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Pulsar::PeakCumulative Class Reference Find the edges of a pulse. More...
Inheritance diagram for Pulsar::PeakCumulative:
Detailed DescriptionFind the edges of a pulse. Finds the edges at which the cumulative power falls below a threshold for the last time (rise), and where it remains above another threshold for the last time (fall). The function is best-suited to detect the edges of a pulsar main peak. The threshold attribute defines:
The profile baseline is first subtracted from each amplitude; therefore, this class makes use of a BaselineEstimator to find the off-pulse baseline. By default, this is the baseline estimator defined by Profile::baseline; an alternate estimator can be specified by calling set_baseline_estimator. If the choose flag is set, then the search for the peak edges will be performed twice and the narrowest peak will be returned. On the second try, the search starts half way into the profile. If no edges are found, Profile::find_max_phase is called with a duty cycle of 0.4 in order to find the "peak". In this case, rise and fall are set to reflect the phase of peak-0.2 and peak+0.2, respectively. If the choose flag is false, then the first peaks found will be returned. Member Function Documentation◆ get_indeces()
Get the pulse phase bin indeces of the rise and fall.
Implements Pulsar::RiseFall. ◆ set_threshold()
Set the threshold. Set the duty cycle. The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
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