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EPNArchive.h Pulsar unsigned get_nchan() const Get the number of frequency channels used. Definition: EPNArchive.C:176 void set_telescope(const std::string &) Set the telescope name. Definition: EPNArchive.C:103 virtual void set_npol(unsigned numpol) Set the number of polarization measurements. Definition: EPNArchive.C:198 bool get_poln_calibrated() const Data has been poln calibrated. Definition: EPNArchive.C:302 double get_dispersion_measure() const Get the dispersion measure (in ) Definition: EPNArchive.C:278 unsigned current_record The centre frequency. Definition: EPNArchive.h:197 Integration * load_Integration(const char *filename, unsigned subint) Load the specified Integration from filename, returning new instance. Definition: EPNArchive.C:435 virtual void set_nsubint(unsigned nsubint) Set the number of sub-integrations. Definition: EPNArchive.C:208 epn_block_subheader_line1 sub_line1 The centre frequency. Definition: EPNArchive.h:191 EPNArchive * clone() const Return a pointer to a new copy constructed instance equal to this. Definition: EPNArchive.C:91 virtual void set_centre_frequency(double cfreq) set the centre frequency (in MHz) Definition: Profile.h:204 FluxDensity const Integration * get_Integration(const Archive *data, Index subint) Return the requested profile, cloning and integrating when needed. Definition: Index.C:118 void set_dedispersed(bool done=true) Set true when the inter-channel dispersion delay has been removed. Definition: EPNArchive.C:329 void set_amps(const T *data) set the amplitudes array equal to the contents of the data array Definition: ProfileAmps.h:89 unsigned nsubint The number of sub-integrations. Definition: EPNArchive.h:211 double get_bandwidth() const Get the overall bandwidth of the observation. Definition: EPNArchive.C:213 State Signal::State get_state() const Get the state of the profiles. Definition: EPNArchive.C:234 Stokes void set_coordinates(const sky_coord &coordinates) Set the coordinates of the source. Definition: EPNArchive.C:154 Scale std::string get_source() const Get the source name. Definition: EPNArchive.C:121 void set_rotation_measure(double rm) Set the rotation measure (in ) Definition: EPNArchive.C:296 ReferenceFluxDensity void set_dispersion_measure(double dm) Set the dispersion measure (in ) Definition: EPNArchive.C:284 void set_faraday_corrected(bool done=true) Set the status of the ISM RM flag. Definition: EPNArchive.C:318 virtual void set_nchan(unsigned numchan) Set the number of frequency channels. Definition: EPNArchive.C:184 virtual Integration * new_Integration(const Integration *copy_this=0) The subints vector will point to BasicIntegrations. Definition: EPNArchive.C:338 double get_rotation_measure() const Get the rotation measure (in ) Definition: EPNArchive.C:290 Intensity void set_centre_frequency(double cf) Set the centre frequency of the observation. Definition: EPNArchive.C:228 sky_coord get_coordinates() const Get the coordinates of the source. Definition: EPNArchive.C:143 Array of Profiles integrated over the same time interval. Definition: Integration.h:37 bool can_unload() const The unload_file method is not implemented. Definition: EPNArchive.h:172 virtual void set_epoch(const MJD &mjd) Set the epoch of the rising edge of bin zero. Definition: BasicIntegration.h:63 unsigned get_nsubint() const Get the number of sub-integrations stored in the file. Definition: EPNArchive.C:203 bool get_faraday_corrected() const Data has been corrected for ISM faraday rotation. Definition: EPNArchive.C:313 bool get_dedispersed() const Inter-channel dispersion delay has been removed. Definition: EPNArchive.C:324 unsigned get_npol() const Get the number of frequency channels used. Definition: EPNArchive.C:190 void unload_file(const char *filename) const Unload the Archive (header and Integration data) to filename. Definition: EPNArchive.C:520 void read_record(const char *filename, unsigned record) Read the requested record from filename. Definition: EPNArchive.C:356 void set_source(const std::string &source) Set the source name. Definition: EPNArchive.C:126 std::string get_telescope() const Get the telescope name. Definition: EPNArchive.C:98 Signal::Scale get_scale() const Get the scale of the profiles. Definition: EPNArchive.C:245 virtual void set_folding_period(double seconds) Set the folding period (in seconds) Definition: BasicIntegration.h:73 const EPNArchive & operator=(const EPNArchive &archive) Assignment operator. void copy(const Archive &archive) Copy all of the class attributes and the selected Integration data. Definition: EPNArchive.C:56 double centre_frequency The centre frequency. Definition: EPNArchive.h:202 unsigned get_nbin() const Get the number of pulsar phase bins used. Definition: EPNArchive.C:163 virtual void set_nbin(unsigned numbins) Set the number of pulsar phase bins. Definition: EPNArchive.C:171 void load_header(const char *filename) Load the header information from filename. Definition: EPNArchive.C:378 epn_block_subheader_line2 sub_line2 The centre frequency. Definition: EPNArchive.h:193 Jansky void set_scale(Signal::Scale scale) Set the scale of the profiles. Definition: EPNArchive.C:258 void set_bandwidth(double bw) Set the overall bandwidth of the observation. Definition: EPNArchive.C:218 void set_type(Signal::Source type) Set the observation type (psr, cal) Definition: EPNArchive.C:115 virtual void set_duration(double seconds) Set the total time integrated (in seconds) Definition: BasicIntegration.h:68 virtual void set_weight(float) set the weight of the profile Definition: Profile.C:185 Profile * get_Profile(unsigned ipol, unsigned ichan) Returns a pointer to the Profile given by the specified indeces. Definition: Integration.C:306 void set_state(Signal::State state) Set the state of the profiles. Definition: EPNArchive.C:239 Signal::Source get_type() const Get the observation type (psr, cal) Definition: EPNArchive.C:109 void set_poln_calibrated(bool done=true) Set the status of the poln calibrated flag. Definition: EPNArchive.C:307 double get_centre_frequency() const Get the centre frequency of the observation. Definition: EPNArchive.C:223 Source Generated using doxygen 1.8.17