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PulsarCalibrator.h unsigned maximum_harmonic The maximum number of harmonics to include in the fit. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.h:140 Pulsar Reference::To< Pulsar::Archive > standard The template/standard. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.h:107 bool monitor_gimbal_lock Set true to detect gimbal lock when rotations are not quaternion. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.h:100 MEAL::Rotation1 * get_rotation_transformation() Get the rotation transformation. Definition: SingleAxis.C:314 PhaseWeight onpulse The on-pulse region. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.h:149 void get_regions(PhaseWeight &on, PhaseWeight &off) const Set the on-pulse and baseline regions. Definition: FluctSpectStats.h:50 Estimates phase shift in Fourier domain using matrix template matching. Definition: MatrixTemplateMatching.h:26 Reference::To< Unloader > unload_each Unload the solution derived from each sub-integration. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.h:117 void set_check_state(bool flag=true) Set to check the state attribute. Definition: ArchiveMatch.C:195 void set_check_standard(bool flag=true) Set to check that a standard and observation may be compared. Definition: ArchiveMatch.C:115 virtual Signal::Source get_type() const =0 Get the observation type (psr, cal) bool required(const Archive *) Return true if the archive needs to be corrected. Definition: FrontendCorrection.C:18 void set_check_calibrator(bool flag=true) Set to check that a calibrator may be applied to an observation. Definition: ArchiveMatch.C:179 void resize(unsigned n) bool shared_phase Share a single phase estimate between multiple observations. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.h:137 const PolnProfileFit * get_mtm(unsigned ichan) const The matrix template matching engine used to fit the specified channel. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:775 virtual bool match(const Archive *a, const Archive *b) const Check that the selected attributes match. Definition: ArchiveMatch.C:353 Unloads Pulsar::SystemCalibrator solution to file. Definition: SystemCalibratorUnloader.h:24 Reference::Vector< PolnProfileFit > mtm The calibration model as a function of frequency. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.h:123 virtual void match(const Archive *) Ensure that the pulsar observation can be added to the data set. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:329 const SingleAxis * get_backend() const Provide access to the SingleAxis model. Definition: VariableBackend.C:127 virtual void export_prepare() const Prepare to export the solution in current state; e.g. for plotting. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:69 const Archive * get_Archive() const Return a const reference to the calibrator archive. Definition: Calibrator.C:125 std::map< unsigned, Reference::Vector< MEAL::Complex2 > > Storage Store the solution derived from each sub-integration. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.h:113 virtual unsigned get_nbin() const =0 Get the number of bins in each profile. Stokes const Feed * get_feed() const Provide access to the Feed model. Definition: Instrument.C:177 virtual void print(std::string &text) const void set_fixed_phase(bool flag=true) When set, pulse phase is removed from the model. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:88 Models a set of transformations and source polarizations. Definition: ReceptionModel.h:32 void select_profile(const ProfileType *) Set the Profile that defines the last harmonic and baseline. Definition: FluctSpectStats.h:128 void set_choose_maximum_harmonic(bool flag=true) Allow software to choose the maximum harmonic. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:83 ~PulsarCalibrator() Destructor. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:65 void set_check_bandwidth_sign(bool flag=true) Set to check the sign of the bandwidth attribute. Definition: ArchiveMatch.C:326 virtual unsigned get_nchan() const =0 Get the number of frequency channels used. virtual Signal::State get_state() const =0 Get the state of the profile data. void integrate(const MEAL::Complex2 *model) Add the Model parameters to the running mean. Definition: MeanInstrument.C:23 bool solve_each Solve the measurement equation for each sub-integration. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.h:110 virtual void add_calibrator(const ReferenceCalibrator *) Add the ReferenceCalibrator observation to the set of constraints. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:482 void solve1(const Calibration::CoherencyMeasurementSet &measurements) Solve the measurement equation for the given measurements. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:602 float get_weight(unsigned ichan) const Get the Profile weight attribute of the given channel. Definition: Integration.C:388 virtual bool get_poln_calibrated() const =0 Data has been calibrated for polarimetric response of instrument. unsigned size() const void calibrate(Archive *archive) Calibrate the Pulsar::Archive. Definition: FrontendCorrection.C:72 void set_standard(const Archive *data) Set the standard to which pulsar profiles will be fit. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:98 Array of Profiles integrated over the same time interval. Definition: Integration.h:37 Instrumental gain, differential gain, and differential phase. Definition: SingleAxis.h:38 A CoherencyMeasurement set and their coordinates. Definition: CoherencyMeasurementSet.h:26 MEAL::Complex2 * new_transformation(unsigned ichan) Return a pointer to a newly constructed/initialized transformation. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:532 void share_phase() Share a single phase estimate between all observations. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:93 bool choose_maximum_harmonic When set, the software will choose the maximum harmonic. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.h:143 void set_cyclic(bool flag=true) Set cyclical limits on the model parameters. Definition: Instrument.C:166 PolnCal MEAL::Rotation1 * get_orientation_transformation(unsigned receptor) Get the orientation tranformation for the specified receptor. Definition: Feed.C:182 Computes statistics of full-polarization fluctuation spectra. Definition: PolnSpectrumStats.h:26 Corrects the recorded properties of the frontend. Definition: FrontendCorrection.h:31 Calibrators derived from reference source observations. Definition: ReferenceCalibrator.h:31 MEAL::Rotation1 * get_ellipticity_transformation(unsigned receptor) Get the ellipticity tranformation for the specified receptor. Definition: Feed.C:189 Implements Measurement Equation Template Matching (van Straten 2013) Definition: PulsarCalibrator.h:43 unsigned get_nstate_pulsar() const Get the number of pulsar harmonics (input polarization states) Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:174 PulsarCalibrator(Calibrator::Type *=0) Constructor. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:46 std::vector< float > reduced_chisq The reduced chi-squared as a function of frequency. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.h:126 std::string get_reason() const Get the mismatch messages from the last call to the match method. Definition: ArchiveMatch.h:48 Definition: CalibratorType.h:30 void wait() Ensure that all queued jobs have finished. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:442 void set_check_nbin(bool flag=true) Set to check the nbin attribute. Definition: ArchiveMatch.C:261 virtual double get_bandwidth() const =0 Get the overall bandwidth of the observation. void setup(const Integration *data, unsigned ichan) Set things up for the model in the given channel. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:558 virtual void add_pulsar(const Archive *data, unsigned isub) Add data from the specified sub-integration. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:448 A weighted mean of Instrument parameter estimates. Definition: MeanInstrument.h:28 MEAL::Complex2 * new_transformation(const PolnCalibratorExtension *, unsigned ichan) Create a new transformation instance described by the extension. Definition: PolnCalibratorExt.C:126 unsigned get_last_harmonic() const Return the last harmonic chosen in the on-pulse signal. Definition: FluctSpectStats.h:53 Reference::Vector< MeanXform > solution The array of transformation Model instances. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.h:131 bool calibrator_match(const Archive *, std::string &reason_for_not_matching) Return true if this calibrator can be applied to the data. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:296 bool fixed_phase Flag set when phase should be held fixed. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.h:134 std::string get_filename() const Get the name of the file to which the archive will be unloaded. Definition: Archive.h:108 const VariableBackend * get_backend() const Provide access to the backend model. Definition: BackendFeed.C:60 unsigned get_transformation_index() const Get the transformation through which the measurements are made. Definition: CoherencyMeasurementSet.C:30 virtual Archive * clone() const =0 Return a new copy constructed instance equal to this. void set_check_bandwidth(bool flag=true) Set to check the bandwidth attribute. Definition: ArchiveMatch.C:316 const std::string get_message() const void set_unload_each(Unloader *) Unload the solution from each sub-integration. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:789 void set_maximum_harmonic(unsigned max) Set the maximum number of harmonics to include in fit. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:78 void set_solve_each(bool=true) Solve each sub-integration (instead of global fit) Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:784 unsigned chosen_maximum_harmonic The maximum harmonic chosen. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.h:146 MEAL::Complex2 * get_transformation(const Archive *data, unsigned isub, unsigned ichan) Return the transformation to be used for precalibration. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:502 unsigned get_ichan() const Get the channel index. Definition: CoherencyMeasurementSet.h:82 unsigned get_nharmonic() const Get the number of harmonics in use. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:163 unsigned get_nchan() const Get the number of frequency channels. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:260 static Reference::To< Agent > current void set_check_centre_frequency(bool flag=true) Set to check the centre_frequency attribute. Definition: ArchiveMatch.C:305 Britton (2000; ApJ 532:1240), equation 19. Definition: CalibratorTypes.h:130 PolnProfile * new_PolnProfile(unsigned ichan) Returns a pointer to a new PolnProfile instance. Definition: Integration_new_PolnProfile.C:16 void update_solution() Set the solution to the mean. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:757 void set_check_nchan(bool flag=true) Set to check the nchan attribute. Definition: ArchiveMatch.C:272 PhaseWeight baseline The baseline region. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.h:152 void init_model(unsigned ichan) Initialize the SignalPath of the specified channel. Definition: PulsarCalibrator.C:271 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17