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unload_text.h Angle get_declination() const Get the DEC (J2000) at subint centre. Definition: Pointing.C:103 double get_param(unsigned) const Get the value of the specified model parameter. Definition: PolnCalibratorExtension.C:285 double cal_frequency Calibrator frequency. Definition: CalInfoExtension.h:58 std::string get_param_description(unsigned) const Get the description of the specified model parameter. Definition: PolnCalibratorExtension.C:263 double get_reference_frequency() const Get the reference frequency of the interpolator. Definition: CalibrationInterpolatorExtension.h:107 float get_filtered_sum(unsigned ichan, unsigned ipol) const Get the filtered sum of the specified channel and polarization. Definition: SpectralKurtosis.C:130 void unload_sk_integrations(fitsfile *) const Unload Spectral Kurtosis Integration data to the SPECKURT HDU. Definition: unload_SpectralKurtosis.C:16 void unload_Integration(fitsfile *, int row, const Integration *) const A function to write an integration to a row in a FITS file on disk. Definition: unload_Integration.C:35 bool get_valid(unsigned ichan) const Get the validity flag for the specified channel. Definition: CalibratorStokes.C:88 const Calibrator::Type * get_type() const Get the type of the calibrator. Definition: CalibrationInterpolatorExtension.C:74 Angle get_field_orientation() const Get the orientation of the equal in-phase electric field vector. Definition: Receiver.C:128 bool get_has_solver() const Get if the covariances of the transformation parameters. Definition: PolnCalibratorExtension.C:144 std::string stt_time Start UT (hh:mm:ss) Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:217 Angle get_galactic_longitude() const Get the Gal longitude at subint centre. Definition: Pointing.C:114 Coherent dedispersion attributes specific to input frequency channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:118 int get_ndigr(void) const get_ndigr Definition: DigitiserStatistics.h:62 static double unset_dm Special value for no DM set. Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:235 double get_bandwidth() const Bandwidth of output channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:73 Angle get_parallactic_angle() const Get the Parallactic angle at subint centre. Definition: Pointing.C:158 double get_dispersion_measure() const Dispersion measure used for coherent dedispersion. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:169 std::string get_dig_mode(void) const get dig_mode Definition: DigitiserStatistics.h:86 unsigned get_nparam() const Get the number of parameters describing each transformation. Definition: PolnCalibratorExtension.C:128 dimension Angle get_galactic_latitude() const Get the Gal latitude at subint centre. Definition: Pointing.C:125 std::string get_name() const Get the name of the receiver. Definition: Receiver.h:90 Transformation * get_transformation(unsigned c) Get the transformation for the specified frequency channel. Definition: PolnCalibratorExtension.C:157 virtual MJD get_epoch() const =0 Get the epoch of the rising edge of bin zero. unsigned get_nchan_input() const Get the number of frequency channels in input data. Definition: CalibrationInterpolatorExtension.h:101 void unload_integrations(fitsfile *) const Unload Integration data to the SUBINT HDU of the specified FITS file. Definition: unload_integrations.C:26 unsigned get_nchan() const Get the number of channels. Definition: SpectralKurtosis.h:92 unsigned get_nsamp_overlap_neg() const Number of complex time samples in wrap-around region, right-hand side. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:88 std::string get_diglev(void) const get diglev Definition: DigitiserStatistics.h:80 double obsfreq Observed Frequency. Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:223 double get_centre_frequency(unsigned ichan) const Get the Profile centre frequency attribute of the given channel. Definition: Integration.C:359 const Integration * get_Integration(const Archive *data, Index subint) Return the requested profile, cloning and integrating when needed. Definition: Index.C:118 double cal_phase Calibrator phase. Definition: CalInfoExtension.h:64 double get_centre_frequency() const Centre frequency of input channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:124 int get_nbit_data() const Number of bits used to represent data. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:177 int get_nbit_chirp() const Number of bits used to represent chirp. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:181 unsigned int get_nchan(void) const Get the number of frequency channels. Definition: FluxCalibratorExtension.C:65 unsigned get_nparam() const Get the number of model parameters. Definition: PolnCalibratorExtension.C:241 double get_minimum_frequency() const Get the minimum frequency of the interpolator. Definition: CalibrationInterpolatorExtension.h:112 uint64_t get_filtered_hits(unsigned ichan) const Get the filtered hits of the specified channel and polarization. Definition: SpectralKurtosis.C:149 virtual unsigned get_nchan() const Get the number of frequency channels. Definition: CalibratorExtension.C:83 virtual const Calibrator::Type * get_type() const Get the type of the calibrator. Definition: CalibratorExtension.C:53 unsigned get_nchan() const Get the number of frequency channels. Definition: CalibratorStokes.C:67 Contains information about the receiver and receiver platform. Definition: Receiver.h:28 char code(const std::string &telescope_name) double get_variance(unsigned) const Get the variance of the specified model parameter. Definition: PolnCalibratorExtension.C:297 Angle get_right_ascension() const Get the RA (J2000) at subint centre. Definition: Pointing.C:92 double chan_dm DM used for online dedispersion. Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:232 Angle get_position_angle() const Get the Position angle of feed at subint centre. Definition: Pointing.C:147 Stores the Stokes parameters of the reference source. Definition: CalibratorStokes.h:28 int get_npar(void) const get npar Definition: DigitiserStatistics.h:68 int obsnchan Observed number of channels. Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:229 std::string pnt_id Name or ID for pointing ctr (multibeam feeds) Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:168 unsigned get_nchan() const Get the number of frequency channels in each passband. Definition: Passband.C:47 Angle get_tracking_angle() const Get the position angle tracked by the receiver. Definition: Receiver.h:85 Coherent dedispersion attributes specific to output frequency channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:62 Signal::Basis get_basis() const Get the basis of the feed receptors. Definition: Receiver.h:100 Stores pulsar parameters as uninterpreted text. Definition: ObsDescription.h:24 double get_value() const numerical value of the information Definition: Pointing.h:149 double get_centre_frequency() const Centre frequency of output channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:68 Signal::Dimension get_domain() const Domain in which the algorithm operates (time or frequency) Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:161 const std::vector< float > & get_passband(unsigned ipol, unsigned iband=0) const Get the specified passband. Definition: Passband.C:95 std::string get_description() const Description of the algorithm. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:165 double get_rotation_measure() const Get the auxiliary rotation measure. Definition: AuxColdPlasmaMeasures.C:41 Angle get_telescope_zenith() const Get the Telescope zenith angle at subint centre. Definition: Pointing.C:180 Record of phase-coherent dispersion removal algorithm. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:27 float get_weight(unsigned ichan) const Get the Profile weight attribute of the given channel. Definition: Integration.C:388 Estimate< double > get_S_sys(unsigned receptor) const Get the system equivalent flux density of the specified channel. Definition: FluxCalibratorExtension.C:131 International Terrestrial Reference Frame Extension. Definition: ITRFExtension.h:27 std::string cal_mode Cal mode (As defined by the ATNF TCS: OFF, SYNC, EXT1, EXT2) Definition: CalInfoExtension.h:55 virtual double get_duration() const =0 Get the total time integrated (in seconds) Angle get_telescope_azimuth() const Get the Telescope azimuth at subint centre. Definition: Pointing.C:169 unsigned get_M() const Get the base integration factor used in the SK statistic. Definition: SpectralKurtosis.C:105 Definition: MoreProfiles.h:24 Spectral Kurtosis Staticstics calculated during observation. Definition: SpectralKurtosis.h:25 Array of Profiles integrated over the same time interval. Definition: Integration.h:37 double get_maximum_frequency() const Get the maximum frequency of the interpolator. Definition: CalibrationInterpolatorExtension.h:117 Stores PSRFITS SUBINT header parameters. Definition: FITSSUBHdrExtension.h:28 std::string ibeam Beam number for multibeam systems (1=ctr beam) Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:163 double get_local_sidereal_time() const Get the LST (in seconds) at subint centre. Definition: Pointing.C:72 CalibratorStokes::CouplingPoint get_coupling_point() const The point where the reference source signal is coupled. Definition: CalibrationInterpolatorExtension.h:69 Stores PolnCalibrator parameters in an Archive instance. Definition: PolnCalibratorExtension.h:28 unsigned get_nsamp() const Number of complex time samples in each cyclical convolution. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:78 std::string get_param_name(unsigned) const Get the name of the specified model parameter. Definition: PolnCalibratorExtension.C:248 double get_Index(unsigned subint) const Get the custom index value associated with an Integration. Definition: IntegrationOrder.C:68 double get_bandwidth() const Bandwidth of input channel. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:129 std::string stt_date Start UT date (YYYY-MM-DD) Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:214 Solution * get_solution(unsigned c) Get the solution for the specified frequency channel. Definition: FluxCalibratorExtension.C:98 Angle get_feed_angle() const Get the Feed angle at subint centre. Definition: Pointing.C:136 bool get_has_covariance() const Get if the covariances of the transformation parameters. Definition: PolnCalibratorExtension.C:133 unsigned get_npol() const Get the number of polarizations. Definition: SpectralKurtosis.h:87 unsigned get_nfit() const Get the number of model parameters varied to find best fit. Definition: PolnCalibratorExtension.C:351 double get_doppler_correction() const Doppler shift correction applied to frequencies and bandwidths. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:173 double cal_dutycycle Calibrator duty-cycle. Definition: CalInfoExtension.h:61 Estimate< double > get_S_cal(unsigned receptor) const Get the calibrator flux density of the specified channel. Definition: FluxCalibratorExtension.C:151 unsigned get_nfree() const Get the number of degrees of freedom. Definition: PolnCalibratorExtension.C:341 virtual std::string get_name() const Return the name of the calibrator type. Definition: CalibratorType.h:46 std::string get_extension_name() const Return the name of the Extension. Definition: Archive.C:145 bool get_valid(unsigned ichan) const Return true if the transformation for the specified channel is valid. Definition: PolnCalibratorExtension.C:110 Estimate< double > get_gain_ratio(unsigned receptor) const Get the gain ratio of the specified channel. Definition: FluxCalibratorExtension.C:183 unsigned get_nchan_input() const Number of frequency channels in the input signal. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:185 std::string trk_mode Track mode (TRACK, SCANGC, SCANLAT) Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:211 MJD get_minimum_epoch() const Get the minimum epoch of the interpolator. Definition: CalibrationInterpolatorExtension.h:93 unsigned get_nsamp_overlap_pos() const Number of complex time samples in wrap-around region, left-hand side. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:83 const Type * ptr() const double get_chisq() const Get the best fit value of chi squared. Definition: PolnCalibratorExtension.C:331 Tracking get_tracking_mode() const Get the tracking mode of the receiver platform. Definition: Receiver.h:80 std::string get_Unit() const Return a string describing the units of this state. Definition: IntegrationOrder.C:45 static unsigned verbose A verbosity flag that can be set for debugging purposes. Definition: IntegrationManager.h:38 Time bool has_scale() const Returns true if scale and gain_ratio data are available. Definition: FluxCalibratorExtension.h:89 static void delete_hdu(fitsfile *, const char *hdu_name) Delete the HDU with the specified name. Definition: delete_hdu.C:19 unsigned get_npol() const Get the number of polarizations. Definition: Passband.C:53 std::vector< std::vector< double > > get_covariance() const Get the covariance matrix of the model paramters. Definition: PolnCalibratorExtension.C:371 unsigned get_excision_threshold() const Get the excision threshold in terms of std deviations. Definition: SpectralKurtosis.C:120 double get_dispersion_measure() const Get the auxiliary dispersion measure. Definition: AuxColdPlasmaMeasures.C:29 MJD get_maximum_epoch() const Get the maximum epoch of the interpolator. Definition: CalibrationInterpolatorExtension.h:98 Stores Polarization Calibration Model Interpolator information. Definition: CalibrationInterpolatorExtension.h:29 const Profile * get_Profile(const Archive *data, Index subint, Index pol, Index chan) Return the requested profile, cloning and integrating when needed. Definition: Index.C:24 const std::string & get_name() const name of the information Definition: Pointing.h:137 std::string coordmode Coordinate mode (EQUAT, GAL, ECLIP, AZEL, HADEC) Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:205 const ExtensionType * get() const Template method searches for an Extension of the specified type. Angle get_reference_source_phase() const Get the phase of the reference source. Definition: Receiver.h:122 Stokes< Estimate< float > > get_stokes(unsigned ichan) const Get the Stokes parameters of the specified frequency channel. Definition: CalibratorStokes.C:107 Stores parameters used to correct auxiliary dispersion and birefringence. Definition: AuxColdPlasmaMeasures.h:24 CouplingPoint get_coupling_point() const The point where the reference source signal is coupled. Definition: CalibratorStokes.C:55 double equinox Equinox of coordinates. Definition: FITSHdrExtension.h:208 Estimate< double > get_scale(unsigned receptor) const Get the flux scale of the specified channel. Definition: FluxCalibratorExtension.C:171 static void unload(fitsfile *, const FITSHdrExtension *) Unload FITSHdrExtension to the current HDU of the specified FITS file. Definition: unload_FITSHdrExtension.C:18 virtual double get_folding_period() const =0 Get the folding or topocentric pulsar period (in seconds) unsigned get_nchan_output() const Number of frequency channels into which this channel was divided. Definition: CoherentDedispersion.h:134 unsigned get_nsub_input() const Get the number of epochs in input data. Definition: CalibrationInterpolatorExtension.h:82 Stores information about the reference source (ATNF) Definition: CalInfoExtension.h:28 float get_unfiltered_sum(unsigned ichan, unsigned ipol) const Get the unfiltered sum of the specified channel and polarization. Definition: SpectralKurtosis.C:167 Definition: FourthMoments.h:24 Alternative ways of ordering Integration instances. Definition: IntegrationOrder.h:29 const ExtensionType * get() const Template method searches for an Extension of the specified type. int get_ncycsub(void) const get ncycsub Definition: DigitiserStatistics.h:74 Signal::Hand get_hand() const Get the hand of the basis. Definition: Receiver.h:117 Telescope pointing parameters recorded during the observation. Definition: Pointing.h:27 MJD get_reference_epoch() const Get the reference epoch of the interpolator. Definition: CalibrationInterpolatorExtension.h:88 virtual unsigned get_size() const get the size of the profile vector Definition: MoreProfiles.C:44 unsigned get_nreceptor() const Get the number of receptors in flux calibrator. Definition: CalibrationInterpolatorExtension.h:75 bool get_native_scale() const Returns true if scale is native, false if scale is relative. Definition: CalibrationInterpolatorExtension.h:78 int cal_nstate Number of different states during cal period. Definition: CalInfoExtension.h:67 Intermediate storage of MEAL::Complex parameters. Definition: PolnCalibratorExtension.h:135 unsigned get_nreceptor() const Get the number of receptors. Definition: FluxCalibratorExtension.C:90 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17