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IntegrationExpert.h std::vector< std::vector< Reference::To< Profile > > > & profiles() Use with care. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:126 void insert(Integration *from) Inserts Profiles from Integration into this. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:69 void convert_state(Signal::State state) Convert polarimetric data to the specified state. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:118 void set_nbin(unsigned numbins) Set the number of pulsar phase bins. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:46 void phase(Profile *input) Compute the phase of the input complex-valued Profile. Definition: Fourier.C:135 void defaraday(unsigned ichan, unsigned kchan, double f0) Defaraday worker function. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:93 void transform(const Jones< float > &response) Perform the congruence transformation on each polarimetric profile. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:110 void fscrunch(unsigned nscrunch=0) Integrate profiles from neighbouring chans. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:81 State const Archive * get_parent() const Provide access to the parent Archive. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:134 void rotate(double time) Rotate each profile by time (in seconds); updates the epoch attribute. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:73 void set_zero_phase_aligned(bool flag) Leading edge of phase bin zero = polyco predicted phase zero. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:122 void dedisperse(unsigned ichan, unsigned kchan, double f0) Dedispersion worker function. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:89 void copy(const Integration *subint, bool management=true) Copy the data from 'from' into 'this'. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:102 Array of Profiles integrated over the same time interval. Definition: Integration.h:37 void pscrunch() Integrate profiles from single polarizations into one total intensity. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:85 void rotate_phase(double phase) Rotate each profile by phase; does not update the epoch attribute. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:77 void swap_profiles(unsigned ipol, unsigned ichan, unsigned jpol, unsigned jchan) Swap the two specified Profiles. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:97 void set_npol(unsigned numpol) Set the number of polarization measurements. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:56 friend class Expert The Extensions added to this Integration instance. Definition: Integration.h:430 void combine(const Integration *from) Combine the data from 'from' into 'this'. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:106 void resize(unsigned npol=0, unsigned nchan=0, unsigned nbin=0) Set the dimensions of the data container. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:61 bool has_parent() const Return true if the Integration has a parent Archive. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:130 void set_nchan(unsigned numchan) Set the number of frequency channels. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:51 void remove(unsigned ichan) Remove the specified channel. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:65 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17