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Weight.h ScrunchFactor fscrunch_factor Compute weights from fscrunched clone of data, then apply to original. Definition: Weight.h:60 virtual TextInterface::Parser * get_interface() Return a text interface that can be used to configure this instance. Definition: Weight.C:66 const ScrunchFactor get_fscrunch() const Get the frequency scrunch factor. Definition: Weight.h:49 virtual void operator()(Archive *) Set the weights of all Profiles in the Archive. Definition: Weight.C:17 Stokes Manages a combined scrunch factor or target dimension. Definition: ScrunchFactor.h:25 void fscrunch(Container *, const ScrunchFactor &) Integrate frequency channels. Definition: ScrunchFactor.h:102 float get_weight(unsigned ichan) const Get the Profile weight attribute of the given channel. Definition: Integration.C:388 void disable_scrunch() Disable scrunching. Definition: ScrunchFactor.h:59 Array of Profiles integrated over the same time interval. Definition: Integration.h:37 void copy_weights(const Integration *from, Integration *to) Copy the weights from 'from' to 'to'. Definition: Weight.C:39 void set_weight(unsigned ichan, float weight) Set the Profile weight attributes of the given channel. Definition: Integration.C:401 Coherence void set_fscrunch(const ScrunchFactor &f) Set the frequency scrunch factor. Definition: Weight.h:46 virtual void weight(Integration *)=0 Set the weight of each frequency channel in the sub-integration. Generated using doxygen 1.8.17