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ProfileAmps.h void average(const Profile *that) set this to the weighted average of this and that Definition: Profile_average.C:52 void correlate_normalized(const Profile *profile) cross-correlates and normalizes this with the given profile in time domain Definition: Profile_convolve.C:24 virtual ~ProfileAmps() Destructor destroys the data array. Definition: ProfileAmps.C:89 static bool no_amps When true, no memory is allocated for amps. Definition: ProfileAmps.h:38 double mean(float phase, float duty_cycle=default_duty_cycle) const Convenience interface to stats, returns only the mean. Definition: Profile_stats.C:121 const float * get_amps() const Return a pointer to the amplitudes array. Definition: ProfileAmps.C:141 void frc1d(size_t nfft, float *into, const float *from) float get_weight() const get the weight of the profile Definition: Profile.h:207 Estimate< double > shift(const Profile &std) const Returns the shift (in turns) between profile and standard. Definition: Profile_shift.C:20 void bcr1d(size_t nfft, float *into, const float *from) Provides access to private and protected members of ProfileAmps. Definition: ProfileAmpsExpert.h:32 void set_amps(const T *data) set the amplitudes array equal to the contents of the data array Definition: ProfileAmps.h:89 float find_min_phase(float duty_cycle=default_duty_cycle) const Returns the phase of the centre of the region with minimum mean. Definition: Profile_find_minmax_phase.C:21 float snr() const Returns the signal to noise ratio of the profile. Definition: Profile_snr.C:15 void convolve(const Profile *profile) convolves this with the given profile in time domain Definition: Profile_convolve.C:14 static Option< Edges > peak_edges_strategy The default implementation of the edge detection algorithm. Definition: Profile.h:172 unsigned get_nbin() const Return the number of bins. Definition: ProfileAmps.h:50 void remove(const std::vector< unsigned > &indeces) remove the elements specified in the array of indeces Definition: ProfileAmps.C:161 const ScalarMath sqrt(const ScalarMath &x) void derivative() compute the derivative of profile with respect to index Definition: Profile_derivative.C:20 void rotate_phase(double phase) rotates the profile by phase (in turns) Definition: Profile_rotate.C:35 void shift(unsigned npts, float *arr, double shift) virtual Profile * clone() const returns a pointer to a new copy of self Definition: Profile.C:124 void fft_convolve(const Profile *profile) convolves this with the given profile (using fft method) Definition: Profile_convolve.C:65 float find_max_phase(float duty_cycle=default_duty_cycle) const Returns the phase of the centre of the region with maximum mean. Definition: Profile_find_minmax_phase.C:43 static Option< bool > rotate_in_phase_domain When true, Profile::rotate shifts bins in the phase domain. Definition: Profile.h:56 void derivative(unsigned npts, float *data) void find_transitions(int &highlow, int &lowhigh, int &width) const Find the bin numbers at which the mean power transits. Definition: Profile_find_transitions.C:45 void correlate(const Profile *profile) cross-correlates this with the given profile in time domain Definition: Profile_convolve.C:19 void dedisperse(double dm, double ref_freq, double pfold) Rotates the profile to remove dispersion delay. Definition: Profile_dedisperse.C:24 ProfileAmps(unsigned nbin=0) Constructor initializes the data array. Definition: ProfileAmps.C:56 Finds the phase window in which the smoothed Profile is an extremum. Definition: BaselineWindow.h:28 virtual void resize(unsigned nbin) Resize the data area. Definition: ProfileAmps.C:104 Estimates phase shift in time domain using parabolic interpolation. Definition: ParIntShift.h:24 Provides protected access to the Profile amplitudes array. Definition: ProfileAmps.h:28 void stats(double *mean, double *variance=0, double *varmean=0, int bin_start=0, int bin_end=0) const Calculates the mean, variance, and variance of the mean. Definition: Profile_stats.C:27 PhaseWeight * baseline() const Return a new PhaseWeight instance with the baseline phase bins masked. Definition: Profile_baseline.C:15 virtual void set_weight(float) set the weight of the profile Definition: Profile.C:185 static Option< float > transition_duty_cycle fractional phase window used to find rise and fall of running mean Definition: Profile.h:59 void find_peak_edges(int &rise, int &fall) const Find the bin numbers at which the cumulative power crosses thresholds. Definition: Profile_find_peak_edges.C:34 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17