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Parallactic.h Jones< double > evaluate(std::vector< Jones< double > > *grad=0) const void bscrunch(Container *, const ScrunchFactor &) Integrate phase bins. Definition: ScrunchFactor.h:116 void fit(const Pulsar::Parameters *model, std::vector< toa > &data, Pulsar::Parameters *postfit=NULL, bool track=false, Tempo::toa::State min_state=Tempo::toa::Normal) Pulsar void set_plot_low(bool flag=true) Plot the off-pulse polarization. Definition: CalibratorSpectrum.h:60 virtual unsigned get_nchan() const Get the number of frequency channels in the calibrator. Definition: PolnCalibrator.C:237 Plots model Stokes parameters as a function of time. Definition: ReceptionModelAxisPlotter.h:29 Supplements a SystemCalibrator with a SingleAxisCalibrator. Definition: HybridCalibrator.h:26 virtual double get_centre_frequency(unsigned ichan) const Get the centre frequency of the specified channel. Definition: CalibratorExtension.C:101 Definition: PeriastronOrder.h:28 Definition: BinLngPeriOrder.h:28 void integrate(const MEAL::Complex2 *model) Add the Model parameters to the running mean. Definition: MeanCoherency.C:20 bool get_transformation_valid(unsigned ch) const Return true if the transformation for the specified channel is valid. Definition: PolnCalibrator.C:258 void set_integrate(bool flag=true) Set the integrate flag. Definition: Index.h:44 const float * get_amps() const Return a pointer to the amplitudes array. Definition: ProfileAmps.C:141 void set_basis(Signal::Basis basis) Set the basis of the feed receptors. Definition: Receiver.C:97 std::string title Title to print over top panel. Definition: CalibratorPlotter.h:75 float between_panels Fraction of total plotting space placed between panels. Definition: CalibratorPlotter.h:63 void set_plot_Ip(bool flag=true) Plot the total and polarized intensities. Definition: CalibratorSpectrum.h:52 virtual void set_centre_frequency(double cfreq) set the centre frequency (in MHz) Definition: Profile.h:204 void calibrate(Archive *archive) Calibrate the Pulsar::Archive. Definition: IonosphereCalibrator.C:25 void set_directional(Directional *) Set the directional antenna. Definition: Parallactic.C:22 void set_display_mean_single_line(const bool _display_mean_single_line) Set whether the default output from EstimatePlotter is displayed. Definition: CalibratorPlotter.C:294 Estimate< double > get_ellipticity(unsigned ireceptor) const Get the ellipticity, , of the specified receptor in radians. Definition: Feed.C:159 Definition: BinaryPhaseOrder.h:28 Estimate< double > get_orientation(unsigned ireceptor) const Get the orientation, , of the specified receptor (radians) Definition: Feed.C:175 void counter_drift(Archive *archive, double trial_p, double trial_pdot=0.0, MJD reference_time=MJD::zero) Rotates subints to counter a drifting pulse due to incorrect P/Pdot. Definition: counter_drift.C:17 static Interface * get_interface() Return the text interface to the configuration parameters. Definition: Config.C:144 void set_phi(const Estimate< double > &radians) virtual unsigned get_nchan() const Get the number of frequency channels. Definition: CalibratorExtension.C:83 Estimate< double > get_ellipticity(unsigned ireceptor) const Get the ellipticity, , of the specified receptor in radians. Definition: Instrument.C:82 void equal_ellipticities() Model the ellipticities of both receptors using the same value. Definition: Instrument.C:118 void update(MEAL::Complex2 *model) const Update the Model parameters with the current value of the mean. Definition: MeanCoherency.C:10 static Archive * load(const std::string &name) Factory returns a new instance loaded from filename. Definition: Archive_load.C:28 Contains information about the receiver and receiver platform. Definition: Receiver.h:28 unsigned npanel Number of panels (vertical) Definition: CalibratorPlotter.h:60 const MEAL::Complex2 * get_frontend() const Provide access to the frontend model. Definition: BackendFeed.h:69 Stokes static void set_verbosity(unsigned level) Set the verbosity level (0 to 3) Definition: Archive_verbose.C:19 T val unsigned get_nbin() const Return the number of bins. Definition: ProfileAmps.h:50 const ScalarMath pow(const ScalarMath &x, const ScalarMath &y) Models a set of transformations and source polarizations. Definition: ReceptionModel.h:32 Gain, differential gain and differential phase. Definition: CalibratorTypes.h:55 Stores the Stokes parameters of the reference source. Definition: CalibratorStokes.h:28 Type * get() const const ExtensionType * get() const Template method searches for an Extension of the specified type. U var double get_absolute_phase() const Return the absolute phase. Definition: ComponentModel.C:208 void rotate_phase(double phase) rotates the profile by phase (in turns) Definition: Profile_rotate.C:35 static Archive * new_Archive(const std::string &class_name) Factory returns a null-constructed instance of the named class. Definition: Archive.C:104 Value * new_Value(const Type &value) const MEAL::Complex2 * get_transformation(unsigned ichan) const Return the transformation for the specified channel. Definition: PolnCalibrator.C:309 Corrects the power scattered due to 2-bit quantization. Definition: ScatteredPowerCorrection.h:33 Communicates PolnCalibrator solver parameters to plotting routines. Definition: SolverInfo.h:26 bool print_titles Print titles over top of panel. Definition: CalibratorPlotter.h:69 void set_name(const std::string &name) Set the name of the backend. Definition: Backend.C:89 virtual double get_centre_frequency() const =0 Get the centre frequency of the observation. void fft_convolve(const Profile *profile) convolves this with the given profile (using fft method) Definition: Profile_convolve.C:65 Integration * get_Integration(unsigned subint) Return pointer to the specified Integration. Definition: IntegrationManager.C:41 void set_projection_corrected(bool val) Set true when receptor projection onto sky has been corrected. Definition: Receiver.h:172 void calibrate(Archive *archive) Calibrate the Pulsar::Archive. Definition: FrontendCorrection.C:72 Communicates CalibratorStokes parameters to plotting routines. Definition: CalibratorStokesInfo.h:26 Array of Profiles integrated over the same time interval. Definition: Integration.h:37 static bool verbose Represents the system as a polar decomposition. Definition: PolarCalibrator.h:25 Callback< Type > signal Estimate< double > get_diff_phase() const Get the differential phase, , in radians. Definition: VariableBackend.C:89 void set_outlier_threshold(float f) Set the threshold used to reject outliers when computing levels. Definition: ReferenceCalibrator.h:64 A CoherencyMeasurement set and their coordinates. Definition: CoherencyMeasurementSet.h:26 Directional * get_directional() Get the directional antenna. Definition: Parallactic.C:30 Unknown FluxCalOn double get_param(unsigned index) const PolnCal Stores PolnCalibrator parameters in an Archive instance. Definition: PolnCalibratorExtension.h:28 Corrects the recorded properties of the frontend. Definition: FrontendCorrection.h:31 Calibrators derived from reference source observations. Definition: ReferenceCalibrator.h:31 void set_gain(const Estimate< double > &gain) Set the instrumental gain, , in calibrator flux units. Definition: VariableBackend.C:98 void set_valid(unsigned ichan, bool valid) Set the validity flag for the specified channel. Definition: CalibratorStokes.C:78 Ord, van Straten, Hotan & Bailes (2004; MNRAS 352:804), section 2.1. Definition: CalibratorTypes.h:176 Coherence Phenomenological description of the instrument. Definition: ManualPolnCalibrator.h:27 T get_value() const void set_basis_corrected(bool) Set true when receptor basis has been corrected. Definition: Receiver.C:174 void connect(Class *instance, Method method) A weighted mean of coherency matrix estimates. Definition: MeanCoherency.h:26 void set_diff_gain(const Estimate< double > &gamma) Set the differential gain, , in hyperbolic radians. Definition: VariableBackend.C:108 void correct(Archive *) The scattered power correction operation. Definition: ScatteredPowerCorrection.C:22 Stores Calibrator parameters in an Archive. Definition: CalibratorExtension.h:27 Estimate< double > get_diff_gain() const Get the differential gain, , in hyperbolic radians. Definition: VariableBackend.C:80 Vector< 3, T > get_vector() const Models a pulse profile using multiple components. Definition: ComponentModel.h:34 void set_diff_phase(const Estimate< double > &phi) Set the differential phase, , in radians. Definition: VariableBackend.C:118 virtual void plot(const Archive *) Plot in the current viewport. Definition: SimplePlot.C:15 std::string get_filename() const Get the name of the file to which the archive will be unloaded. Definition: Archive.h:108 void set_epoch(const MJD &epoch) Set the MJD. Definition: Parallactic.C:41 const VariableBackend * get_backend() const Provide access to the backend model. Definition: BackendFeed.C:60 Calibrates flux using standard candles and artificial sources. Definition: FluxCalibrator.h:29 Degree of Polarization Calibrator (P236) Definition: CalibratorTypes.h:191 Auxiliary cold plasma dispersion and birefringence corrections. Definition: AuxColdPlasma.h:26 A coherency matrix measurement and its estimated error. Definition: CoherencyMeasurement.h:32 Jansky const std::string get_message() const virtual void plot(const Calibrator *calibrator) Plot the Pulsar::Calibrator. Definition: CalibratorPlotter.C:37 static bool cache_last_cal Cache the last calibrator? Definition: Database.h:45 const Profile * get_Profile(const Archive *data, Index subint, Index pol, Index chan) Return the requested profile, cloning and integrating when needed. Definition: Index.C:24 void set_rotation_measure(double measure) Set the auxiliary rotation measure. Definition: AuxColdPlasmaMeasures.C:35 Represents the system as a Calibration::SingleAxis. Definition: SingleAxisCalibrator.h:26 Stores parameters used to correct auxiliary dispersion and birefringence. Definition: AuxColdPlasmaMeasures.h:24 void set_hour_angle(double radians) Set the hour angle in radians. Definition: Parallactic.C:56 Physical parameterization of the instrumental response. Definition: BackendFeed.h:31 Corrects ionospheric Faraday rotation. Definition: IonosphereCalibrator.h:25 Parallactic angle transformation of receiver feed. Definition: Parallactic.h:58 virtual void set_weight(float) set the weight of the profile Definition: Profile.C:185 Estimate< double > get_orientation(unsigned ireceptor) const Get the orientation, , of the specified receptor in radians. Definition: Instrument.C:73 Profile * get_Profile(unsigned ipol, unsigned ichan) Returns a pointer to the Profile given by the specified indeces. Definition: Integration.C:306 virtual unsigned get_nbin() const =0 Get the number of pulsar phase bins used. double get_hour_angle() const Get the hour angle in radians. Definition: Parallactic.C:72 van Straten (2002; ApJ 568:436), equation A1 Definition: CalibratorTypes.h:68 void set_sequence(Sequence s) The sequence of matching calibrator and pulsar observations. Definition: Database.h:223 static bool verbose Estimate< double > get_Estimate(unsigned index) const virtual void resize(unsigned nbin) resize the data area Definition: Profile.C:134 Source static Receiver * load(const std::string &filename) Construct a new Receiver instance from a file. Definition: Receiver_load.C:15 FluxCalOff void set_infit(unsigned index, bool flag) Definition: BinLngAscOrder.h:28 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17