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ManualPolnCalibrator.h void calibrate(Archive *archive) Return the system response for the specified channel. Definition: ManualPolnCalibrator.C:94 virtual MJD get_epoch() const =0 Get the epoch of the rising edge of bin zero. double get_centre_frequency(unsigned ichan) const Get the Profile centre frequency attribute of the given channel. Definition: Integration.C:359 virtual unsigned get_nsubint() const =0 Get the number of sub-integrations stored in the file. ~ManualPolnCalibrator() Assignment Operator. Definition: ManualPolnCalibrator.C:34 std::vector< Entry > match(const MJD &epoch) const Returns the best match, given the source name and centre frequency. Definition: ManualPolnCalibrator.C:238 ManualPolnCalibrator(const std::string ascii_model_filename) Default Constructor. Definition: ManualPolnCalibrator.C:20 virtual void set_response_nsub(unsigned nsub) Set the number of frequency channels in the response array. Definition: ManualPolnCalibrator.C:39 virtual unsigned get_nchan() const =0 Get the number of frequency channels used. virtual void set_poln_calibrated(bool done=true)=0 Set the value to be returned by get_poln_calibrated. virtual Signal::State get_state() const =0 Get the state of the profile data. Integration * get_Integration(unsigned subint) Return pointer to the specified Integration. Definition: IntegrationManager.C:41 virtual std::string get_telescope() const =0 Get the name of the telescope used. virtual Jones< float > get_response(unsigned ichan) const Return the system response for the specified channel. Definition: PolnCalibrator.C:181 std::vector< Entry > matches_epoch(const MJD &epoch) const Return true if the source name matches. Definition: ManualPolnCalibrator.C:200 Coherence Phenomenological description of the instrument. Definition: ManualPolnCalibrator.h:27 virtual unsigned get_response_nsub() const Get the number of frequency channels in the response array. Definition: ManualPolnCalibrator.C:45 std::vector< Entry > entries vector of entries in the database Definition: ManualPolnCalibrator.h:142 Entry get_entry(const unsigned idx) const Returns a given entry. Definition: ManualPolnCalibrator.h:133 void transform(const Jones< float > &) Perform the transformation on each polarimetric profile. Definition: Archive_transform.C:15 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17