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CoherentDedispersion.h Signal::Dimension domain Domain in which the algorithm operates (time or frequency) Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:194 void set_centre_frequency(double val) Centre frequency of output channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:70 Coherent dedispersion attributes specific to input frequency channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:118 int nbit_chirp Number of bits used to represent chirp. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:209 std::vector< InputChannel > input Information specific to each input frequency channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:212 double get_bandwidth() const Bandwidth of output channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:73 double bandwidth Bandwidth of output channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:98 double get_dispersion_measure() const Dispersion measure used for coherent dedispersion. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:169 CoherentDedispersion() Default constructor. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.C:13 std::string get_short_name() const Return a short name. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:53 std::vector< OutputChannel > output Information specific to each output frequency channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:149 void set_bandwidth(double val) Bandwidth of input channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:131 unsigned get_nsamp_overlap_neg() const Number of complex time samples in wrap-around region, right-hand side. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:88 double get_centre_frequency() const Centre frequency of input channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:124 int get_nbit_data() const Number of bits used to represent data. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:177 int get_nbit_chirp() const Number of bits used to represent chirp. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:181 void set_nsamp_overlap_neg(unsigned val) Number of complex time samples in wrap-around region, right-hand side. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:90 double bandwidth Bandwidth of input channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:146 Coherent dedispersion attributes specific to output frequency channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:62 double get_centre_frequency() const Centre frequency of output channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:68 Signal::Dimension get_domain() const Domain in which the algorithm operates (time or frequency) Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:161 std::string get_description() const Description of the algorithm. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:165 TextInterface::Parser * get_interface() get the text interface Definition: CoherentDedispersion.C:33 Record of phase-coherent dispersion removal algorithm. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:27 std::string description Description of the algorithm. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:197 double centre_frequency Centre frequency of input channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:143 double dispersion_measure Dispersion measure used for coherent dedispersion. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:200 unsigned get_nsamp() const Number of complex time samples in each cyclical convolution. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:78 double get_bandwidth() const Bandwidth of input channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:129 int nbit_data Number of bits used to represent data. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:206 Frequency double get_doppler_correction() const Doppler shift correction applied to frequencies and bandwidths. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:173 double doppler_correction Doppler shift correction applied to frequencies and bandwidths. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:203 void check_index(unsigned ichan_input) const Throw an exception if index is out of range. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.C:52 unsigned get_nchan_input() const Number of frequency channels in the input signal. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:185 unsigned get_nsamp_overlap_pos() const Number of complex time samples in wrap-around region, left-hand side. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:83 void set_nsamp_overlap_pos(unsigned val) Number of complex time samples in wrap-around region, left-hand side. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:85 void set_centre_frequency(double val) Centre frequency of input channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:126 CoherentDedispersion * clone() const Clone method. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.C:27 Definition: ArchiveExtension.h:28 double centre_frequency Centre frequency of output channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:95 unsigned nsamp Number of complex time samples in each cyclical convolution. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:101 unsigned get_nchan_output() const Number of frequency channels into which this channel was divided. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:134 void set_bandwidth(double val) Bandwidth of output channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:75 unsigned nsamp_overlap_pos Number of complex time samples in wrap-around region, left-hand side. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:104 void set_nsamp(unsigned val) Number of complex time samples in each cyclical convolution. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:80 unsigned nsamp_overlap_neg Number of complex time samples in wrap-around region, right-hand side. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:107 Dimension Generated using doxygen 1.8.17