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Pulsar::Append Class Referenceabstract Algorithms that combine Integration data. More...
Inheritance diagram for Pulsar::Append:
Detailed DescriptionAlgorithms that combine Integration data. Member Function Documentation◆ append()Copy the data in 'from' to 'into'. Add clones of the Integrations in from to into References Pulsar::Archive::Expert::apply_model(), Pulsar::Archive::clone(), Pulsar::Parameters::equals(), Pulsar::Integration::expert(), Pulsar::Archive::expert(), Pulsar::Archive::get_ephemeris(), Pulsar::IntegrationManager::get_Integration(), Pulsar::Archive::Expert::get_model(), Pulsar::Archive::get_model(), Pulsar::IntegrationManager::get_nsubint(), Pulsar::Archive::get_type(), Pulsar::Archive::has_ephemeris(), Pulsar::Archive::has_model(), Pulsar::Predictor::insert(), Pulsar::Predictor::matches(), Signal::Pulsar, Pulsar::Integration::Expert::set_zero_phase_aligned(), Pulsar::Archive::Expert::update_model(), and Pulsar::Archive::Expert::zero_phase_aligned(). Referenced by Pulsar::Interpreter::freq_append(). ◆ combine()Add the data in 'from' to 'into'. The combine method should not make copies of the data in 'from'; rather, 'into' should be made to point to the data in 'from'. By sharing the data in 'from', it can be corrected through the 'from' interface without concern for how the data is incorporated in 'into'. Implemented in Pulsar::FrequencyAppend, and Pulsar::TimeAppend. The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
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