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ScatteredPowerCorrection.h bool check_smearing Fail if dedispersion has overly smeared the scattered power. Definition: ScatteredPowerCorrection.h:73 virtual unsigned get_npol() const =0 Get the number of polarization measurements. const float * get_amps() const Return a pointer to the amplitudes array. Definition: ProfileAmps.C:141 double get_centre_frequency(unsigned ichan) const Get the Profile centre frequency attribute of the given channel. Definition: Integration.C:359 virtual unsigned get_nsubint() const =0 Get the number of sub-integrations stored in the file. virtual unsigned get_nbin() const =0 Get the number of bins in each profile. Signal::State get_state() const Get the polarimetric state of the profiles. Definition: Integration.C:599 const ExtensionType * get() const Template method searches for an Extension of the specified type. virtual TextInterface::Parser * get_interface() Return a text interface that can be used to configure this instance. Definition: ScatteredPowerCorrection.C:159 Corrects the power scattered due to 2-bit quantization. Definition: ScatteredPowerCorrection.h:33 float get_weight(unsigned ichan) const Get the Profile weight attribute of the given channel. Definition: Integration.C:388 Integration * get_Integration(unsigned subint) Return pointer to the specified Integration. Definition: IntegrationManager.C:41 Array of Profiles integrated over the same time interval. Definition: Integration.h:37 double get_dispersion_measure() const Get the dispersion measure (in ) Definition: Integration.C:456 unsigned get_nsamp() const Coherence double get_bandwidth() const Get the bandwidth (in MHz) Definition: Integration.C:445 Reference::To< TwoBitStats > twobit_stats Two-bit statistics. Definition: ScatteredPowerCorrection.h:70 void correct(Archive *) The scattered power correction operation. Definition: ScatteredPowerCorrection.C:22 std::vector< float > thresholds The estimated thresholds at record time. Definition: ScatteredPowerCorrection.h:67 void transform(Integration *) The scattered power correction operation. Definition: ScatteredPowerCorrection.C:48 JenetAnderson98::EquationA5 ja98_a5 Inverts equation A5 of Jenet & Anderson 98. Definition: ScatteredPowerCorrection.h:64 const std::string get_message() const ScatteredPowerCorrection() Default constructor. Definition: ScatteredPowerCorrection.C:17 bool get_check_smearing() const Fail if dedispersion has overly smeared the scattered power. Definition: ScatteredPowerCorrection.h:56 JenetAnderson98 ja98 Theoretical treatment of quantization effects. Definition: ScatteredPowerCorrection.h:61 double evaluate(double mean_Phi) virtual double get_folding_period() const =0 Get the folding or topocentric pulsar period (in seconds) void set_check_smearing(bool flag) Fail if dedispersion has overly smeared the scattered power. Definition: ScatteredPowerCorrection.h:53 Profile * get_Profile(unsigned ipol, unsigned ichan) Returns a pointer to the Profile given by the specified indeces. Definition: Integration.C:306 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17