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BoostShiftAnalysis.h Signal::State get_state() const Get the State of the poln profile. Definition: PolnProfile.h:94 unsigned max_harmonic The maximum harmonic to include in the analysis. Definition: BoostShiftAnalysis.h:59 void find(const Profile *, double rms) Find the last significant bin. Definition: LastSignificant.C:58 Stokes std::complex< double > delS_delb(unsigned k, unsigned m) const Partial derivative of S_m with respect to b_k (beta=0) Definition: BoostShiftAnalysis.C:61 double delvarphi_delb(unsigned k) const Partial derivative of varphi with respect to b_k (beta=0) Definition: BoostShiftAnalysis.C:86 double S0sq(unsigned m) const Magnitude squared of S0 in mth harmonic. Definition: BoostShiftAnalysis.C:77 virtual Profile * clone() const returns a pointer to a new copy of self Definition: Profile.C:124 BoostShiftAnalysis() Default constructor. Definition: BoostShiftAnalysis.h:37 Vector< 3, double > dotvarphi() const Three-vector of partial derivatives of varphi with respect to b_k. Definition: BoostShiftAnalysis.C:103 Profile * fourier_transform(const Profile *, FTransform::Plan *=0) Return the forward Fourier transform of the input Profile. Definition: Fourier.C:41 Polarimetric pulse profile transformations and derivations. Definition: PolnProfile.h:34 PhaseWeight * baseline(const Profile *) Returns a new PhaseWeight instance. Definition: BaselineEstimator.C:73 Reference::To< PolnProfile > fourier The fourier transform of the polarization profile. Definition: BoostShiftAnalysis.h:56 Finds a baseline that contains gaussian white noise. Definition: ExponentialBaseline.h:24 void detect(Profile *input) Square-law detect the input complex-valued Profile. Definition: Fourier.C:103 unsigned get() const Get the last signficant bin. Definition: LastSignificant.C:46 void set_profile(const PolnProfile *) Set the maximum harmonic used when optimizing. Definition: BoostShiftAnalysis.C:20 double delvarphi_delbeta() const Partial derivative of varphi with respect to beta. Definition: BoostShiftAnalysis.C:111 static bool verbose Verbosity flag. Definition: BoostShiftAnalysis.h:34 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17