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Database.h 73 };
static bool match_verbose Print verbose matching information. Definition: Database.h:48 virtual void set_centre_frequency(double cf)=0 Set the centre frequency of the observation. Supplements a SystemCalibrator with a SingleAxisCalibrator. Definition: HybridCalibrator.h:26 std::string get_closest_match_report() const Get the closest match report. Definition: Database.C:1097 const Calibrator::Type * get_type() const Get the type of the calibrator. Definition: CalibrationInterpolatorExtension.C:74 static bool no_amps When true, no memory is allocated for amps. Definition: ProfileAmps.h:38 virtual Signal::Source get_type() const =0 Get the observation type (psr, cal) static ReferenceCalibrator * factory(const Calibrator::Type *, const Archive *) Factory creates instances of derived types. Definition: ReferenceCalibrator.C:496 double diff_degrees distance between calibrator and requested position (in degrees) Definition: Database.h:263 static Criteria closest(const Criteria &a, const Criteria &b) Return the criteria that came closest to matching. Definition: Database.C:1134 std::string get_name() const Get the name of the receiver. Definition: Receiver.h:90 virtual MJD get_epoch() const =0 Get the epoch of the rising edge of bin zero. static Option< double > max_bandwidth_difference Maximum difference between calibrator and pulsar bandwidths. Definition: Database.h:63 virtual bool is_a(const Type *that) const Return true if that is a this. Definition: CalibratorType.C:29 virtual void set_bandwidth(double bw)=0 Set the overall bandwidth of the observation. static Option< double > short_time_scale Time scale over which differential gain and phase remain stable. Definition: Database.h:54 virtual unsigned get_nsubint() const =0 Get the number of sub-integrations stored in the file. Full 7 degrees of freedom parameterization of Jones matrix. Definition: CalibratorTypes.h:80 static Option< double > max_angular_separation Maximum angular separation between calibrator and pulsar. Definition: Database.h:57 virtual const Calibrator::Type * get_type() const Get the type of the calibrator. Definition: CalibratorExtension.C:53 PolnCalibrator * generatePolnCalibrator(Archive *, const Calibrator::Type *m) Return a pointer to a new PolnCalibrator for the given archive. Definition: Database.C:1422 static Archive * load(const std::string &name) Factory returns a new instance loaded from filename. Definition: Archive_load.C:28 Contains information about the receiver and receiver platform. Definition: Receiver.h:28 T val Mixes a SingleAxis and Phenomenological parameterization. Definition: CalibratorTypes.h:163 const ScalarMath pow(const ScalarMath &x, const ScalarMath &y) void construct(const std::vector< std::string > &filenames) Construct from the list of filenames. Definition: Database.C:835 unsigned size() const Returns the number of entries in the database. Definition: Database.h:127 void all_matching(const Criteria &, std::vector< const Entry * > &matches) const Fills a vector with Entry instances that match the given Criteria. Definition: Database.C:1035 Stores the Stokes parameters of the reference source. Definition: CalibratorStokes.h:28 Type * release() Type * get() const const ExtensionType * get() const Template method searches for an Extension of the specified type. U var bool match(const Entry *entry) const Return true if entry matches within the criteria. Definition: Database.C:651 virtual unsigned get_nchan() const =0 Get the number of frequency channels used. static Option< double > max_centre_frequency_difference Maximum difference between calibrator and pulsar centre frequencies. Definition: Database.h:60 void unload(const std::string &dbase_filename) Write a text file representing the database to disk for storage. Definition: Database.C:943 virtual double get_centre_frequency() const =0 Get the centre frequency of the observation. Sequence sequence The sequence of matching calibrator and pulsar observations. Definition: Database.h:276 Integration * get_Integration(unsigned subint) Return pointer to the specified Integration. Definition: IntegrationManager.C:41 FluxCalibrator * generateFluxCalibrator(Archive *, bool allow_raw=false) Return a pointer to a new FluxCalibrator for the given archive. Definition: Database.C:1340 std::string get_filename() const Returns the full pathname of the Entry filename. Definition: Database.C:409 std::string get_name() const Return the name of the Backend. Definition: Backend.C:83 HybridCalibrator * generateHybridCalibrator(ReferenceCalibrator *, Archive *) Return a pointer to a new HybridCalibrator. Definition: Database.C:1557 Unknown static Option< double > long_time_scale Time scale over which calibrator flux and cross-coupling remain stable. Definition: Database.h:51 FluxCalOn static Type * factory(const std::string &name) Construct a new instance of Calibrator::Type, based on name. Definition: CalibratorType.C:12 void no_data() Called when no observation parameters are to be matched. Definition: Database.C:571 PolnCal Reference::To< StaticEntry > entry The parameters to match. Definition: Database.h:220 Calibrators derived from reference source observations. Definition: ReferenceCalibrator.h:31 Reference::To< MEAL::Complex2 > feed If set, this model of the feed is incorporated into all solutions. Definition: Database.h:376 virtual MJD get_epoch() const Get the reference epoch of the calibration experiment. Definition: CalibratorExtension.C:58 Determine if one set of channels is a subset of another. Definition: ChannelSubsetMatch.h:25 Definition: CalibratorType.h:30 virtual double get_bandwidth() const =0 Get the overall bandwidth of the observation. void compare(const std::string &name, const T &want, const U &have, Predicate equal) const log of the attributes compared and the result of the comparison Definition: Database.h:279 double diff_minutes time between calibrator and requested epoch (in minutes) Definition: Database.h:260 std::string match_report log of the attributes compared and the result of the comparison Definition: Database.h:254 std::string get_reason() const Get reason for match failure. Definition: ChannelSubsetMatch.h:51 bool compare_times(const MJD &want, const MJD &have) const log of the attributes compared and the result of the comparison Definition: Database.C:596 void merge(const Database *) Merge with another database. Definition: Database.C:936 Stores Calibrator parameters in an Archive. Definition: CalibratorExtension.h:27 bool bracketed_time(const MJD &want, const std::pair< MJD, MJD > &have) const log of the attributes compared and the result of the comparison Definition: Database.C:622 std::string get_filename() const Get the name of the file to which the archive will be unloaded. Definition: Archive.h:108 unsigned match_count count of the number of match conditions that tested positive Definition: Database.h:257 void expand_filename(Entry *entry) Add path to Entry filename, if applicable. Definition: Database.C:985 void set_feed(MEAL::Complex2 *xform) Set the feed transformation to be incorporated into PolnCalibrator. Definition: Database.h:121 Criteria closest_match The criteria that last came closest to matching. Definition: Database.h:379 const Entry * best_match(const Criteria &) const Returns the best Entry that matches the given Criteria. Definition: Database.C:1075 Entry(const Archive *arch) Construct from a Pulsar::Archive. Definition: Database.C:148 Calibrates flux using standard candles and artificial sources. Definition: FluxCalibrator.h:29 FluxCalibrator * rawFluxCalibrator(Archive *a) Return a pointer to a new FluxCalibrator for the given archive. Definition: Database.C:1379 const std::string get_message() const static bool cache_last_cal Cache the last calibrator? Definition: Database.h:45 Stores Polarization Calibration Model Interpolator information. Definition: CalibrationInterpolatorExtension.h:29 static const Pulsar::Archive * any Pass this to the criteria methods to retrieve any or all matches. Definition: Database.h:66 Criteria criteria(const Pulsar::Archive *arch, Signal::Source obsType) const Return the Criteria for the specified Pulsar::Archive. Definition: Database.C:1180 bool match(const Archive *super, const Archive *sub) Check that Archive sub's channels all exist in super. Definition: ChannelSubsetMatch.C:43 std::string get_filename(const Entry *) const Returns the full pathname of the Entry filename. Definition: Database.C:1633 void shorten_filename(Entry *entry) Remove the preceding path from the Entry filename, if applicable. Definition: Database.C:993 @ CalibratorAfter Use only calibrators recorded after the observation. Definition: Database.h:77 std::string get_path() const Returns the full path to the database summary file. Definition: Database.C:1645 virtual sky_coord get_coordinates() const =0 Get the coordinates of the source. static void set_default_criteria(const Criteria &) Set the default matching criteria for all observations. Definition: Database.C:1168 void set_sequence(Sequence s) The sequence of matching calibrator and pulsar observations. Definition: Database.h:223 void add(const Pulsar::Archive *archive) Add the given Archive to the database. Definition: Database.C:968 static Criteria get_default_criteria() Get the default matching criteria for all observations. Definition: Database.C:1160 Source const Entry * best(const Entry *a, const Entry *b) const Return the best of two entries. Definition: Database.C:1105 bool compare_coordinates(const sky_coord &want, const sky_coord &have) const log of the attributes compared and the result of the comparison Definition: Database.C:632 @ CalibratorBefore Use only calibrators recorded before the observation. Definition: Database.h:75 FluxCalOff void load(const std::string &dbase_filename) Read a text file summary and construct a database. Definition: Database.C:873 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17