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FITSArchive.h Pulsar bool can_unload() const The unload_file method is implemented. Definition: FITSArchive.h:206 std::string state_pol_type String describing polarization state. Definition: FITSArchive.h:233 void unload_sk_integrations(fitsfile *) const Unload Spectral Kurtosis Integration data to the SPECKURT HDU. Definition: unload_SpectralKurtosis.C:16 void unload_Integration(fitsfile *, int row, const Integration *) const A function to write an integration to a row in a FITS file on disk. Definition: unload_Integration.C:35 void load_Pointing(fitsfile *, int row, Integration *) Definition: load_Pointing.C:46 std::string stt_time Start UT (hh:mm:ss) Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:217 Reference::To< Predictor > hdr_model The polyco parsed from the PSRFITS file. Definition: FITSArchive.h:239 std::string creation_date File creation date. Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:202 void set_obsnchan(int set_obsnchan) Set the observed number of channels. Definition: FITSHdrExtension.C:137 virtual MJD get_epoch() const =0 Get the epoch of the rising edge of bin zero. std::string hdrver Pulsar FITS header version information. Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:197 bool get_downconversion_corrected() const True if backend has compensated for lower sideband downconversion. Definition: Backend.C:119 void unload_integrations(fitsfile *) const Unload Integration data to the SUBINT HDU of the specified FITS file. Definition: unload_integrations.C:26 const FITSArchive & operator=(const FITSArchive &archive) Assignment operator. Definition: FITSArchive.C:129 const Integration * get_Integration(const Archive *data, Index subint) Return the requested profile, cloning and integrating when needed. Definition: Index.C:118 bool scale_cross_products Double cross coherence term. Definition: FITSArchive.h:227 void clean_Pointing_columns(fitsfile *) const Delete Pointing-related columns, if not needed. Definition: clean_Pointing_columns.C:13 void load_Plasma(fitsfile *, int row, Integration *) Definition: load_Plasma.C:17 Contains information about the receiver and receiver platform. Definition: Receiver.h:28 virtual void load_header(const char *filename) Load the FITS header information from filename. Definition: FITSArchive.C:195 Stores Parkes Wideband Correlator parameters. Definition: WidebandCorrelator.h:27 Stores the Stokes parameters of the reference source. Definition: CalibratorStokes.h:28 std::string pnt_id Name or ID for pointing ctr (multibeam feeds) Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:168 double get_offs_sub(unsigned int isub) const Get the offs_sub value (only present in fits files) Definition: FITSArchive.C:1218 Stores pulsar parameters as uninterpreted text. Definition: ObsDescription.h:24 Record of phase-coherent dispersion removal algorithm. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:27 International Terrestrial Reference Frame Extension. Definition: ITRFExtension.h:27 virtual double get_duration() const =0 Get the total time integrated (in seconds) std::string state_scale String describing scale. Definition: FITSArchive.h:230 std::string get_name() const Return the name of the Backend. Definition: Backend.C:83 void add_Pointing_columns(fitsfile *) const Add additional Pointing::Info columns, if needed. Definition: add_Pointing_columns.C:30 Spectral Kurtosis Staticstics calculated during observation. Definition: SpectralKurtosis.h:25 FITSArchive * clone() const Return a pointer to a new copy constructed instance equal to this. Definition: FITSArchive.C:182 Array of Profiles integrated over the same time interval. Definition: Integration.h:37 Unknown FluxCalOn Stores PSRFITS SUBINT header parameters. Definition: FITSSUBHdrExtension.h:28 std::string ibeam Beam number for multibeam systems (1=ctr beam) Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:163 void load_DigitiserCounts(fitsfile *) FITSArchive::load_DigitiserCounts Creates a DigitiserCounts extension and loads it from the fits file... Definition: load_DigitiserCounts.C:139 PolnCal Stores PolnCalibrator parameters in an Archive instance. Definition: PolnCalibratorExtension.h:28 Contains information about the telescope used for the observation. Definition: Telescope.h:26 std::string stt_date Start UT date (YYYY-MM-DD) Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:214 void load_SpectralKurtosis(fitsfile *, int row, Integration *) Definition: load_SpectralKurtosis.C:18 void set_bmaj(const double _bmaj) Set the beam major axis length. Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:97 void copy(const Archive &archive) Copy all of the class attributes and the selected Integration data. Definition: FITSArchive.C:152 virtual Integration * load_Integration(const char *filename, unsigned subint) Load the specified Integration from filename, returning new instance. Definition: load_Integration.C:37 double predicted_phase Extra polyco information stored in POLYCO HDU. Definition: FITSArchive.h:236 std::string get_extension_name() const Return the name of the Extension. Definition: Archive.C:145 std::string trk_mode Track mode (TRACK, SCANGC, SCANLAT) Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:211 void set_obsfreq(double set_obsfreq) Set the observed frequency. Definition: FITSHdrExtension.C:117 static std::string get_runtime() Return the name of the runtime directory. Definition: Config.C:120 void set_search_mode() Indicate the FITSArchive contains search mode data. Definition: FITSArchive.h:171 static void delete_hdu(fitsfile *, const char *hdu_name) Delete the HDU with the specified name. Definition: delete_hdu.C:19 void update_history() Add a new row to the history, reflecting the current state. Definition: update_history.C:64 const std::string get_message() const Stores Polarization Calibration Model Interpolator information. Definition: CalibrationInterpolatorExtension.h:29 std::string coordmode Coordinate mode (EQUAT, GAL, ECLIP, AZEL, HADEC) Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:205 Stores parameters used to correct auxiliary dispersion and birefringence. Definition: AuxColdPlasmaMeasures.h:24 MJD get_start_time() const Get the start time. Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:125 float psrfits_version The PSRFITS version. Definition: FITSArchive.h:221 double equinox Equinox of coordinates. Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:208 void load_Pointing_columns(fitsfile *fptr) Load additional Pointing::Info column information, if any. Definition: load_Pointing_columns.C:14 static void unload(fitsfile *, const FITSHdrExtension *) Unload FITSHdrExtension to the current HDU of the specified FITS file. Definition: unload_FITSHdrExtension.C:18 Signal::Argument get_argument() const Get the argument of the backend. Definition: Backend.C:107 static std::string get_template_name() Return the name of the PSRFITS definition template file. Definition: FITSArchive.C:800 void load_amps(fitsfile *, Integration *, unsigned isubint, int colnum) Load data of any type. int get_last_pointing_column(fitsfile *fptr) const Get the column past which to write/read additional Pointing::Info. Definition: add_Pointing_columns.C:14 Stores information about the reference source (ATNF) Definition: CalInfoExtension.h:28 void set_bpa(const double _bpa) Set the beam position angle. Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:92 void set_bmin(const double _bmin) Set the beam minor axis length. Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:102 const ExtensionType * get() const Template method searches for an Extension of the specified type. Telescope pointing parameters recorded during the observation. Definition: Pointing.h:27 FluxCalOff void set_obsbw(double set_obsbw) Set the observed bandwidth. Definition: FITSHdrExtension.C:127 virtual void unload_file(const char *filename) const Unload the FITSArchive (header and Integration data) to filename. Definition: FITSArchive.C:825 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17