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Integration.h Definition: IntegrationExtension.h:29 bool range_checking_enabled Container classes should check array indeces at the cost of performance. Definition: Pulsar.C:10 void baseline_stats(std::vector< std::vector< Estimate< double > > > *mean, std::vector< std::vector< double > > *variance=0, const PhaseWeight *baseline=0) const Return the statistics of every profile baseline. Definition: Integration_remove_baseline.C:54 void find_transitions(int &hi2lo, int &lo2hi, int &buffer) const Find the transitions between high and low states in total intensity. Definition: Integration_find.C:22 PPQQ void phase(Profile *input) Compute the phase of the input complex-valued Profile. Definition: Fourier.C:135 void rotate_phase(double phase) Rotate each profile by phase; does not update the epoch attribute. Definition: Integration_rotate.C:28 void fscrunch(unsigned nscrunch=0) Integrate profiles from neighbouring chans. Definition: Integration_fscrunch.C:28 Signal::Basis get_basis() const Get the feed configuration of the receiver. Definition: Integration.C:588 void fold(unsigned nfold) Call Profile::fold on every profile. Definition: Integration.C:634 virtual double get_gate_duty_cycle() const Get the fraction of the pulse period recorded (in turns) Definition: Integration.h:220 virtual unsigned get_npol() const =0 Get the number of polarization measurements. void zero() Zero all the profiles, keeping all else the same. Definition: Integration.C:185 Provides a text interface to get and set Integration attributes. Definition: IntegrationTI.h:25 void invint() Transform from Stokes (I,Q,U,V) to the polarimetric invariant interval. Definition: Integration_invint.C:19 std::string get_telescope() const Get the telescope name. Definition: Integration.C:412 virtual unsigned get_nextension() const Return the number of extensions available. Definition: Integration.C:30 Expert * expert() Provide access to the expert interface. Definition: Integration.C:162 void transform(const Jones< float > &response) Perform the congruence transformation on each polarimetric profile. Definition: Integration_transform.C:42 virtual MJD get_epoch() const =0 Get the epoch of the rising edge of bin zero. virtual void resize(unsigned npol=0, unsigned nchan=0, unsigned nbin=0) Set the dimensions of the data container. Definition: Integration_resize.C:20 Manages the strategies that implement algorithms. Definition: ProfileStrategies.h:26 static bool verbose flag controls the amount output to stderr by Integration methods Definition: Integration.h:42 virtual std::string list_extensions() const Return a comma-separated list of the short names of all extensions. Definition: Integration.C:107 virtual void copy(const Integration *subint, bool management=true) Copy the profiles and attributes through set_ get_ methods. Definition: Integration.C:222 std::string get_extension_name() const Return the name of the Extension. Definition: Integration.C:45 virtual Profile * new_Profile() All new Profile instances are created through this method. Definition: Integration.C:209 friend class Extension The Extensions added to this Integration instance. Definition: Integration.h:428 void set_centre_frequency(unsigned ichan, double frequency) Set the Profile centre frequency attributes of the given channel. Definition: Integration.C:372 std::vector< Reference::To< Extension > > extension The Extensions added to this Integration instance. Definition: Integration.h:482 State virtual const Extension * get_extension(unsigned iextension) const Return a pointer to the specified extension. Definition: Integration.C:68 Stores otherwise shared attributes of orphaned Integrations. Definition: IntegrationMeta.h:26 virtual void set_epoch(const MJD &mjd)=0 Set the epoch of the rising edge of bin zero. virtual void set_nbin(unsigned nbin)=0 Set the number of pulsar phase bins. virtual unsigned get_nbin() const =0 Get the number of bins in each profile. void bscrunch_to_nbin(unsigned nbin) Call Profile::bsrunch_to_nbin on every profile. Definition: Integration.C:654 Reference::To< Expert > expert_interface Expert interface. Definition: Integration.h:499 Extension(const char *name) Construct with a name. Definition: Integration.C:36 bool get_faraday_corrected() const Data has been corrected for ISM faraday rotation. Definition: Integration.C:489 Signal::State get_state() const Get the polarimetric state of the profiles. Definition: Integration.C:599 std::vector< std::vector< Reference::To< Profile > > > profiles Data: npol by nchan profiles. Definition: Integration.h:485 sky_coord get_coordinates() const Get the source coordinates. Definition: Integration.C:423 virtual void add_extension(Extension *extension) Add an Extension to the Integration instance. Definition: Integration.C:90 bool get_auxiliary_birefringence_corrected() const Auxiliary inter-channel birefringence has been removed. Definition: Integration.C:570 void cal_levels(std::vector< std::vector< Estimate< double > > > &hi, std::vector< std::vector< Estimate< double > > > &lo) const Returns the mean hi/lo and variance of the mean hi/lo of every profile. Definition: Integration_cal_levels.C:16 double get_rotation_measure() const Get the auxiliary rotation measure. Definition: AuxColdPlasmaMeasures.C:41 double effective_bandwidth(unsigned ch_start=0, unsigned ch_end=0) const Computes the effective bandwidth of an interval of sub-channels. Definition: Integration_weighted_frequency.C:27 float get_weight(unsigned ichan) const Get the Profile weight attribute of the given channel. Definition: Integration.C:388 virtual std::string get_short_name() const Return an abbreviated name that can be typed relatively quickly. Definition: Integration.C:50 MJD get_start_time() const Get the MJD at the start of the integration (convenience interface) Definition: Integration.C:696 virtual double get_duration() const =0 Get the total time integrated (in seconds) virtual ~Extension() Destructor. Definition: Integration.C:41 double get_rotation_measure() const Get the rotation measure (in ) Definition: Integration.C:478 void adopt(const Archive *) Connect to a new parent archive (also useful after cloning) Definition: Integration.C:277 Provides access to private and protected members of Integration. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:33 Phase Array of Profiles integrated over the same time interval. Definition: Integration.h:37 double get_dispersion_measure() const Get the dispersion measure (in ) Definition: Integration.C:456 PhaseWeight * baseline() const Return a new PhaseWeight instance with the baseline phase bins masked. Definition: Integration_remove_baseline.C:20 virtual void set_nchan(unsigned nchan)=0 Set the number of frequency channels. void range_check(unsigned ipol, unsigned ichan) const Throw exception if ipol or ichan are out of range. Definition: Integration.C:286 Polarization void reverse_chan() Reverse the order of frequency channels. Definition: Integration.C:619 ExtensionType * getadd() Template method returns an Extension of the specified type. void rotate(double time) Rotate each profile by time (in seconds); updates the epoch attribute. Definition: Integration_rotate.C:11 Polarimetric pulse profile transformations and derivations. Definition: PolnProfile.h:34 double get_effective_rotation_measure() const Get the effective rotation measure that remains to be corrected. Definition: Integration.C:549 void find_peak_edges(int &rise, int &fall) const Find the bins in which the total intensity exceeds a threshold. Definition: Integration_find.C:51 virtual void set_duration(double seconds)=0 Set the total time integrated (in seconds) float find_min_phase(float dc=0.10) const Returns the centre phase of the region with minimum total intensity. Definition: Integration_find.C:81 void set_weight(unsigned ichan, float weight) Set the Profile weight attributes of the given channel. Definition: Integration.C:401 Coherence Stokes< float > get_Stokes(unsigned ichan, unsigned ibin) const Return the Stokes 4-vector for the frequency channel and phase bin. Definition: Integration_get_Stokes.C:27 void combine(const Integration *from) Combine from into this. Definition: Integration_combine.C:28 void defaraday() Remove Faraday rotation with respect to centre frequency. Definition: Integration_defaraday.C:18 friend class Expert The Extensions added to this Integration instance. Definition: Integration.h:430 bool mixable(const Integration *integ, std::string &reason) const Test if integration may be combined with this. Definition: Integration_mixable.C:27 static unsigned get_instance_count() returns the number of Integration instances Definition: Integration.C:147 void remove_baseline(const PhaseWeight *baseline=0) Remove the baseline from all profiles. Definition: Integration_remove_baseline.C:35 double get_bandwidth() const Get the bandwidth (in MHz) Definition: Integration.C:445 void dedisperse() Remove dispersion delays with respect to centre frequency. Definition: Integration_dedisperse.C:16 virtual void set_npol(unsigned npol)=0 Set the number of polarization measurements. Reference::To< const Archive, false > parent The Archive that manages this integration. Definition: Integration.h:488 Integration * total() const Return an orphaned pscrunched dedispersed fscrunched clone of self. Definition: Integration_total.C:22 double get_effective_dispersion_measure() const Get the effective dispersion measure that remains to be corrected. Definition: Integration.C:500 const Archive * get_parent(const Integration *subint) const Provide Extension derived classes with access to parent Archive. Definition: Integration.C:56 Profile::Strategies * get_strategy() const Returns the strategy manager. Definition: StrategySet.C:143 MJD get_end_time() const Get the MJD at the end of the integration (convenience interface) Definition: Integration.C:701 void convert_state(Signal::State state) Convert polarimetric data to the specified state. Definition: Integration_convert_state.C:22 Auxiliary cold plasma dispersion and birefringence corrections. Definition: AuxColdPlasma.h:26 Basis State pscrunch(State state) double get_dispersion_measure() const Get the auxiliary dispersion measure. Definition: AuxColdPlasmaMeasures.C:29 bool get_dedispersed() const Inter-channel dispersion delay has been removed. Definition: Integration.C:467 bool get_auxiliary_dispersion_corrected() const Auxiliary inter-channel dispersion delay has been removed. Definition: Integration.C:530 Integration & operator=(const Integration &subint) Assignment operator. Definition: Integration.C:179 Reference::To< Meta > orphaned The orphaned Integration's attributes. Definition: Integration.h:490 float find_max_phase() const Returns the centre phase of the region with maximum total intensity. Definition: Integration_find.C:106 virtual void insert(Integration *) Inserts Profiles from Integration into this. Definition: Integration_insert.C:26 double get_centre_frequency() const Get the centre frequency (in MHz) Definition: Integration.C:434 const Profile * get_Profile(const Archive *data, Index subint, Index pol, Index chan) Return the requested profile, cloning and integrating when needed. Definition: Index.C:24 Stores parameters used to correct auxiliary dispersion and birefringence. Definition: AuxColdPlasmaMeasures.h:24 virtual void edit_extensions(const std::string &name) Add or remove extensions with the specified short name. Definition: Integration.C:124 virtual double get_folding_period() const =0 Get the folding or topocentric pulsar period (in seconds) void pscrunch() Integrate profiles from single polarizations into one total intensity. Definition: Integration.C:668 void orphan() Disconnect from parent archive (useful after cloning a working copy) Definition: Integration_orphan.C:17 Profile * get_Profile(unsigned ipol, unsigned ichan) Returns a pointer to the Profile given by the specified indeces. Definition: Integration.C:306 void bscrunch(unsigned nscrunch) Call Profile::bsrunch on every profile. Definition: Integration.C:644 PolnProfile * new_PolnProfile(unsigned ichan) Returns a pointer to a new PolnProfile instance. Definition: Integration_new_PolnProfile.C:16 void uniform_weight(float new_weight=1.0) Set the weight of each profile to the given number. Definition: Integration.C:706 void swap_profiles(unsigned ipol, unsigned ichan, unsigned jpol, unsigned jchan) Swap the two specified profiles. Definition: Integration.C:610 static double match_max_frequency_difference Maximum centre frequency difference in Integration::mixable. Definition: Integration.h:45 virtual void remove(unsigned ichan) Remove a channel from this Integration. Definition: Integration_remove.C:14 const ExtensionType * get() const Template method searches for an Extension of the specified type. Dimension virtual void set_folding_period(double seconds)=0 Set the folding or topocentric pulsar period (in seconds) virtual Interface * get_interface() Return a text interface that can be used to access this instance. Definition: Integration.C:200 double weighted_frequency(unsigned ch_start=0, unsigned ch_end=0) const Computes the weighted centre frequency of an interval of sub-channels. Definition: Integration_weighted_frequency.C:20 virtual void set_gate_duty_cycle(double turns) Set the fraction of the pulse period recorded (in turns) Definition: Integration.h:224 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17