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Archive.h void refresh() Completely reload the archive, deleting all data. Definition: Archive.C:243 void update_model() Create a new predictor and align the Integrations to the new model. Definition: Archive_update_model.C:31 Archive * extract(std::vector< unsigned > &subints) const Return pointer to a new instance with only the specified subints. Definition: Archive_extract.C:18 virtual void set_centre_frequency(double cf)=0 Set the centre frequency of the observation. bool calibrator_match(const Archive *arch, std::string &reason) const Test if arch matches (enough for a pulsar - calibrator match) Definition: Archive_match.C:47 void phase(Profile *input) Compute the phase of the input complex-valued Profile. Definition: Fourier.C:135 Integration * use_Integration(Integration *) Return the given Integration ready for use. Definition: Archive_init_Integration.C:18 virtual const Extension * get_extension(unsigned iextension) const Return a pointer to the specified extension. Definition: Archive.C:158 void tscrunch_to_nsub(unsigned new_nsub) Call tscrunch with the appropriate value. Definition: Archive_tscrunch.C:32 virtual void unload_file(const char *filename) const =0 Unload the Archive (header and Integration data) to filename. virtual double get_rotation_measure() const =0 Get the rotation measure (in ) void convert_state(Signal::State state) Convert data to the specified state. Definition: Archive_convert_state.C:14 virtual void resize(unsigned nsubint, unsigned npol=0, unsigned nchan=0, unsigned nbin=0) Resize the Integration vector with new_Integration instances. Definition: Archive_resize.C:26 virtual Interface * get_interface() Return a text interface that can be used to access this instance. Definition: Archive.C:52 virtual Signal::Source get_type() const =0 Get the observation type (psr, cal) friend class Expert The default baseline removal strategy. Definition: Archive.h:579 virtual void add_extension(Extension *extension) Add an Extension to the Archive instance. Definition: Archive.C:186 float rms_baseline(float dc=0.4) Returns geometric mean of baseline RMS for each Integration. Definition: Archive_rms_baseline.C:17 void remove_baseline() Remove the baseline from all profiles. Definition: Archive_remove_baseline.C:17 virtual void set_coordinates(const sky_coord &coordinates)=0 Set the coordinates of the source. Reference::To< Parameters > ephemeris The pulsar ephemeris, as used by TEMPO. Definition: Archive.h:644 static void agent_list() List the successfully loaded plugins. Definition: Archive.C:125 void defaraday() Correct the Faraday rotation of Q into U. Definition: Archive_defaraday.C:26 Provides a text interface to get and set Archive attributes. Definition: ArchiveInterface.h:26 void set_mixable(Match *) The default baseline removal strategy. Definition: Archive_match.C:95 Reference::To< Match > standard_match_policy The pulsar ephemeris, as used by TEMPO. Definition: Archive.h:682 Reference::To< Predictor > model The pulsar phase model, as created using TEMPO. Definition: Archive.h:647 const Match * get_mixable() const Policy determines if data can be combined/integrated. Definition: Archive_match.C:89 void set_filename(const std::string &filename) Set the filename of the Archive. Definition: Archive.h:114 virtual void set_nchan(unsigned numchan)=0 Set the number of frequency channels. void remove_chan(unsigned first, unsigned last) Delete the specified inclusive channel range from the Archive. Definition: Archive_remove_chan.C:12 void fscrunch_to_nchan(unsigned new_nchan) Call fscrunch with the appropriate value. Definition: Archive_fscrunch.C:31 virtual std::string get_short_name() const Return an abbreviated name that can be typed relatively quickly. Definition: Archive.C:150 virtual void set_bandwidth(double bw)=0 Set the overall bandwidth of the observation. const Integration * get_Integration(const Archive *data, Index subint) Return the requested profile, cloning and integrating when needed. Definition: Index.C:118 virtual void set_npol(unsigned numpol)=0 Set the number of polarization measurements. virtual Signal::Scale get_scale() const =0 Get the scale in which flux density is measured. void init_Integration(Integration *subint, bool check_phase=false) Initialize an Integration to reflect Archive attributes. Definition: Archive_init_Integration.C:29 float find_max_phase() const Returns the centre phase of the region with maximum total intensity. Definition: Archive_find.C:72 virtual void set_type(Signal::Source type)=0 Set the observation type (psr, cal) static unsigned get_instance_count() Returns the number of Archive instances currently in existence. Definition: Archive.C:62 static void agent_report() Report on the status of the plugins. Definition: Archive.C:120 Definition: Archive.h:26 void centre(double phase_offset=0.5) Phase rotate pulsar Integrations so that pulse phase zero is centred. Definition: Archive_centre.C:18 State Extension(const char *name) Construct with a name. Definition: Archive.C:137 bool processing_match(const Archive *arch, std::string &reason) const Test if arch matches (enough for a pulsar - pulsar match) Definition: Archive_match.C:40 Reference::To< Expert > expert_interface Expert interface. Definition: Archive.h:677 static Archive * load(const std::string &name) Factory returns a new instance loaded from filename. Definition: Archive_load.C:28 Reference::To< Interface > text_interface Text interface. Definition: Archive.h:680 Contains information about the receiver and receiver platform. Definition: Receiver.h:28 void copy(const Archive &) Copy all base class attributes, Extensions, and Integrations. Definition: Archive_copy.C:24 void centre_max_bin(double phase_offset=0.5) Phase rotate pulsar Integrations so centre the maximum amplitude. Definition: Archive_centre_max_bin.C:16 static void set_verbosity(unsigned level) Set the verbosity level (0 to 3) Definition: Archive_verbose.C:19 void find_transitions(int &hi2lo, int &lo2hi, int &buffer) const Find the transitions between high and low states in total intensity. Definition: Archive_find.C:23 const Parameters * get_ephemeris() const Return a pointer to the current archive ephemeris. Definition: Archive.C:281 void update_centre_frequency() Update the centre frequency. Definition: Archive_update_centre_frequency.C:15 Reference::To< Match > mixable_policy The pulsar ephemeris, as used by TEMPO. Definition: Archive.h:685 Provides access to private and protected member of Archive. Definition: ArchiveExpert.h:35 Scale bool good_model(const Predictor *test_model) const Returns true if the given model spans the Integration set. Definition: Archive_good_model.C:23 const ExtensionType * get() const Template method searches for an Extension of the specified type. Signal::Basis get_basis() const Get the basis of the feed receptors. Definition: Receiver.h:100 static Archive * new_Archive(const std::string &class_name) Factory returns a null-constructed instance of the named class. Definition: Archive.C:104 virtual unsigned get_nchan() const =0 Get the number of frequency channels used. bool has_model() const Returns true if the Archive has a model. Definition: Archive.h:330 virtual void set_poln_calibrated(bool done=true)=0 Set the value to be returned by get_poln_calibrated. void bscrunch(unsigned nscrunch) Integrate pulse profiles in phase. Definition: Archive_bscrunch.C:31 virtual Signal::State get_state() const =0 Get the state of the profile data. static Option< std::string > unload_class Name of class to which data are converted if unload_file unimplemented. Definition: Archive.h:599 void uniform_weight(float new_weight=1.0) Set the weight of each profile to the given number. Definition: Archive.C:338 virtual Integration * load_Integration(const char *filename, unsigned subint)=0 Load the specified Integration from filename, returning new instance. virtual void set_dispersion_measure(double dm)=0 Set the dispersion measure (in ) const Match * get_processing_match() const Policy determines if data were processed identically. Definition: Archive_match.C:77 virtual void set_dedispersed(bool done=true)=0 Set the value to be returned by get_dedispersed. virtual bool get_poln_calibrated() const =0 Data has been calibrated for polarimetric response of instrument. virtual double get_centre_frequency() const =0 Get the centre frequency of the observation. static Functor< void(Archive *) > remove_baseline_strategy The default baseline removal strategy. Definition: Archive.h:572 virtual bool get_faraday_corrected() const =0 Data has been corrected for ISM faraday rotation. void unload(const std::string &filename) const Convenience interface to Archive::unload (const char*) Definition: Archive.h:104 bool mixable(const Archive *arch, std::string &reason) const Test if arch is mixable (enough for append) Definition: Archive_match.C:29 Array of Profiles integrated over the same time interval. Definition: Integration.h:37 static List & get_registry() virtual bool can_unload() const =0 Return true if the unload method is implemented. double integration_length() const Returns the total time integrated into all Integrations (in seconds) Definition: Archive.C:317 static std::string get_revision(const char *revision) Parses the revision number out of the CVS Revision string. Reference::To< Match > processing_match_policy The pulsar ephemeris, as used by TEMPO. Definition: Archive.h:684 unsigned size() const void bscrunch_to_nbin(unsigned new_nbin) Call bscrunch with the appropriate value. Definition: Archive_bscrunch.C:16 bool has_ephemeris() const Return true if the Archive has an ephemeris. Definition: Archive.h:321 FluxCalOn Profile * get_Profile(unsigned subint, unsigned pol, unsigned chan) Return pointer to the specified profile. Definition: Archive.C:270 Reference::To< Match > calibrator_match_policy The pulsar ephemeris, as used by TEMPO. Definition: Archive.h:683 bool type_is_cal() const Return true if the observation is a calibrator. Definition: Archive.C:330 virtual std::string get_telescope() const =0 Get the name of the telescope used. PolnCal void reverse_chan() Reverse the order of frequency channels. Definition: Integration.C:619 Expert * expert() Provide access to the expert interface. Definition: Archive.C:40 MJD end_time() const Return the MJD at the end of the last sub-integration. Definition: Archive.C:308 PhaseWeight * baseline() const Return a new PhaseWeight instance with the baseline phase bins masked. Definition: Archive_baseline.C:11 virtual bool get_dedispersed() const =0 Inter-channel dispersion delay has been removed. Archive * total(bool tscrunch=true) const Return pointer to a new fscrunched, tscrunched and pscrunched clone. Definition: Archive_total.C:19 void set_ephemeris(const Parameters *ephemeris, bool update=true) Install the given ephemeris and call update_model. Definition: Archive_set_ephemeris.C:17 bool zero_phase_aligned() const Return true if all Integration::zero_phase_aligned flags are set. Definition: Archive.C:344 const Match * get_standard_match() const Policy determines if a standard/template matches an observation. Definition: Archive_match.C:53 ExtensionType * getadd() Template method returns an Extension of the specified type. MJD start_time() const Return the MJD at the start of the first sub-integration. Definition: Archive.C:299 void rotate_phase(double phase) Rotate each profile by phase. Definition: Archive_rotate.C:18 virtual double get_bandwidth() const =0 Get the overall bandwidth of the observation. void set_model(const Predictor *model, bool apply=true) Install the given predictor and shift profiles to align. Definition: Archive_set_model.C:14 void resize_Integration(Integration *integration) Provide Integration::resize access to Archive-derived classes. Definition: Archive_resize.C:88 std::string get_extension_name() const Return the name of the Extension. Definition: Archive.C:145 virtual unsigned get_nextension() const Return the number of extensions available. Definition: Archive.C:131 float find_min_phase(float dc=0.15) const Returns the centre phase of the region with minimum total intensity. Definition: Archive_find.C:56 StrategySet * get_strategy() const Returns the strategy manager. Definition: StrategySet.C:182 std::string unload_filename Name of file to which the archive will be written on call to unload() Definition: Archive.h:617 void set_processing_match(Match *) The default baseline removal strategy. Definition: Archive_match.C:83 void update() Update the current archive, saving current Integration data. Definition: Archive.C:253 void reverse_chan() Reverse the order of frequency channels. Definition: Archive.C:225 std::string get_filename() const Get the name of the file to which the archive will be unloaded. Definition: Archive.h:108 void dedisperse() Rotate the Profiles to remove dispersion delays b/w chans. Definition: Archive_dedisperse.C:18 bool in_frequency_order(const Archive *A, const Archive *B) Return true if A precedes B in frequency order of channels. Definition: Archive.C:364 virtual void set_nbin(unsigned numbins)=0 Set the number of pulsar phase bins. Manages a vector of Integration instances. Definition: IntegrationManager.h:33 const Predictor * get_model() const Return a pointer to the current phase predictor. Definition: Archive.C:290 Basis Definition: ArchiveExtension.h:28 Signal::Basis get_basis() const Convenience interface to Receiver::get_basis. Definition: Archive.C:234 void append(const Archive *archive) Append the Integrations from the specifed archive. Definition: Archive_append.C:20 virtual Archive * clone() const =0 Return a new copy constructed instance equal to this. void invint() Transform Stokes I,Q,U,V into the polarimetric invariant interval. Definition: Archive_invint.C:11 void fscrunch(unsigned nscrunch=0) Integrate profiles in frequency. Definition: Archive_fscrunch.C:17 void set_calibrator_match(Match *) The default baseline removal strategy. Definition: Archive_match.C:71 const Profile * get_Profile(const Archive *data, Index subint, Index pol, Index chan) Return the requested profile, cloning and integrating when needed. Definition: Index.C:24 void rotate(double time) Phase rotate each profile by time seconds. Definition: Archive_rotate.C:12 virtual void set_faraday_corrected(bool done=true)=0 Set the value to be returned by get_ism_rm_corrected. void fold(unsigned nfold) Integrate neighbouring sections of the pulse profiles. Definition: Archive_fold.C:15 void pscrunch() Integrate profiles in polarization. Definition: Archive_pscrunch.C:16 void unload(const char *filename=0) const Write the archive to filename. Definition: Archive_unload.C:36 virtual sky_coord get_coordinates() const =0 Get the coordinates of the source. virtual double get_dispersion_measure() const =0 Get the dispersion measure (in ) void apply_model(Integration *subint, const Predictor *old=0) Apply the current model to the Integration. Definition: Archive_apply_model.C:26 void create_updated_model(bool clear_model) Creates polynomials to span the Integration set. Definition: Archive_update_model.C:109 virtual void set_telescope(const std::string &code)=0 Set the name of the telescope used. virtual void set_rotation_measure(double rm)=0 Set the rotation measure (in ) virtual void load_header(const char *filename)=0 Load the header information from filename. const Match * get_calibrator_match() const Policy determines if a calibrator matches an observation. Definition: Archive_match.C:65 virtual unsigned get_nbin() const =0 Get the number of pulsar phase bins used. void find_peak_edges(int &rise, int &fall) const Find the bins in which the total intensity exceeds a threshold. Definition: Archive_find.C:40 bool standard_match(const Archive *arch, std::string &reason) const Test if arch matches (enough for a pulsar - standard match) Definition: Archive_match.C:34 virtual void set_scale(Signal::Scale scale)=0 Set the scale in which flux density is measured. Source Alternative ways of ordering Integration instances. Definition: IntegrationOrder.h:29 virtual void erase(unsigned isubint) Remove the specified sub-integration. Definition: Archive_resize.C:94 virtual void set_state(Signal::State state)=0 Set the state of the profile data. FluxCalOff void transform(const Jones< float > &) Perform the transformation on each polarimetric profile. Definition: Archive_transform.C:15 double weighted_frequency(unsigned ichan, unsigned start, unsigned end) const Computes the weighted channel frequency over an Integration interval. Definition: Archive_weighted_frequency.C:23 Archive & operator=(const Archive &a) Assignment operator. Definition: Archive.C:97 static Option< bool > no_clobber Default policy for overwriting archive files. Definition: Archive.h:602 void set_standard_match(Match *) The default baseline removal strategy. Definition: Archive_match.C:59 void tscrunch(unsigned nscrunch=0) Integrate profiles in time. Definition: Archive_tscrunch.C:17 Archive * tscrunched() const Return pointer to a new tscrunched clone. Definition: Archive_tscrunched.C:18 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17