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ProfileStats.h void set_baseline_estimator(BaselineEstimator *) Set the BaselineEstimator used to find the off-pulse phase bins. Definition: PeakConsecutive.C:78 static WidthEstimator * factory(const std::string &name_and_parse) Construct a new WidthEstimator from a string. Definition: WidthEstimator.C:26 PhaseWeight all All phase bins (subject to include and exclude) Definition: ProfileStats.h:171 void set_baseline_estimator(ProfileWeightFunction *) The algorithm used to find the off-pulse phase bins. Definition: ProfileStats.C:187 Reference::To< const Profile, false > profile The Profile from which statistics will be derived. Definition: ProfileStats.h:145 const float * get_amps() const Return a pointer to the amplitudes array. Definition: ProfileAmps.C:141 ProfileStats(const Profile *profile=0) Default constructor. Definition: ProfileStats.C:27 unsigned get_baseline_nbin() const Get the number of phase bins in the baseline window. Definition: ProfileStats.C:296 static SNRatioEstimator * factory(const std::string &name_and_parse) Construct a new SNRatioEstimator from a string. Definition: SNRatioEstimator.C:22 bool regions_set True when the onpulse and baseline regions have been set. Definition: ProfileStats.h:162 std::string get_value(const std::string &name) const PhaseWeight * get_baseline() Return the off-pulse baseline mask. Definition: ProfileStats.C:389 void set_regions(const PhaseWeight &pulse, const PhaseWeight &baseline) Set the on-pulse and baseline regions. Definition: ProfileStats.C:229 void set_onpulse_estimator(ProfileWeightFunction *) The algorithm used to find the on-pulse phase bins. Definition: ProfileStats.C:170 void set_width_estimator(WidthEstimator *) The algorithm used to estimate the pulse width. Definition: ProfileStats.C:197 TextInterface::Parser * get_interface() Return a text interface that can be used to configure this instance. Definition: ProfileStats.C:547 unsigned get_nbin() const Return the number of bins. Definition: ProfileAmps.h:50 void get_regions(PhaseWeight &pulse, PhaseWeight &base) const Set the on-pulse and baseline regions. Definition: ProfileStats.C:242 static bool verbose flag controls the amount output to stderr by Profile methods Definition: Profile.h:53 void deselect_onpulse(const Profile *profile, float threshold) Deselect onpulse phase bins in profile that fall below threshold. Definition: ProfileStats.C:148 PhaseWeight baseline The off-pulse baseline mask. Definition: ProfileStats.h:168 unsigned get_onpulse_nbin() const Get the number of phase bins in the on pulse window. Definition: ProfileStats.C:289 Estimate< double > get_baseline_variance() const Returns the variance of the baseline. Definition: ProfileStats.C:339 TextInterface::Parser * get_pulse_width_interface() Get the text interface of the pulse width estimator. Definition: ProfileStats.C:539 void set_pulse_width_estimator(const std::string &name) Set the pulse width estimator. Definition: ProfileStats.C:527 Reference::To< ProfileWeightFunction > exclude_estimator The algorithm used to find the excluded phase bins. Definition: ProfileStats.h:183 Estimate< double > baseline_variance The variance of the total intensity baseline. Definition: ProfileStats.h:174 void build() const Computes the phase bin masks. Definition: ProfileStats.C:408 Adaptively computes the baseline, assuming normally distributed noise. Definition: GaussianBaseline.h:70 Finds pulse defined by number of consecutive points above threshold. Definition: PeakConsecutive.h:31 void select_profile(const Profile *) Set the Profile that defines the baseline and on-pulse regions. Definition: ProfileStats.C:128 void set_onpulse(unsigned ibin, bool) Set if the specified phase bin is in the on pulse window. Definition: ProfileStats.C:316 static unsigned get_instance_count() Get the number of ProfileStats instances in existence. Definition: ProfileStats.C:21 PhaseWeight onpulse The on-pulse phase bin mask. Definition: ProfileStats.h:165 void set_include_estimator(ProfileWeightFunction *) The algorithm used to find the included phase bins. Definition: ProfileStats.C:81 PhaseWeight algorithms that receive an input Profile. Definition: ProfileWeightFunction.h:26 virtual void set_baseline_estimator(ProfileWeightFunction *) Set the algorithm used to find the off-pulse phase bins. Definition: HasBaselineEstimator.C:33 PhaseWeight * get_onpulse() Return the on-pulse phase bin mask. Definition: ProfileStats.C:376 Algorithms that estimate the signal-to-noise ratio of pulse profiles. Definition: SNRatioEstimator.h:27 void set_snratio_estimator(SNRatioEstimator *) The algorithm used to estimate the signal-to-noise ratio. Definition: ProfileStats.C:212 TextInterface::Parser * get_snr_interface() Get the text interface of the signal-to-noise ratio estimator. Definition: ProfileStats.C:518 Reference::To< ProfileWeightFunction > include_estimator The algorithm used to find the included phase bins. Definition: ProfileStats.h:177 Profile statistics text interface. Definition: ProfileStatsInterface.h:25 Reference::To< ProfileWeightFunction > onpulse_estimator The algorithm used to find the on-pulse phase bins. Definition: ProfileStats.h:153 Estimate< double > get_total(bool subtract_baseline=true) const Returns the total flux of the on-pulse phase bins. Definition: ProfileStats.C:251 double get_snr() const Get the signal-to-noise ratio. Definition: ProfileStats.C:506 void set_snr_estimator(const std::string &name) Set the signal-to-noise ratio estimator. Definition: ProfileStats.C:500 Manages a baseline estimator and its interface. Definition: HasBaselineEstimator.h:27 PhaseWeight exclude The excluded phase bin mask. Definition: ProfileStats.h:186 void set_profile(const Profile *) Set the Profile from which statistics will be derived. Definition: ProfileStats.C:115 Reference::To< SNRatioEstimator > snratio_estimator The algorithm used to compute the signal-to-noise ratio. Definition: ProfileStats.h:156 void set_exclude_estimator(ProfileWeightFunction *) The algorithm used to find the excluded phase bins. Definition: ProfileStats.C:98 PhaseWeight * get_all() Return the all pulse phase bin mask. Definition: ProfileStats.C:401 Algorithms that estimate the width of the pulse profile. Definition: WidthEstimator.h:31 ::Phase::Value get_pulse_width() const Get the pulse width. Definition: ProfileStats.C:533 Reference::To< WidthEstimator > width_estimator The algorithm used to estimate the pulse width. Definition: ProfileStats.h:159 PhaseWeight include The included phase bin mask. Definition: ProfileStats.h:180 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17