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NoiseStatistics.h NoiseStatistics() Default constructor. Definition: NoiseStatistics.C:21 float find_min_phase(float duty_cycle=default_duty_cycle) const Returns the phase of the centre of the region with minimum mean. Definition: Profile_find_minmax_phase.C:21 void set_baseline_fourier(float width) Set the fractional number of high frequencies used to calculate noise. Definition: NoiseStatistics.C:28 Profile * fourier_transform(const Profile *, FTransform::Plan *=0) Return the forward Fourier transform of the input Profile. Definition: Fourier.C:41 void detect(Profile *input) Square-law detect the input complex-valued Profile. Definition: Fourier.C:103 void stats(double *mean, double *variance=0, double *varmean=0, int bin_start=0, int bin_end=0) const Calculates the mean, variance, and variance of the mean. Definition: Profile_stats.C:27 void set_baseline_time(float width) Set the fractional number of phase bins used to calculate noise. Definition: NoiseStatistics.C:38 float get_nfnr(const Profile *profile) Return the noise to Fourier noise ratio. Definition: NoiseStatistics.C:48 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17