2D
 Determines the spline smoothing factor as in Clark (1977) More...
class  Database
 Pulsar Observation Database. More...
class  DataExtension
class  Dedisperse
 Stores parameters used to correct dispersion in each Integration. More...
class  Dedispersed
 Verifies that each Integration has a consistent Dedisperse Extension. More...
class  DeFaraday
 Stores parameters used to correct Faraday rotation in each Integration. More...
class  DeFaradayed
 Verifies that each Integration has a consistent DeFaraday Extension. More...
class  DeltaPA
 Computes mean position angle difference from weighted cross-correlation. More...
class  DeltaRM
 Refines an RM estimate using two halves of the band. More...
class  Detrend
 Profile differentiation algorithm. More...
class  Differentiate
 Profile differentiation algorithm. More...
class  DigitiserCounts
 Stores digitizer histograms. More...
class  DigitiserCountsPlot
 Plots a histogram of the DigitiserCounts. More...
class  DigitiserStatistics
 Stores digitizer statistics. More...
class  Dimensions
 Provides enumerated access to the dimensions of an Archive. More...
class  DisperseWeight
 Shift phase weight mask by dispersion delay. More...
class  Dispersion
 Corrects dispersive delays. More...
class  DispersionDelay
 Computes the dispersion delay. More...
class  Distortion
 Analysis of the impact of instrumental boost on phase shift estimate. More...
class  DoPCalibrator
 Degree of Polarization Calibrator (P236) More...
class  DoubleMedian
 Median smooth in time then frequency. More...
class  dspReduction
 Stores dspsr data reduction parameters. More...
class  DurationWeight
 Sets the weight of each Integration according to its duration. More...
class  DynamicBaselineSpectrumPlot
 Plots off-pulse mean or variance as a func of time and freq. More...
class  DynamicCalSpectrumPlot
 Plots off-pulse mean or variance as a func of time and freq. More...
class  DynamicSNSpectrumPlot
 Plot pulsar signal-to-noise ratio as a func of time and freq. More...
class  DynamicSpectrum
 Computes dynamic spectrum (flux vs time/freq) of an Archive. More...
class  DynamicSpectrumPlot
 Base class for image plots of something vs time and frequency. More...
class  DynamicStatSpectrumPlot
 Plots off-pulse mean or variance as a func of time and freq. More...
class  DynamicWeightSpectrumPlot
 Plot archive weights as a func of time and freq. More...
class  Editor
 Edit the metadata in a pulsar archive. More...
class  EllAngPlot
 Plots the ellipticity angle of the polarized radiation. More...
class  EmptyInterface
 Convenience interface used to add ShiftEstimator children to factory. More...
class  EPNArchive
 Reads the European Pulsar Network (EPN) file format. More...
class  EPOSArchive
 Loads and unloads EPOS Pulsar archives. More...
class  ExampleArchive
 Loads and unloads Example Pulsar archives. More...
class  ExampleExtension
 Example Archive::Extension. More...
class  ExponentialBaseline
 Finds a baseline that contains gaussian white noise. More...
class  Extract
 Extracts (and keeps) a specified range of phase bins. More...
class  FaradayRotation
 Corrects Faraday rotation. More...
class  FeedExtension
 Stores a known feed transformation. More...
class  FITSAlias
 PSRFITS parameter names for Archive TextInterface attribute names. More...
class  FITSArchive
 Loads and unloads PSRFITS archives. More...
class  FITSHdrExtension
 Stores PSRFITS header extensions. More...
class  FITSSUBHdrExtension
 Stores PSRFITS SUBINT header parameters. More...
class  FixedFrequencyPredictor
class  FixFluxCal
 Corrects the Signal::Source type and name attributes of the Archive. More...
class  FluctPlot
 Plots fluctuation power spectra. More...
class  FluctSpectStats
 Manages statistics of fluctuation spectra (Fourier transform of pulse profile) More...
class  FluctuationSpectrumStats
 Computes statistics of the fluctuation spectrum (Fourier transform of pulse profile) More...
class  Flux
 Computes average flux of a Profile. More...
class  FluxCalibrator
 Calibrates flux using standard candles and artificial sources. More...
class  FluxCalibratorExtension
 Flux Calibrator Extension. More...
class  FluxCalManagerInfo
 Communicates FluxCalManager parameters to plotting routines. More...
class  FluxCentroid
 Estimates phase shift using the flux "centre of mass". More...
class  FluxPlot
 Plots flux profiles. More...
class  FortranSNR
 Calculates the signal-to-noise ratio by fitting against a standard. More...
class  FourierDomainFit
 Estimates phase shift in Fourier domain with MCMC error estimate *‍/. More...
class  FourierSNR
 Calculates the signal-to-noise ratio in the Fourier domain. More...
class  FourthMoments
class  FourthMomentStats
 Computes fourth-order moment pulse profile statistics. More...
class  FramedPlot
 A Plot with a PlotFrame. More...
class  FrequencyAppend
 Algorithms that combine Integration data. More...
class  FrequencyIntegrate
 Integrates frequency channels in an Integration. More...
class  FrequencyPlot
 Simple plots with radio frequency along the x-axis. More...
class  FrequencyScale
 Represents an axis with radio frequency ordinate. More...
class  FrontendCorrection
 Corrects the recorded properties of the frontend. More...
class  FscrunchInterpreter
 Manages Containter frequency integration for an Interpreter using an Engine. More...
class  GaussianBaseline
 Adaptively computes the baseline, assuming normally distributed noise. More...
class  GaussianShift
 Estimates phase shift in time domain using Gaussian interpolation. More...
class  Generator
class  HasArchive
 Manages an archive and its index interface. More...
class  HasBaselineEstimator
 Manages a baseline estimator and its interface. More...
class  HasChannels
 Archive extensions that contain information for each frequency channel. More...
class  HasPen
 Interface to objects that have a PlotPen. More...
class  HasPhaseScale
 Interface to plots with a phase scale. More...
class  HybridCalibrator
 Supplements a SystemCalibrator with a SingleAxisCalibrator. More...
class  ImageCorrection
 Corrects band-reversed signal due to poor image rejection. More...
class  Index
 Combines an index value and integrate flag. More...
class  InfoLabel
 Print a label with three rows above the plot frame. More...
class  InstrumentInfo
 Communicates Instrument parameters to plotting routines. More...
class  Integrate
 Profile integration algorithms. More...
class  Integration
 Array of Profiles integrated over the same time interval. More...
class  IntegrationBarycentre
 Convenience interface to Barycentre class. More...
class  IntegrationManager
 Manages a vector of Integration instances. More...
class  IntegrationOrder
 Alternative ways of ordering Integration instances. More...
class  IntegrationWeight
 Algorithms that set the weights of sub-integrations. More...
class  Interpreter
 Pulsar data processing command language interpreter. More...
class  InterQuartileRange
 Uses the inter-quartile range to mask bad channels and sub-integrations. More...
class  IonosphereCalibrator
 Corrects ionospheric Faraday rotation. More...
class  IQRBaseline
 Finds a baseline that falls within the the inter-quartile range. More...
class  IterativeBaseline
 Finds a Profile baseline using an interative bounding method. More...
class  ITRFExtension
 International Terrestrial Reference Frame Extension. More...
class  IXRInfo
 Communicates PolnCalibrator IXR to plotting routines. More...
class  LastHarmonic
 Finds the last significant harmonic in a flucuation power spectral density. More...
class  LastSignificant
 Find the last significant harmonic in a PSD. More...
class  LawnMower
 Removes broad-band impulsive spikes from pulse profiles. More...
class  LinePhasePlot
 Draw a set of profiles for subints stacked ontop of eachother. More...
class  Logarithm
 Compute the logarithm of the Profile. More...
class  ManagedStrategies
 Inserted by Integration class to tell Profile instance it is managed. More...
class  ManualPolnCalibrator
 Phenomenological description of the instrument. More...
class  ManualVariableTransformation
 Adapts a VariableTransformation to a ManualPolnCalibrator. More...
class  MaskSmooth
 Smooths a mask by masking elements with masked neighbours. More...
class  MatrixTemplateMatching
 Estimates phase shift in Fourier domain using matrix template matching. More...
class  MeanPhase
 Estimates phase shift using the weighted mean sine and cosine of phase. More...
class  ModeSeparation
 Separates polarized modes of emission. More...
class  ModularSNR
 Calculates the S/N using an on-pulse and off-pulse ProfileWeightFunction. More...
class  MoreProfiles
class  MoreScale
 Represents an axis with radio frequency ordinate. More...
class  Mower
 Replaces impulsive DM=0 spikes with randomly selected noise. More...
class  MultiData
 Combines multiple data sets in a single plot. More...
class  MultiDataPlot
 Combines multiple data sets in a single plot. More...
class  MultiFrame
 Manages multiple plot frames. More...
class  MultiFrequency
 Plots multiple viewports with radio frequency along the shared x-axis. More...
class  MultiPhase
 Plots multiple viewports with pulse phase along the shared x-axis. More...
class  MultiPlot
 Plots multiple viewports. More...
class  NoiseStatistics
 Computes the noise to Fourier noise ratio. More...
class  ObsDescription
 Stores pulsar parameters as uninterpreted text. More...
class  ObsExtension
 Observation Information Extension. More...
class  OffPulseCalibrator
 Uses the off-pulse noise statistics to scale the polarization. More...
class  OnPulseEstimator
 ProfileWeight algorithms that compute on-pulse phase bins. More...
class  OnPulseThreshold
 Uses the baseline statistics to find on-pulse phase bins. More...
class  Option
 Configuration option. More...
class  Parameters
class  ParIntShift
 Estimates phase shift in time domain using parabolic interpolation. More...
class  Passband
 Instrumental passband (or bandpass) More...
class  PatchFrequency
 Fills missing frequency channels with empties. More...
class  PatchTime
 Fills missing sub-integrations with empties. More...
class  pdv_KtZ_Archive
 Loads data from the ASCII output by pdv -KtZ More...
class  PeakConsecutive
 Finds pulse defined by number of consecutive points above threshold. More...
class  PeakCumulative
 Find the edges of a pulse. More...
class  PeriastronOrder
class  PhaseGradShift
 Estimates phase shift in Fourier domain. More...
class  PhasePlot
 Simple plots with pulse phase along the x-axis. More...
class  PhaseResolvedHistogram
class  PhaseScale
 Reperesents an axis with pulse phase ordinate. More...
class  PhaseSNR
 Calculates the signal-to-noise ratio using old default algorithm. More...
class  PhaseVsFrequency
 Plots images of something as a function of pulse phase vs something. More...
class  PhaseVsFrequencyPlus
 Plots phase vs. frequency, plus integrated profile and spectrum. More...
class  PhaseVsHist
 Plots 2-D histograms of something vs pulse phase. More...
class  PhaseVsHistPlus
 Plots phase vs. frequency, plus integrated profile and spectrum. More...
class  PhaseVsMore
 Plots images of something as a function of pulse phase vs something. More...
class  PhaseVsPlot
 Plots images of something as a function of pulse phase vs something. More...
class  PhaseVsTime
 Plots images of something as a function of pulse phase vs something. More...
class  PhaseWeight
 Stores a weight for each Profile phase bin. More...
class  PhaseWeightFunction
 Algorithms that produce PhaseWeight objects. More...
class  PhaseWeightModifier
 PhaseWeight algorithms that receive an input PhaseWeight. More...
class  PhaseWeightShift
 Shifts PhaseWeight elements. More...
class  PhaseWeightSmooth
 Algorithms that smooth PhaseWeight containers. More...
class  PhaseWeightStatistic
 Commmon statistics that can be derived from a pulse profile. More...
class  PhaseWidth
 Calculates the pulse width in the phase domain. More...
class  Plot
 Base class of all plotters. More...
class  PlotAnnotation
 Add generic annotations to any SimplePlot. More...
class  PlotAttributes
 Stores the properties of the plot frame. More...
class  PlotAxis
 Stores the label and cpgbox options for an axis. More...
class  PlotEdge
 The edge of a plot viewport. More...
class  PlotFactory
 Provides a text interface to create new plots. More...
class  PlotFrame
 Stores the properties of the plot frame. More...
class  PlotLabel
 Stores three labels: left, centre, and right. More...
class  PlotLoop
 Base class of all plotters. More...
class  PlotOptions
 Plot command line options. More...
class  PlotPen
 Stores and sets plot line attributes. More...
class  PlotScale
 The scale on an axis. More...
class  PlotWindow
 Manages a window in which to Plot an Archive. More...
class  Poincare
 Plots the Stokes vector in three-dimensional Poincare space. More...
class  Pointing
 Telescope pointing parameters recorded during the observation. More...
class  PolarCalibrator
 Represents the system as a polar decomposition. More...
class  PolnCalExtFreqIntegrate
 Integrates frequency channels in a polarization calibration extension. More...
class  PolnCalibrator
 Polarimetric calibrators. More...
class  PolnCalibratorExtension
 Stores PolnCalibrator parameters in an Archive instance. More...
class  PolnProfile
 Polarimetric pulse profile transformations and derivations. More...
class  PolnProfileFit
 The matrix template matching algorithm. More...
class  PolnProfileShiftEstimator
 Algorithms that estimate phase shift from a single polarization profile. More...
class  PolnProfileStats
 Computes polarimetric pulse profile statistics. More...
class  PolnSpectrumStats
 Computes statistics of full-polarization fluctuation spectra. More...
class  PolnStatistics
 Interface to polarization statistics. More...
class  PolynomialInfo
 Communicates Polynomial function parameters to plotting routines. More...
class  PosAngPlot
 Plots the position angle of the linearly polarized radiation. More...
class  PowerEstimator
 Produces on-pulse and off-pulse power spectra. More...
class  PowerSpectra
 Plots flux profiles. More...
class  Predictor
class  PRESTOArchive
 Loads and unloads PRESTO Prepfold (.pfd) pulsar archives. More...
class  Processor
 Interface to any object that processes data in an Archive. More...
class  Profile
 Any quantity recorded as a function of pulse phase. More...
class  ProfileAmps
 Provides protected access to the Profile amplitudes array. More...
class  ProfileColumn
 Loads and unloads Profile vector from PSRFITS archives. More...
class  ProfileCovariance
class  ProfilePCA
 Examines profile shape variation with principal components analysis. More...
class  ProfilePlot
 Plots a single pulse profile. More...
class  ProfileShiftEstimator
 Algorithms that estimate the phase shift from a single pulse profile. More...
class  ProfileShiftFit
 Calculates profile shifts by fitting to a template/standard. More...
class  ProfileStandardShift
 Estimates the phase shift relative to a standard pulse profile. More...
class  ProfileStatistic
 Commmon statistics that can be derived from a pulse profile. More...
class  ProfileStats
 Computes pulse profile statistics. More...
class  ProfileVectorPlotter
 Plots flux profiles. More...
class  ProfileWeightFunction
 PhaseWeight algorithms that receive an input Profile. More...
class  ProfileWeightStatic
 Set the Profile weights to a user-specified value. More...
class  ProjectionCorrection
 Correct the backend convention. More...
class  PulsarCalibrator
 Implements Measurement Equation Template Matching (van Straten 2013) More...
class  PuMaArchive
 Loads and unloads PuMa Pulsar archives. More...
class  RadiometerWeight
 Sets the weight of each Integration according to its duration. More...
class  Receiver
 Contains information about the receiver and receiver platform. More...
class  ReceptionCalibrator
 Implements Measurement Equation Modeling (van Straten 2004) More...
class  ReceptionCalibratorPlotter
 Plots the various components of a ReceptionCalibrator. More...
class  ReferenceCalibrator
 Calibrators derived from reference source observations. More...
class  RemoveBaseline
 Algorithms that remove the off-pulse baseline. More...
class  RemoveVariableBaseline
 Remove a variable baseline from each profile. More...
class  RiseFall
 Estimates the on-pulse region between a rise and a fall. More...
class  RobustMower
 Lawn mower algorithm uses robust statistics to find spikes. More...
class  RotatingVectorModelOptions
 RotatingVectorModel command line options. More...
class  RotatingVectorModelShift
 Estimates phase shift using phi0 from the best-fit rotating vector model. More...
class  ScalarProfileFitAnalysis
 Analysis of the scalar template matching algorithm. More...
class  ScalarTemplateMatching
 The original scalar template matching algorithm. More...
class  ScatteredPowerCorrection
 Corrects the power scattered due to 2-bit quantization. More...
class  ScintArchive
 A TimerArchive with transposed phase and frequency axis. More...
class  ScintPowerEstimator
 Returns power estimates from a ScintArchive. More...
class  ScrunchFactor
 Manages a combined scrunch factor or target dimension. More...
class  SetReceiver
 Looks up the receiver name from a log file and installs parameters. More...
class  SetThresholds
 Uses set cutoff values to mask bad channels and sub-integrations. More...
class  ShiftEstimator
 Algorithms that estimate pulse phase shifts. More...
class  SimplePlot
 Plots a single plot. More...
class  SimplePolnProfile
 Simulates a simple Gaussian with a standard RVM and zero circular. More...
class  SimplePredictor
class  SimPolnTiming
 Simulates full-Stokes arrival time estimation. More...
class  SincInterpShift
 Estimates phase shift via sinc interpolation of CCF. More...
class  SingleAxisCalibrator
 Represents the system as a Calibration::SingleAxis. More...
class  Site
class  Smooth
 Profile smoothing algorithms. More...
class  SmoothMean
 Smooths a Profile using the mean over a boxcar. More...
class  SmoothMedian
 Smooths a Profile using the median over a boxcar. More...
class  SmoothSinc
 Smooths a Profile by convolution with a sinc function. More...
class  SNRatioEstimator
 Algorithms that estimate the signal-to-noise ratio of pulse profiles. More...
class  SNRWeight
 Sets the weight of each Profile according to its S/N squared. More...
class  SolverInfo
 Communicates PolnCalibrator solver parameters to plotting routines. More...
class  SortedMinimumSlope
 Uses the minimum slope of the sorted data to define the good "median". More...
class  SourceInfo
 Communicates Calibrator Stokes parameters. More...
class  SpectralKurtosis
 Spectral Kurtosis Staticstics calculated during observation. More...
class  SpectrumPlot
 Plots a single spectrum. More...
class  SplineSmooth
 Base class of penalized splines (p-spline) for smoothing. More...
class  SquareWave
 Calculates the signal-to-noise ratio using (on-off)/rms. More...
class  StandardFlux
 Computes average flux of a Profile by fitting to a standard. More...
class  StandardOptions
 Standard interpreter command line options. More...
class  StandardSNR
 Calculates the signal-to-noise ratio by fitting against a standard. More...
class  StandardSNRWeight
 Sets the weight of each Profile according to its S/N squared. More...
class  Statistics
 Interface to a variety of useful statistics. More...
class  StepsInfo
 Communicates Steps function parameters to plotting routines. More...
class  StokesCovariance
 Phase-resolved four-dimensional covariance matrix of Stokes parameters. More...
class  StokesCovariancePlot
 Plots a polarization pulse profile. More...
class  StokesCrossCovariance
 Cross-covariances between the Stokes parameters. More...
class  StokesCrossCovariancePlot
 Plots a polarization pulse profile. More...
class  StokesCylindrical
 Plots a single pulse profile. More...
class  StokesCylindricalPlus
 Plots a single pulse profile. More...
class  StokesFluctPhase
 Plots fluctuation power spectra. More...
class  StokesFluctPlot
 Plots fluctuation power spectra. More...
class  StokesPlot
 Plots a polarization pulse profile. More...
class  StokesSpherical
 Plots a single pulse profile. More...
class  Subtract
 Computes the difference between two profiles. More...
class  SumThreshold
 Implement the SumThreshold masking algorithm. More...
class  SyntheticPolnProfile
 Simulated polarimetric pulse profile. More...
class  SystemCalibrator
 PolnCalibrator with estimated calibrator Stokes parameters. More...
class  SystemCalibratorPlotter
 Plots the various components of a SystemCalibrator. More...
class  TapeInfo
 Stores information about the tape on which the data were recorded. More...
class  Telescope
 Contains information about the telescope used for the observation. More...
class  TextParameters
class  ThresholdMatch
 Criterion used to determine if two archives match. More...
class  TimeAppend
 Algorithms that combine Integration data. More...
class  TimeFrequencyMask
 Compute mask from statistic vs time/freq. More...
class  TimeFrequencySmooth
 Smooth a statistic vs time freq. More...
class  TimeFrequencyZap
 Find bad data using a statistic vs time and frequency. More...
class  TimeIntegrate
 Integrates sub-integrations in an Archive. More...
class  TimerArchive
 Reads and writes the timer archive file format. More...
class  TimeScale
 Represents an axis with a time ordinate. More...
class  Transformation
 Algorithms that modify data in the Container. More...
class  Transposer
 Provides access to transposed Archive data. More...
class  TwoBitPlot
 Plots the measured distribution of the fraction of low voltage states. More...
class  TwoBitStats
 Stores histograms of two-bit low-voltage states. More...
class  TwoDeeMedian
 Median smooth using a 2-dimensional boxcar. More...
class  UnloadJones
 Unloads SystemCalibrator as a 2-D array of Jones matrices. More...
class  UnloadOptions
 Unload interpreter command line options. More...
class  UsingQTDRIV
 Manages a window in which to Plot an Archive. More...
class  UsingXSERVE
 Manages a window in which to Plot an Archive. More...
class  UVMArchive
 Loads UVM data files. More...
class  VariableProjectionCorrection
 Adapts a VariableTransformation to a ProjectionCorrection. More...
class  VariableTransformation
 Analysis of the impact of instrumental boost on phase shift estimate. More...
class  VariationInfo
 Communicates time variation parameters to plotting routines. More...
class  Verification
class  WAPPArchive
 Loads and unloads WAPP Pulsar archives. More...
class  WaveletSmooth
 Profile smoothing (more accurately denoising) that uses a thresholded wavelet transform. More...
class  WaveletTransform
 Performs 1-D discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) More...
class  Weight
 Algorithms that set the weights of all Profiles in an Archive. More...
class  WeightedFrequency
 Compute the weighted mean frequency. More...
class  WeightInterpreter
 Interprets configuration strings into a weighting policy. More...
class  WidebandCorrelator
 Stores Parkes Wideband Correlator parameters. More...
class  WidthEstimator
 Algorithms that estimate the width of the pulse profile. More...
class  ZapExtend
 Extend zapped areas in time and/or frequency. More...
class  ZeroPadShift
 Estimates phase shift in Fourier domain using zero-pad interpolation. More...


bool in_frequency_order (const Archive *A, const Archive *B)
 Return true if A precedes B in frequency order of channels.
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Option< T > &o)
template<typename T >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &istr, Option< T > &option)
template<typename UnaryProfileMethod , typename Argument >
void foreach (Integration *integration, UnaryProfileMethod method, const Argument &arg)
template<typename BinaryProfileMethod >
void foreach (Integration *integration, const Integration *operand, BinaryProfileMethod method)
bool temporal_order (const Reference::To< Integration > &A, const Reference::To< Integration > &B)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, CalibrationInterpolatorExtension::Parameter::Type)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, CalibratorStokes::CouplingPoint)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, CalibratorStokes::CouplingPoint &)
void load (fitsfile *fptr, CalibratorExtension *ext)
void unload (fitsfile *fptr, const CalibratorExtension *ext)
void load_Estimates (fitsfile *fptr, std::vector< Estimate< double > > &data, const char *column_name, bool verbose=false)
void unload_Estimates (fitsfile *fptr, const std::vector< Estimate< double > > &data, const char *column_name, const std::vector< unsigned > *dims=0)
void TimerProfile_load (FILE *fptr, Profile *profile, bool big_endian=true)
 load a Profile from a timer archive More...
void TimerProfile_unload (FILE *fptr, const Profile *profile, int poln)
 unload a Profile to a timer archive More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, ArchiveStatistic *stat)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &istr, ArchiveStatistic *&stat)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, Smooth *e)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &istr, Smooth *&e)
void find_spike_edges (const Profile *profile, int &rise, int &fall, float pc=0.2, int spike_bin=-1)
 Find the bin numbers at which the flux falls below a threshold. More...
void instance_report ()
Profilemorphological_difference (const Profile *p1, const Profile *p2, double &scale, double &shift, float phs1=0, float phs2=1.0)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, ProfileWeightFunction *e)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &istr, ProfileWeightFunction *&e)
bool operator< (const ArchiveSort &a, const ArchiveSort &b)
 Comparison operator.
void foreach (Archive *, Reference::To< Transformation< Profile > >)
void foreach (Integration *, Reference::To< Transformation< Profile > >)
void foreach (Archive *, const Archive *, Reference::To< Combination< Profile > >)
void foreach (Integration *, const Integration *, Reference::To< Combination< Profile > >)
void counter_drift (Archive *archive, double trial_p, double trial_pdot=0.0, MJD reference_time=MJD::zero)
 Rotates subints to counter a drifting pulse due to incorrect P/Pdot.
void counter_frequency_drift (Archive *archive, double trial_nu0, double trial_nu1, MJD reference_time=MJD::zero)
 Same as above, but inputs are in frequency domain.
void multi_counter_fdrift (Archive *archive, std::vector< double > nus, MJD reference_time=MJD::zero)
 Same as above, but takes multiple frequency derivatives.
Profilefourier_transform (const Profile *, FTransform::Plan *=0)
 Return the forward Fourier transform of the input Profile.
PolnProfilefourier_transform (const PolnProfile *, FTransform::Plan *=0)
 Return the forward Fourier transform of the input PolnProfile.
Profilecomplex_fourier_transform (const Profile *, FTransform::Plan *=0)
 Return the forward Fourier transform of the input Profile.
PolnProfilecomplex_fourier_transform (const PolnProfile *, FTransform::Plan *=0)
 Return the forward Fourier transform of the input PolnProfile.
void detect (Profile *input)
 Square-law detect the input complex-valued Profile.
void phase (Profile *input)
 Compute the phase of the input complex-valued Profile.
void detect (PolnProfile *input)
 Square-law detect the input complex-valued PolnProfile.
void phase (PolnProfile *input)
 Compute the phase of the input complex-valued PolnProfile.
void fourier_to_re_im (const PolnProfile *fourier, PolnProfile *re, PolnProfile *im)
 Divide the output of fourier_transform into its real and imaginary components.
void fourier_to_re_im (const Profile *fourier, Profile *re, Profile *im)
 Divide the output of fourier_transform into its real and imaginary components.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Index &)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Index &)
const Integrationget_Integration (const Archive *data, Index subint)
 Return the requested profile, cloning and integrating when needed.
const Profileget_Profile (const Archive *data, Index subint, Index pol, Index chan)
 Return the requested profile, cloning and integrating when needed.
const Profileget_Profile (const Integration *data, Index pol, Index chan)
const PolnProfileget_Stokes (const Archive *data, Index subint, Index chan)
 Return a new PolnProfile with state == Signal::Stokes. More...
const PolnProfileget_Stokes (const Integration *data, Index chan)
 Return a newly constructed PolnProfile with state == Stokes.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ScrunchFactor &)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, ScrunchFactor &)
template<class Container >
void fscrunch (Container *, const ScrunchFactor &)
 Integrate frequency channels.
template<class Container >
void tscrunch (Container *, const ScrunchFactor &)
 Integrate sub-integrations.
template<class Container >
void bscrunch (Container *, const ScrunchFactor &)
 Integrate phase bins. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Range &r)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, SNRatioEstimator *)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &, SNRatioEstimator *&)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, AnglePlot::Marker)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, AnglePlot::Marker &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, StokesCovariancePlot::What)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, StokesCovariancePlot::What &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, TimeScale::Units units)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, TimeScale::Units &units)
void moddet (Profile *moddet, const PolnProfile *data)
bool same (const Reference::To< const Calibrator::Type > &a, const Reference::To< const Calibrator::Type > &b)
Mountmount_factory (Telescope::Mount mount)
bool naturally_celestial (Telescope::Mount mount)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Database::Sequence)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Database::Sequence &)
const PolnProfilenew_Stokes (const Archive *, unsigned sub, unsigned chan)
 Return a newly constructed PolnProfile with state == Stokes.
const PolnProfilenew_Stokes (const Integration *, unsigned chan)
 Return a newly constructed PolnProfile with state == Stokes.
const Profilenew_Profile (const PolnProfile *data, char code)
 Return a possibly newly constructed Profile with state specified by code.
MEAL::Complex2new_transformation (const PolnCalibratorExtension *, unsigned ichan)
 Create a new transformation instance described by the extension. More...
MEAL::Complex2new_transformation (const Calibrator::Type *type)
 Create a new transformation instance described by the type.
MEAL::Complex2transformation_factory (const std::string &name)
 Create a new transformation instance based on the Calibrator::Type name.
MEAL::Complex2load_transformation (const std::string &filename)
 Load a new transformation instance from file.
Calibrator::Typenew_CalibratorType (const MEAL::Complex2 *xform)
 Create a new Calibrator::Type instance according to the transformation.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, TimeFrequencyMask *)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &, TimeFrequencyMask *&)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, TimeFrequencySmooth *)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &, TimeFrequencySmooth *&)
Profilefind_standard (const Archive *, const std::vector< Profile * > &)
Profilefind_standard (const Archive *, const std::string &path)


bool range_checking_enabled = true
 Container classes should check array indeces at the cost of performance.
Warning warning
 Warning messages filter.

Detailed Description

Defines the PSRCHIVE library.

Function Documentation

◆ bscrunch()

template<class Container >
void Pulsar::bscrunch ( Container container,
const ScrunchFactor factor 

◆ find_spike_edges()

void Pulsar::find_spike_edges ( const Profile profile,
int &  rise,
int &  fall,
float  pc = 0.2,
int  spike_bin = -1 

Find the bin numbers at which the flux falls below a threshold.

Works out where the instantaneous flux drops to

pcpercent of the flux in
spike_bin.This routine is designed for use of single pulses where the duty cycle and hence integrated flux is low.

References Pulsar::Profile::find_max_bin(), Pulsar::Profile::find_min_phase(), Pulsar::ProfileAmps::get_amps(), Pulsar::ProfileAmps::get_nbin(), Pulsar::Profile::max(), Pulsar::Profile::mean(), and Pulsar::Profile::min().

◆ get_Stokes()

◆ morphological_difference()

Pulsar::Profile * Pulsar::morphological_difference ( const Profile p1,
const Profile p2,
double &  scale,
double &  shift,
float  phs1 = 0,
float  phs2 = 1.0 

This function is designed to be used for detecting morphological differences in pulse shape irrespective of the amplitudes of the individual profiles involved.

References Pulsar::Profile::clone(), Pulsar::ProfileAmps::get_nbin(), Reference::To< class, active >::release(), and Estimate< class, class >::val.

◆ new_transformation()

◆ TimerProfile_load()

void Pulsar::TimerProfile_load ( FILE *  fptr,
Profile profile,
bool  big_endian = true 

load a Profile from a timer archive

The Profile must have been resized before calling this function

References Pulsar::ProfileAmps::get_amps(), and Pulsar::ProfileAmps::get_nbin().

◆ TimerProfile_unload()

void Pulsar::TimerProfile_unload ( FILE *  fptr,
const Profile profile,
int  poln 

unload a Profile to a timer archive

The Profile must have been resized before calling this function

References Pulsar::ProfileAmps::get_amps().

Generated using doxygen 1.8.17