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Statistics.h double get_weighted_frequency() const Get the weighted frequency from the Pulsar::Archive. Definition: Statistics.C:203 StrategySet * get_strategy() const Get the strategy manager owned by the Archive. Definition: Statistics.C:51 double get_dispersive_smearing() const Get the dispersive smearing in the worst channel in seconds. Definition: Statistics.C:215 const Integration * get_Integration(const Archive *data, Index subint) Return the requested profile, cloning and integrating when needed. Definition: Index.C:118 double get_2bit_dist() const Get the predicted level of 2-bit distortion. Definition: Statistics.C:148 double get_effective_duty_cycle() const Get the effective duty cycle. Definition: Statistics.C:82 Type * get() const double get_distortion(unsigned idig) const Get the difference between the measured and theoretical distributions. Definition: TwoBitStats.C:129 ProfileStats * get_stats() Get the Profile statistics interface. Definition: Statistics.C:192 TextInterface::Parser * get_interface() Get the text interface to this. Definition: Statistics.C:46 float find_max_phase(float duty_cycle=default_duty_cycle) const Returns the phase of the centre of the region with maximum mean. Definition: Profile_find_minmax_phase.C:43 void set_period(Phase::HasUnit &) const Set the period attribute of the Phase::Value/Range/Ranges argument. Definition: Statistics.C:67 Array of Profiles integrated over the same time interval. Definition: Integration.h:37 unsigned get_ndig() const Get the number of digitizers. Definition: TwoBitStats.C:56 Phase::Value get_peak() const Get the phase of the pulse peak. Definition: Statistics.C:60 double get_design_effect() const Get Kish's design effect. Definition: Statistics.C:98 void set_period(double P_ms) PhaseWeight * get_baseline() Get the off-pulse baseline. Definition: Statistics.C:162 Statistics(const Archive *=0) Default constructor. Definition: Statistics.C:33 Calculates profile shifts by fitting to a template/standard. Definition: ProfileShiftFit.h:48 double get_nfnr() const Get the Fourier-noise-to-noise ratio. Definition: Statistics.C:74 double get_bin_width() const Get the width of a phase bin in seconds. Definition: Statistics.C:209 const Integration * get_Integration() const Get the sub-integration defined by the current indeces. Definition: HasArchive.C:47 const Profile * get_Profile(const Archive *data, Index subint, Index pol, Index chan) Return the requested profile, cloning and integrating when needed. Definition: Index.C:24 void set_baseline_time(float width) Set the fractional number of phase bins used to calculate noise. Definition: NoiseStatistics.C:38 unsigned count_transitions(const Profile *profile) Count the level transitions. Definition: SquareWave.C:174 unsigned get_nzero() const Get the number of profiles that have zero weight. Definition: Statistics.C:126 static unsigned get_instance_count() Get the number of Statistics objects in existence. Definition: Statistics.C:27 Calculates the signal-to-noise ratio using (on-off)/rms. Definition: SquareWave.h:31 PhaseWeight * get_onpulse() Get the on-pulse phase bins. Definition: Statistics.C:172 unsigned get_cal_ntrans() const Get the number of cal transitions. Definition: Statistics.C:91 float get_nfnr(const Profile *profile) Return the noise to Fourier noise ratio. Definition: NoiseStatistics.C:48 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17