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PhaseGradShift.h TextInterface::Parser * get_interface() Return a text interface that can be used to configure this instance. Definition: PhaseGradShift.h:59 PhaseGradShift * clone() const Return a copy constructed instance of self. Definition: PhaseGradShift.h:63 The original scalar template matching algorithm. Definition: ScalarTemplateMatching.h:44 void set_maximum_harmonic(unsigned max) Set the maximum number of harmonics to include in fit. Definition: PhaseGradShift.C:45 Convenience interface used to add ShiftEstimator children to factory. Definition: ShiftEstimator.h:64 PhaseGradShift() Default constructor. Definition: PhaseGradShift.C:32 double get_reduced_chisq() const Return the statistical goodness of fit. Definition: PhaseGradShift.C:90 void set_choose_maximum_harmonic(bool flag=true) Allow software to choose the maximum harmonic. Definition: PhaseGradShift.C:51 static Option< bool > compute_reduced_chisq Compute the reduced chisq, or assume that it is unity. Definition: PhaseGradShift.h:35 void set_compute_reduced_chisq(bool flag) When true, compute the reduced chisq; when false, assume it is unity. Definition: ScalarTemplateMatching.h:115 Estimate< double > get_shift() const Return the best-fit estimate of the phase shift in turns. Definition: PhaseGradShift.C:63 void set_standard(const Profile *p) Set the profile with respect to which the shift will be estimated. Definition: PhaseGradShift.C:57 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17