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PlotLoop.h bool get_preprocess() const Get the preprocess flag. Definition: PlotLoop.C:129 void set_preprocess(bool) Set the preprocess flag. Definition: PlotLoop.C:124 Value * find(const std::string &name, bool throw_exception=true) const virtual void set_value(const std::string &value)=0 void set_stack(bool) Automatically stack multiple plots. Definition: PlotLoop.C:115 void configure(const std::vector< std::string > &options) Configure the plots. Definition: PlotLoop.C:43 void set_overlay(bool) Overlay the data from multiple objects in a single plot. Definition: PlotLoop.C:105 virtual Archive * result() If process if out of place, return pointer to new result. Definition: Processor.h:38 void set_colour_indeces(const std::vector< unsigned > &ci) Set the colour indeces through which to loop. Definition: PlotLoop.C:134 virtual void process(Archive *)=0 Process the archive (either in place or out of place) Interface to any object that processes data in an Archive. Definition: Processor.h:27 void add_index(TextIndex *) Add an index over which to loop. Definition: PlotLoop.C:140 virtual Archive * clone() const =0 Return a new copy constructed instance equal to this. const std::string get_message() const std::string get_centre() const Get the label to be drawn in the centre of the frame. Definition: PlotLabel.h:54 void set_centre(const std::string &label) Set the label to be drawn in the centre of the frame. Definition: PlotLabel.h:52 void set_Archive(Archive *) Set the Archive to be plotted. Definition: PlotLoop.C:79 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17