PSRCHIVE documentation: psrplot customization

psrplot can be customized using any combination of

Customization on the Command Line

Customization options may be specified as a comma-separated list on the command line, using one or more options of the form
-c option1[,option2,...]
For example, start with plotting the Stokes parameters in a single frame with QUV = RGB:
psrplot -p stokes 0437n.FF 

To zoom in on a range in pulse phase:

psrplot -p stokes -c 'x:range=(.7,.74)' 0437n.FF
Note: the single quotes are necessary to prevent shell expansion of the round brackets

To extend the y-axis a bit so that the label is not obscured by the plot, and plot using the histogram style:

psrplot -p stokes -c 'x:range=(.7,.74),y:range=(0,1.1),hist=1' 0437n.FF
Note: ranges are specified in normalized units

To plot the Stokes vector in cylindrical coordinates, with units of milliseconds on the x-axis, the origin at the pulse peak, and no filename over the frame:

psrplot -p Scyl -c x:unit=ms,x:origin=-.525,pa:above:c=" " 0437n.FF
Note: the label, above:c, belongs to the plot named pa, a sub-plot of Scyl.

Customization using Style Files

It can become cumbersome to repeatedly enter long lists of customization options on the command line; there is the option to specify these options using style files. For example, suppose that you don't like the pulsar name and frequency in the top-left corner of your plots, and would rather that the source name, frequency, and bandwidth appear in the top-right corner. Also, suppose you want the filename to the left of the frame instead of over the centre. You could write the following style file:
below:r=PSR J$name\nFrequency: $freq MHz\nBandwidth: $bw MHz
Note that variable names from the Pulsar::Archive class text interface may be specified by preceding the variable name with a dollar sign ($). The variable names are the same as those understood by psredit; for a complete listing, run:
psredit -H
Continuing with the example, name the style file style.txt and run
psrplot -p pa -s style.txt 0437n.FF -c cut=10.0
Note: each \n in the label translates into a new line inside the frame.

Style files can also be used to create and customize multiple plots, as described in multiple plot style files.

Embedded pre-processing commands

It is also possible to embed data pre-processing commands in a style file using the exec command; for example,
exec dedisperse

# create a phase-vs-time plot
plot time

# plot a copy of the data integrated over all frequency channels
exec fscrunch

# create a phase-vs-frequency plot
plot freq

# plot a copy of the data integrated over all sub-integrations
exec tscrunch
Note that
  • plot <name> creates a new plot
  • exec commands encountered before any plot is created will be applied to the data input to all plots
  • exec commands encountered after a plot is created will be applied to the data input only to the last created plot.

Customization Option Sets

Customization option sets provide shortcuts to commonly used sets of plot attributes. Option sets are used by setting the set attribute to the name of the desired option set, e.g.
-c set=name

The following option sets are available:

  • pub for publication quality plots; set=pub is equivalent to
  • blank removes all text labels; set=blank is equivalent to