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FrequencyAppend.h void insert(Integration *from) Inserts Profiles from Integration into this. Definition: IntegrationExpert.h:69 void set_nchan(unsigned numchan) Set the number of frequency channels. Definition: ArchiveExpert.h:52 virtual void set_centre_frequency(double cf)=0 Set the centre frequency of the observation. virtual const Extension * get_extension(unsigned iextension) const Return a pointer to the specified extension. Definition: Archive.C:158 static Configuration::Parameter< Policy > & get_policy() virtual void check(Archive *into, const Archive *from) Throw an exception if there is any reason to not call append. Definition: Append.C:65 virtual void frequency_append(Archive *to, const Archive *from) Append data along frequency dimension, if applicable. Definition: ArchiveExtension.h:76 void set_obsnchan(int set_obsnchan) Set the observed number of channels. Definition: FITSHdrExtension.C:137 Expert * expert() Provide access to the expert interface. Definition: Integration.C:162 void init(Archive *into) Initialize an archive for appending. Definition: FrequencyAppend.C:172 const Match * get_mixable() const Policy determines if data can be combined/integrated. Definition: Archive_match.C:89 virtual Generator * generator() const=0 virtual void set_bandwidth(double bw)=0 Set the overall bandwidth of the observation. virtual unsigned get_nsubint() const =0 Get the number of sub-integrations stored in the file. static Generator * get_default() static Generator * factory(const Parameters *) bool get_faraday_corrected() const Data has been corrected for ISM faraday rotation. Definition: Integration.C:489 const Parameters * get_ephemeris() const Return a pointer to the current archive ephemeris. Definition: Archive.C:281 const ExtensionType * get() const Template method searches for an Extension of the specified type. static Option< Weight > weight_strategy The policy used to weight each profile during combine. Definition: FrequencyAppend.h:42 virtual unsigned get_nchan() const =0 Get the number of frequency channels used. bool has_model() const Returns true if the Archive has a model. Definition: Archive.h:330 virtual double get_centre_frequency() const =0 Get the centre frequency of the observation. Integration * get_Integration(unsigned subint) Return pointer to the specified Integration. Definition: IntegrationManager.C:41 virtual const Archive::Match * get_mixable_policy(const Archive *into) Return the policy used to verify that data are mixable. Definition: FrequencyAppend.C:63 Array of Profiles integrated over the same time interval. Definition: Integration.h:37 double integration_length() const Returns the total time integrated into all Integrations (in seconds) Definition: Archive.C:317 virtual long double get_observing_frequency() const=0 bool has_ephemeris() const Return true if the Archive has an ephemeris. Definition: Archive.h:321 virtual std::string get_telescope() const =0 Get the name of the telescope used. Expert * expert() Provide access to the expert interface. Definition: Archive.C:40 MJD end_time() const Return the MJD at the end of the last sub-integration. Definition: Archive.C:308 virtual bool get_dedispersed() const =0 Inter-channel dispersion delay has been removed. virtual void combine(Archive *into, Archive *from) Add the data in 'from' to 'into'. Definition: FrequencyAppend.C:96 MJD start_time() const Return the MJD at the start of the first sub-integration. Definition: Archive.C:299 virtual double get_bandwidth() const =0 Get the overall bandwidth of the observation. void set_model(const Predictor *model, bool apply=true) Install the given predictor and shift profiles to align. Definition: Archive_set_model.C:14 virtual Match * clone() const Clone operator. Definition: ArchiveMatch.C:66 virtual unsigned get_nextension() const Return the number of extensions available. Definition: Archive.C:131 virtual void check(Archive *into, const Archive *from) Throw an exception if there is a reason to not append. Definition: FrequencyAppend.C:86 void set_obsfreq(double set_obsfreq) Set the observed frequency. Definition: FITSHdrExtension.C:117 Interprets configuration strings into a weighting policy. Definition: WeightInterpreter.h:28 virtual bool stop(Archive *into, const Archive *from) Return true if there is a benign reason to stop. Definition: FrequencyAppend.C:73 static unsigned verbose A verbosity flag that can be set for debugging purposes. Definition: IntegrationManager.h:38 const Predictor * get_model() const Return a pointer to the current phase predictor. Definition: Archive.C:290 static Option< bool > force_new_predictor Should a new predictor be always generated? Definition: FrequencyAppend.h:45 Default void match(const Integration *reference, Integration *to_be_corrected) Correct the second argument as the first argument was corrected. Definition: ColdPlasma.h:363 bool get_dedispersed() const Inter-channel dispersion delay has been removed. Definition: Integration.C:467 void generate_new_predictor(Archive *into, Archive *from) Generate a new predictor spanning the time and frequency range of both into and from. Definition: FrequencyAppend.C:209 Alternative ways of ordering Integration instances. Definition: IntegrationOrder.h:29 void set_obsbw(double set_obsbw) Set the observed bandwidth. Definition: FITSHdrExtension.C:127 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17