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BasebandArchive.h unsigned get_nsamp_overlap_neg() const Number of time samples in wrap-around region, right-hand side. Definition: dspReduction.h:127 BasebandArchive() Default constructor. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:37 int get_nhistogram() const Return the number of analog channels. Definition: BasebandArchive.h:70 double get_scale() const Pulsar::Profiles are normalized by Observation::scale. Definition: dspReduction.h:183 void set_nchan(unsigned _nchan) Number of frequency channels. Definition: dspReduction.h:143 unsigned get_nchan() const Number of frequency channels. Definition: dspReduction.h:141 void set_nsamp_fft(unsigned _nsamp_fft) Number of time samples in each FFT. Definition: dspReduction.h:117 Signal::State get_state() const The state of the signal from Input::info. Definition: dspReduction.h:101 bool get_scattered_power_corrected() const Return true if data was scattered power corrected. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:728 void copy(const Archive &archive) Copy all of the class attributes and the selected Integration data. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:94 void set_nsamp_overlap_pos(unsigned _nsamp_overlap_pos) Number of time samples in wrap-around region, left-hand side. Definition: dspReduction.h:123 unsigned get_nsamp_fft() const Number of time samples in each FFT. Definition: dspReduction.h:115 void check_extensions() Check the Passband and TwoBitStats Extensions. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:289 unsigned get_freq_res() const Frequency resolution. Definition: dspReduction.h:147 State baseband_header bhdr Baseband data reduction specific header information. Definition: BasebandArchive.h:117 void set_total_samples(uint64_t _total_samples) The total number of time samples. Definition: dspReduction.h:85 unsigned get_time_res() const Time resolution. Definition: dspReduction.h:153 void set_ScrunchFactor(unsigned _ScrunchFactor) Time resolution reduction factor. Definition: dspReduction.h:170 unsigned get_nchan() const Get the number of frequency channels in each passband. Definition: Passband.C:47 unsigned get_nsamp_overlap_pos() const Number of time samples in wrap-around region, left-hand side. Definition: dspReduction.h:121 const std::vector< float > & get_passband(unsigned ipol, unsigned iband=0) const Get the specified passband. Definition: Passband.C:95 uint64_t get_block_size() const The number of time samples in each block. Definition: dspReduction.h:89 void set_be_data_size() Set the backend data size information in the timer header. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:371 void correct() Over-ride TimerArchive::correct. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:360 void check_be_data_size() Check the backend data size information without reseting header. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:377 unsigned get_ScrunchFactor() const Time resolution reduction factor. Definition: dspReduction.h:168 const BasebandArchive & operator=(const BasebandArchive &archive) Assignment operator. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:70 void backend_unload(FILE *fptr) const Unload BasebandArchive specific information. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:616 unsigned get_ndig() const Get the number of digitizers. Definition: TwoBitStats.C:56 uint64_t get_overlap() const The number of time samples by which consecutive blocks overlap. Definition: dspReduction.h:95 unsigned get_nband() const Get the number of bands. Definition: Passband.C:59 void set_software(const std::string &soft) Set the software information. Definition: dspReduction.h:74 int get_npassband() const Return the number of passbands. Definition: BasebandArchive.h:65 const std::vector< float > & get_histogram(unsigned idig) const Get the specified histogram. Definition: TwoBitStats.C:98 uint64_t get_total_samples() const The total number of time samples. Definition: dspReduction.h:83 unsigned get_nsample() const Get the number of time samples used to estimate undigitized power. Definition: TwoBitStats.C:50 void set_scale(double _scale) Pulsar::Profiles are normalized by Observation::scale. Definition: dspReduction.h:185 float get_tolerance() const Get the tolerance (old - disused) Definition: BasebandArchive.C:753 ~BasebandArchive() Destructor. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:60 void set_block_size(uint64_t _block_size) The number of time samples in each block. Definition: dspReduction.h:91 void set_reduction() Update the reduction attribute with the current state. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:326 const std::vector< float > & get_histogram(unsigned channel) const Return a reference to the digitization histogram in the given channel. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:717 void set_nsamp_overlap_neg(unsigned _nsamp_overlap_neg) Number of time samples in wrap-around region, right-hand side. Definition: dspReduction.h:129 void set_hanning_smoothing_factor(int factor) Set the hanning smoothing factor. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:736 virtual BasebandArchive * clone() const Return a pointer to a new copy constructed instance equal to this. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:121 void set_state(Signal::State _state) The state of the signal from Input::info. Definition: dspReduction.h:103 void set_header() Update the baseband_header struct with the current state. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:236 const char * get_apodizing_name() const Get the name of the apodizing function. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:758 void backend_load(FILE *fptr) Load BasebandArchive specific information. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:438 int get_hanning_smoothing_factor() const Get the hanning smoothing factor. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:745 std::string get_software() const Get the software information. Definition: dspReduction.h:71 unsigned get_npol() const Get the number of polarizations. Definition: Passband.C:53 bool get_coherent_calibration() const Return true if phase-coherent polarimetric calibration was performed. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:732 void fix_header_memory_alignment() Correct memory alignment error in pre-Version 5 headers. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:420 void set_time_res(unsigned _time_res) Time resolution. Definition: dspReduction.h:155 void set_overlap(uint64_t _overlap) The number of time samples by which consecutive blocks overlap. Definition: dspReduction.h:97 const std::vector< float > & get_passband(unsigned channel) const Return a reference to the bandpass in the given channel. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:706 void set_freq_res(unsigned _freq_res) Frequency resolution. Definition: dspReduction.h:149 void convert_hdr_Endian() Convert the endian of baseband_header. Definition: BasebandArchive.C:200 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17