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Mower.h 89 }
void set_dedisperse(bool) Correct dispersion before integrating, if necessary. Definition: FrequencyIntegrate.C:26 virtual void set_median_smoothing(float turns) Set the size of the window used during median smoothing. Definition: Mower.C:48 virtual bool build_mask(Profile *profile) Create mask and return true if all preconditions are satisfied. Definition: Mower.C:82 Integrates frequency channels in an Integration. Definition: FrequencyIntegrate.h:46 void resize(unsigned nbin) Resize the weights array. Definition: PhaseWeight.h:67 unsigned get_nbin() const Return the number of bins. Definition: ProfileAmps.h:50 std::vector< Functor< bool(Profile *, PhaseWeight *) > > precondition Preconditions. Definition: Mower.h:95 Reference::To< const PhaseWeight > prune Specific points to be pruned. Definition: Mower.h:77 virtual void set_prune(const PhaseWeight *prune_mask) If set, mow only the points flagged in the prune mask. Definition: Mower.C:63 Array of Profiles integrated over the same time interval. Definition: Integration.h:37 void set_turns(float) Set the width of the smoothing window in turns. Definition: Smooth.C:23 virtual void add_precondition(Functor< bool(Profile *, PhaseWeight *) >) One or more preconditions can be added. Definition: Mower.C:75 virtual void set_broadband(bool) If set, search for spikes in fscrunched (DM=0) total. Definition: Mower.C:58 bool broadband Search for spikes in fscrunch (DM=0) total. Definition: Mower.h:92 const std::string get_message() const void transform(Integration *) Set the Profile from which baseline PhaseWeight will be computed. Definition: Mower.C:150 virtual void compute(PhaseWeight *mask, const Profile *difference)=0 Find the spikes in median smoothed difference and flag them in mask. virtual TextInterface::Parser * get_interface() Get the text interface to the mower attributes. Definition: Mower.C:235 virtual void set_threshold(float madm) Set the threshold above which samples are mown. Definition: Mower.C:38 float median_smoothing_turns Size of median smoothing window in turns. Definition: Mower.h:86 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17