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PolnProfileFit.h void phase(Profile *input) Compute the phase of the input complex-valued Profile. Definition: Fourier.C:135 void add_observation(Calibration::CoherencyMeasurementSet &, const PolnProfile *) Add the specified observation to the measurement set. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:372 void set_plan(FTransform::Plan *) Set the fourier transform plan. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:110 Reference::To< Calibration::StandardSpectra > standard_data Normalization by total invariant interval with error propagation. Definition: PolnProfileFit.h:196 double get_centre_frequency() const get the centre frequency (in MHz) Definition: Profile.h:202 const PolnProfile * get_standard() const Get the standard to which observations will be fit. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:121 void set_standard(const PolnProfile *standard) Set the standard to which observations will be fit. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:148 bool choose_maximum_harmonic Set true when set_standard should choose the maximum harmonic. Definition: PolnProfileFit.h:162 void set_phase_lock(bool locked) Lock pulse phase; i.e., do not allow pulse phase to vary in fit. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:294 void delete_observations() Delete any previously added observations. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:332 float ccf_max_phase(const Profile *std, const Profile *obs) const Return the phase shift based on the cross correlation function. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:590 void set_regions(const PhaseWeight &pulse, const PhaseWeight &baseline) Set the on-pulse and baseline regions. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:141 Analysis of the matrix template matching algorithm. Definition: PolnProfileFitAnalysis.h:30 PolnProfileFit() Default constructor. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:36 unsigned n_harmonic The number of harmonics in the fit. Definition: PolnProfileFit.h:178 void set_transformation(MEAL::Complex2 *xform) Set the transformation between the standard and observation. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:270 T val bool manage_equation_transformation Manage the equation transformation. Definition: PolnProfileFit.h:165 Models a set of transformations and source polarizations. Definition: ReceptionModel.h:32 bool phase_lock Lock the phase to the initial estimate. Definition: PolnProfileFit.h:184 Reference::To< MEAL::PhaseGradients< MEAL::Complex2 > > phases The phase gradient model for each observation added. Definition: PolnProfileFit.h:205 Type * get() const void share_phase() Share a single phase shift between all input observations. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:307 U var void set_observation(const PolnProfile *) Set the only observation to be fit to the standard. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:342 Solve the measurement equation by non-linear least squares minimization. Definition: ReceptionModelSolver.h:26 std::vector< Reference::To< Calibration::TemplateUncertainty > > uncertainty Least-squares normalization includes variable template contribution. Definition: PolnProfileFit.h:202 unsigned maximum_harmonic The maximum number of harmonics to include in the fit. Definition: PolnProfileFit.h:175 unsigned get_nharmonic() const Get the number of harmonics to be included in fit. Definition: PolnProfileFit.h:83 Calibration::ReceptionModel * get_equation() Get the measurement equation used to model the fit. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:516 unsigned get_nbin() const Get the number of bins. Definition: PolnProfile.C:139 void fit(const PolnProfile *observation) Fit the specified observation to the standard. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:322 A CoherencyMeasurement set and their coordinates. Definition: CoherencyMeasurementSet.h:26 virtual void set_transformation(Complex2 *xform) Set the transformation, ,where =get_transformation_index. Definition: MeasurementEquation.C:74 Reference::To< Calibration::ReceptionModel > equation The measurement equation used to model the fit. Definition: PolnProfileFit.h:199 Polarimetric pulse profile transformations and derivations. Definition: PolnProfile.h:34 Analysis of the scalar template matching algorithm. Definition: PolnProfileFitAnalysis.h:185 Combines the uncertainty of the template and the observation. Definition: TemplateUncertainty.h:25 void set_phase(const Estimate< double > &phase) Set the phase offset between the observation and the standard. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:548 Tempo::toa get_toa(const PolnProfile *observation, const MJD &mjd, double period, const std::string &nsite) Get the arrival time estimate. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:564 void set_maximum_harmonic(unsigned max) Set the maximum number of harmonics to include in fit. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:115 bool shared_phase Share a single phase shift between all input observations. Definition: PolnProfileFit.h:181 PolnProfileFit & operator=(const PolnProfileFit &fit) Assignment operator. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:50 void set_fit_debug(bool flag=true) Set the debug mode in the ReceptionModel. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:286 void set_normalize_by_invariant(bool set=true) Normalize each Stokes vector by the mean on-pulse invariant. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:83 Estimate< double > get_phase() const Get the phase offset between the standard and the observation. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:535 Calibration::CoherencyMeasurementSet measurement_set The template from which measurement sets are constructed. Definition: PolnProfileFit.h:214 double get_reduced_chisq() const Get the statistical goodness of fit. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:508 unsigned get_transformation_index() const Get the transformation through which the measurements are made. Definition: CoherencyMeasurementSet.C:30 A coherency matrix measurement and its estimated error. Definition: CoherencyMeasurement.h:32 void set_stokes(const Stokes< Estimate< double > > &stokes) Set the measured Stokes parameters. Definition: CoherencyMeasurement.C:43 void set_measurement_set(const Calibration::CoherencyMeasurementSet &) Set the template from which measurment sets will be constructed. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:357 Computes the normalized complex Stokes parameters in each harmonic. Definition: StandardSpectra.h:30 float get_chisq() const unsigned get_maximum_harmonic() const Get the maximum number of harmonics to include in fit. Definition: PolnProfileFit.h:80 void bcc1d(size_t nfft, float *into, const float *from) void add_coordinate(MEAL::Argument::Value *abscissa) Add an independent variable. Definition: CoherencyMeasurement.C:188 void solve() Fit all observations to the standard. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:486 MEAL::Complex2 * get_transformation() const Get the transformation between the standard and the observation. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:281 Reference::To< MEAL::Complex2 > transformation The transformation between the standard and observation. Definition: PolnProfileFit.h:193 Calibration::StandardSpectra * get_spectra() Get the statistical interface to the data. Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:529 Definition: PolnProfileFit.h:33 MEAL::Axis< double > phase_axis The phase axis. Definition: PolnProfileFit.h:208 unsigned get_nfree() const const Profile * get_Profile(unsigned ipol) const Get the specifed constant profile. Definition: PolnProfile.C:147 MEAL::Axis< unsigned > index_axis The gradient index axis. Definition: PolnProfileFit.h:211 Reference::To< const PolnProfile > standard The standard to which observations will be fit. Definition: PolnProfileFit.h:187 Reference::To< const PolnProfile > standard_fourier The Fourier transform of the standard. Definition: PolnProfileFit.h:190 void remove_phase() Remove pulse phase from model (may be more efficient, but irreversible) Definition: PolnProfileFit.C:299 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17