| StokesFluctPlot () |
| Default constructor.
TextInterface::Parser * | get_interface () |
| Get the text interface to the configuration attributes.
void | prepare (const Archive *data) |
| Perform any preprocessing steps.
void | draw (const Archive *) |
| Draw the profiles in the currently open window. More...
std::string | get_ylabel (const Archive *) |
| Get the default label for the y axis. More...
void | get_profiles (const Archive *) |
| Return the fluctuation power spectra to be plotted.
void | set_plot_values (const std::string &plot) |
| Set the values to be plotted (one or more of I,Q,U,V,L,p)
std::string | get_plot_values () const |
void | set_signal_to_noise (const bool plot) |
| Signal-to-noise ratio on the y-axis.
bool | get_signal_to_noise () const |
void | set_harmonic_outliers (const bool plot) |
| Plot the harmonic outliers.
bool | get_harmonic_outliers () const |
void | set_plot_colours (const std::string &plot) |
| Set the colour for each value plotted.
std::string | get_plot_colours () const |
void | set_plot_lines (const std::string &plot) |
| Set the line style for each value plotted.
std::string | get_plot_lines () const |
void | set_plot_last_harmonic (bool p) |
| Plot the last significant harmonic.
bool | get_plot_last_harmonic () const |
void | set_plot_fluctuation_phase (bool p) |
| Plot the fluctuation phase.
bool | get_plot_fluctuation_phase () const |
| FluctPlot () |
| Default constructor.
std::string | get_xlabel (const Archive *) |
| Get the default label for the x axis. More...
void | set_subint (Index _isubint) |
| Set the sub-integration to plot (where applicable)
Index | get_subint () const |
void | set_chan (Index _ichan) |
| Set the frequency channel to plot (where applicable)
Index | get_chan () const |
void | set_pol (Index _ipol) |
| Set the polarization to plot.
Index | get_pol () const |
virtual void | plot (const Archive *) |
| Plot in the current viewport.
void | add_annotation (PlotAnnotation *a) |
| Add an annotation.
| FramedPlot () |
| Default constructor.
virtual TextInterface::Parser * | get_frame_interface () |
| Get the text interface to the frame attributes.
PlotAttributes * | get_attributes () |
| Get the plot attributes.
virtual PlotFrame * | get_frame () |
| Get the frame.
virtual const PlotFrame * | get_frame () const |
| Get the frame.
virtual void | set_frame (PlotFrame *) |
| Set the frame.
| Plot () |
| Default constructor.
virtual void | preprocess (Archive *) |
| Process the Archive as needed before calling plot.
virtual void | finalize () |
| Some plots may postpone plotting.
virtual void | configure (const std::string &) |
| Process a configuration command.
void | set_constructor (Constructor *c) |
| Set the constructor.
Constructor * | get_constructor () |
| Get the constructor.
virtual void | set_preprocessor (Processor *) |
| Set the pre-processor.
virtual Processor * | get_preprocessor () |
| Get the pre-processor.
virtual bool | has_preprocessor () const |
| Return true if pre-processor has been set.
| Able (const Able &) |
Able & | operator= (const Able &) |
unsigned | get_reference_count () const |
| HeapTracked (const HeapTracked &) |
HeapTracked & | operator= (const HeapTracked &) |
bool | __is_on_heap () const |