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Plot.h virtual TextInterface::Parser * get_interface()=0 Get the text interface to the configuration attributes. virtual PlotAttributes * get_attributes()=0 Provide access to the plot attributes. virtual void configure(const std::string &) Process a configuration command. Definition: Plot.C:29 virtual void preprocess(Archive *) Process the Archive as needed before calling plot. Definition: Plot.C:47 virtual Plot * construct()=0 Return a new default constructed instance of a derived type. Constructor * get_constructor() Get the constructor. Definition: Plot.C:20 Definition: Plot.h:94 virtual void set_preprocessor(Processor *) Set the pre-processor. Definition: Plot.C:53 Interface to any object that processes data in an Archive. Definition: Processor.h:27 virtual bool has_preprocessor() const Return true if pre-processor has been set. Definition: Plot.C:65 void set_constructor(Constructor *c) Set the constructor. Definition: Plot.h:63 virtual Processor * get_preprocessor() Get the pre-processor. Definition: Plot.C:59 virtual TextInterface::Parser * get_frame_interface()=0 Get the text interface to the frame attributes. Generated using doxygen 1.8.17