►NCalibration | |
CBackendEstimate | Manages a single backend and its current best estimate (first guess) |
CBackendFeed | Physical parameterization of the instrumental response |
CBritton2000 | Phenomenological description of the instrument |
►CCoherencyMeasurement | A coherency matrix measurement and its estimated error |
CUncertainty | Estimates the uncertainty of a CoherencyMeasurement |
CCoherencyMeasurementSet | A CoherencyMeasurement set and their coordinates |
CConvertMJD | Converts Argument type from MJD to double |
CConwayKronberg1969 | Parameterizes the feed as in Appendix II of Conway & Kronberg (1969) |
CFaraday | Faraday rotation transformation |
CFeed | Phenomenological description of the receiver feed |
CFitGoodnessReport | Report on the goodness-of-fit for each source |
CFluxCalManager | Manages multiple flux calibrator observations |
CFluxCalObservation | Manages flux calibrator source state and backend transformation |
CInputDataReport | Report on the reception model paramters |
CInstrument | Phenomenological description of the instrument |
CIRIonosphere | International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) transformation |
CMeanCoherency | A weighted mean of coherency matrix estimates |
CMeanFeed | A weighted mean of Feed parameter estimates |
CMeanInstrument | A weighted mean of Instrument parameter estimates |
CMeanJones | Computes a weighted mean Jones matrix using Cloude target decomposition |
CMeanPolar | A weighted mean of MEAL::Polar parameter estimates |
CMeanSingleAxis | A weighted mean of SingleAxis parameter estimates |
CMeasurementEquation | Models multiple transformations of multiple inputs |
CModelParametersReport | Report on the reception model paramters |
CObservationUncertainty | Combines the uncertainty of the template and the observation |
CParallactic | Parallactic angle transformation of receiver feed |
►CReceptionModel | Models a set of transformations and source polarizations |
CReport | Solve the measurement equation by non-linear least squares minimization |
CSolver | Solve the measurement equation by non-linear least squares minimization |
CReceptionModelAxisPlotter | Plots model Stokes parameters as a function of time |
CReceptionModelPlotter | Plots a ReceptionModel |
CSingleAxis | Instrumental gain, differential gain, and differential phase |
CSingleAxisPolynomial | A SingleAxis parameterized by Polynomial ordinates |
CSingleAxisSolver | Derives SingleAxis parameters from input and output states |
CSolveCeres | Solve the measurement equation using Google's Ceres Solver |
CSolveGSL | Solve the measurement equation using GNU Scientific Library |
CSolveMEAL | Solve the measurement equation by non-linear least squares minimization |
CSourceDeltaEstimate | Manages a delta source and the current best estimate of the total |
CSourceEstimate | Manages a single source and its current best estimate (first guess) |
CStandardData | Computes the normalized Stokes parameters in each phase bin |
CStandardPrepare | Conditions input data and selects optimal input states |
CStandardSpectra | Computes the normalized complex Stokes parameters in each harmonic |
CTemplateUncertainty | Combines the uncertainty of the template and the observation |
CTotalCovariance | Combines the uncertainty of the template and the observation |
CVariableBackend | Physical parameterization of the instrumental response |
CVariableBackendEstimate | Manages a variable backend and its best estimate |
CVariableGain | Physical parameterization of the instrumental response |
►Npgplot | |
CColourMap | Convenience interface to a bunch of regularly used colour maps |
►NPulsar | Defines the PSRCHIVE library |
►NCalibratorTypes | Contains the enumeration of all calibrator types |
Cbri00_Eq19 | Britton (2000; ApJ 532:1240), equation 19 |
Cbri00_Eq19_iso | Britton (2000; ApJ 532:1240), equation 19, with isolated degeneracy |
CCompleteJones | Full 7 degrees of freedom parameterization of Jones matrix |
CCorrections | Corrections |
CDoP | Degree of Polarization Calibrator (P236) |
CFlux | Flux calibrator |
CHybrid | Mixes a SingleAxis and Phenomenological parameterization |
CNefarious | Calibrate by brute force and unjustified assumptions |
COffPulse | Off-pulse Calibrator (P236) |
Covhb04 | Ord, van Straten, Hotan & Bailes (2004; MNRAS 352:804), section 2.1 |
CPhenomenological | Phenomenological parameterizations of Jones matrix |
CPoln | Polarization calibrator |
CSingleAxis | Gain, differential gain and differential phase |
Cvan02_EqA1 | Van Straten (2002; ApJ 568:436), equation A1 |
Cvan04_Eq13 | Van Straten (2004; ApJSS 152:129), equation 13 |
Cvan04_Eq18 | Van Straten (2004; ApJSS 152:129), equation 18 |
Cvan09_Eq | Unpublished polar decomposition |
CAccumulate | Profile differentiation algorithm |
CAdaptiveSmooth | Profile smoothing algorithms that automatically pick smoothing size based on profile SNR |
CAdaptiveSNR | Calculates the signal-to-noise ratio using a ProfileWeightFunction |
CAddNoise | Compute the logarithm of the Profile |
CAlgorithm | Data manipulation implementations |
CAnglePlot | Plots an angle and its error as a function of pulse phase |
CAppend | Algorithms that combine Integration data |
►CApplication | Application with basic command line options |
COptions | Describes application command line options |
►CArchive | The primary interface to pulsar observational data |
CExpert | Provides access to private and protected member of Archive |
►CExtension | |
CInterface | Convenience class implements TextInterface::To<T>::get_interface_name |
CInterface | Provides a text interface to get and set Archive attributes |
CMatch | Policy used to determine if two archives match |
CArchiveSort | Used in sorting archives by source name, frequency, and epoch |
CArchiveStatistic | Commmon statistics that can be derived from an Archive |
CArrivalTime | Manages arrival time estimation |
►CASCIIArchive | Loads ASCII data files also known as SIGPROC format |
CAgent | This class registers the ASCIIArchive plugin class for use |
CASPArchive | Loads and unloads ASP Pulsar archives |
►CAuxColdPlasma | Auxiliary cold plasma dispersion and birefringence corrections |
CInterface | Text interface to a AuxColdPlasma instance |
►CAuxColdPlasmaMeasures | Stores parameters used to correct auxiliary dispersion and birefringence |
CInterface | Text interface to a AuxColdPlasmaMeasures instance |
►CBackend | Stores information about the instrument backend |
CInterface | Text interface to Backend extension |
CBackendCorrection | Correct the backend convention |
CBackendFeedInfo | Communicates BackendFeed parameters to plotting routines |
CBandpassChannelWeightPlot | Plot of offpulse bandpass and channel weights |
CBasebandArchive | Pulsar Archive produced by psrdisp |
CBaselineEstimator | ProfileWeight algorithms that compute profile baselines |
CBaselineStatic | Finds a Profile baseline using an interative bounding method |
CBaselineWindow | Finds the phase window in which the smoothed Profile is an extremum |
CBasicArchive | Defines the pure virtual methods declared in Pulsar::Archive |
CBasicIntegration | BasicIntegration class |
CBasisCorrection | Correct the backend convention |
CBinaryPhaseOrder | |
CBinLngAscOrder | |
CBinLngPeriOrder | |
CBoostShiftAnalysis | Analysis of the impact of instrumental boost on phase shift estimate |
CBPPArchive | Loads and unloads BPP Pulsar archives |
CBrittonInfo | Communicates Britton (2000) parameters to plotting routines |
CCalibrationInterpolator | A calibration solution that spans a finite bandwidth and time |
►CCalibrationInterpolatorExtension | Stores Polarization Calibration Model Interpolator information |
CInterface | Text interface to CalibrationInterpolatorExtension extension |
►CCalibrator | Polarization and flux calibrators |
CInfo | |
►CType | |
CInterface | Text interface to Calibrator::Type class |
CVariation | Abstract base of classes that update model parameters |
►CCalibratorExtension | Stores Calibrator parameters in an Archive |
CInterface | Text interface to CalibratorExtension extension |
CCalibratorInfo | Plots every class of model parameters from Calibrator::Info |
CCalibratorParameter | Plots a single class of model parameters from Calibrator::Info |
CCalibratorPlotter | Plots Calibrator parameters |
CCalibratorSpectrum | Plots flux profiles |
CCalibratorStokes | Stores the Stokes parameters of the reference source |
CCalibratorStokesInfo | Communicates CalibratorStokes parameters to plotting routines |
CCalInfoExtension | Stores information about the reference source (ATNF) |
CCalPhVFreqPlot | Plots the calibrator phase vs frequency |
CCalSource | Corrects the Signal::Source type attribute of the Archive |
CChannelSubsetMatch | Determine if one set of channels is a subset of another |
CChannelWeight | Algorithms that set the weights of frequency channels |
CChannelWeightsPlot | Plot of data weight vs frequency |
CChannelZapMedian | Uses a median smoothed spectrum to find birdies and zap them |
►CCoherentDedispersion | Record of phase-coherent dispersion removal algorithm |
CInputChannel | Coherent dedispersion attributes specific to input frequency channel |
COutputChannel | Coherent dedispersion attributes specific to output frequency channel |
CColdPlasma | Corrects dielectric effects in cold plasma |
CColdPlasmaHistory | Stores parameters used to correct Faraday rotation in each Integration |
CCombination | Binary transformations that combine data from another Container |
CCommonOptions | Common command line options |
CCompareWith | Loops over two dimensions of an Archive, comparing profiles |
CCompareWithEachOther | Summarizes a comparison of each Profile with every other Profile |
CCompareWithSum | Summarizes a comparison of each Profile with their sum |
CComplexRVMFit | Fit rotating vector model to Stokes Q and U profiles |
CComponentModel | Models a pulse profile using multiple components |
CConfig | Stores PSRCHIVE configuration parameters |
CConstantGainInfo | FluxCalibrator parameter communication |
CContainer | Data storage implementations |
►CContemporaneity | Evaluates the contemporaneity of Integrations from two Archives |
CAtPulsar | |
CConvertIsolated | Converts elements without equal neighbours to another state |
CConvolve | Computes the difference between two profiles |
CCorrection | |
CCorrelate | Computes the difference between two profiles |
CCrossValidatedSmooth2D | Determines the spline smoothing factor as in Clark (1977) |
►CDatabase | Pulsar Observation Database |
CCriteria | Describes Database matching criteria |
CEntry | Pulsar Database Entry |
CDataExtension | |
CDedisperse | Stores parameters used to correct dispersion in each Integration |
CDedispersed | Verifies that each Integration has a consistent Dedisperse Extension |
CDeFaraday | Stores parameters used to correct Faraday rotation in each Integration |
CDeFaradayed | Verifies that each Integration has a consistent DeFaraday Extension |
CDeltaPA | Computes mean position angle difference from weighted cross-correlation |
CDeltaRM | Refines an RM estimate using two halves of the band |
CDetrend | Profile differentiation algorithm |
CDifferentiate | Profile differentiation algorithm |
►CDigitiserCounts | Stores digitizer histograms |
CSubintCounts | Class representing an array of digitiser counts for a subint |
CDigitiserCountsPlot | Plots a histogram of the DigitiserCounts |
CDigitiserStatistics | Stores digitizer statistics |
CDimensions | Provides enumerated access to the dimensions of an Archive |
CDisperseWeight | Shift phase weight mask by dispersion delay |
CDispersion | Corrects dispersive delays |
CDispersionDelay | Computes the dispersion delay |
CDistortion | Analysis of the impact of instrumental boost on phase shift estimate |
►CDoPCalibrator | Degree of Polarization Calibrator (P236) |
CInfo | Communicates DoPCalibrator parameters |
CDoubleMedian | Median smooth in time then frequency |
CdspReduction | Stores dspsr data reduction parameters |
CDurationWeight | Sets the weight of each Integration according to its duration |
CDynamicBaselineSpectrumPlot | Plots off-pulse mean or variance as a func of time and freq |
CDynamicCalSpectrumPlot | Plots off-pulse mean or variance as a func of time and freq |
CDynamicSNSpectrumPlot | Plot pulsar signal-to-noise ratio as a func of time and freq |
CDynamicSpectrum | Computes dynamic spectrum (flux vs time/freq) of an Archive |
CDynamicSpectrumPlot | Base class for image plots of something vs time and frequency |
CDynamicStatSpectrumPlot | Plots off-pulse mean or variance as a func of time and freq |
CDynamicWeightSpectrumPlot | Plot archive weights as a func of time and freq |
CEditor | Edit the metadata in a pulsar archive |
CEllAngPlot | Plots the ellipticity angle of the polarized radiation |
CEmptyInterface | Convenience interface used to add ShiftEstimator children to factory |
CEPNArchive | Reads the European Pulsar Network (EPN) file format |
CEPOSArchive | Loads and unloads EPOS Pulsar archives |
CExampleArchive | Loads and unloads Example Pulsar archives |
CExampleExtension | Example Archive::Extension |
CExponentialBaseline | Finds a baseline that contains gaussian white noise |
CExtract | Extracts (and keeps) a specified range of phase bins |
CFaradayRotation | Corrects Faraday rotation |
CFeedExtension | Stores a known feed transformation |
CFITSAlias | PSRFITS parameter names for Archive TextInterface attribute names |
CFITSArchive | Loads and unloads PSRFITS archives |
CFITSHdrExtension | Stores PSRFITS header extensions |
CFITSSUBHdrExtension | Stores PSRFITS SUBINT header parameters |
CFixFluxCal | Corrects the Signal::Source type and name attributes of the Archive |
CFluctPlot | Plots fluctuation power spectra |
CFluctSpectStats | Manages statistics of fluctuation spectra (Fourier transform of pulse profile) |
CFluctuationSpectrumStats | Computes statistics of the fluctuation spectrum (Fourier transform of pulse profile) |
CFlux | Computes average flux of a Profile |
►CFluxCalibrator | Calibrates flux using standard candles and artificial sources |
CConstantGain | Used when gain remains constant between FluxCal-On and Off observations |
CInfo | FluxCalibrator parameter communication |
CPolicy | Flux calibration data for each receptor |
CVariableGain | Used when gain varies between FluxCal-On and Off observations |
►CFluxCalibratorExtension | Flux Calibrator Extension |
CSolution | Intermediate storage of MEAL::Complex parameters |
CFluxCalManagerInfo | Communicates FluxCalManager parameters to plotting routines |
CFluxCentroid | Estimates phase shift using the flux "centre of mass" |
CFluxPlot | Plots flux profiles |
CFortranSNR | Calculates the signal-to-noise ratio by fitting against a standard |
CFourierDomainFit | Estimates phase shift in Fourier domain with MCMC error estimate */ |
CFourierSNR | Calculates the signal-to-noise ratio in the Fourier domain |
CFourthMoments | |
CFourthMomentStats | Computes fourth-order moment pulse profile statistics |
CFramedPlot | A Plot with a PlotFrame |
CFrequencyAppend | Algorithms that combine Integration data |
CFrequencyIntegrate | Integrates frequency channels in an Integration |
CFrequencyPlot | Simple plots with radio frequency along the x-axis |
CFrequencyScale | Represents an axis with radio frequency ordinate |
CFrontendCorrection | Corrects the recorded properties of the frontend |
CFscrunchInterpreter | Manages Containter frequency integration for an Interpreter using an Engine |
CGaussianBaseline | Adaptively computes the baseline, assuming normally distributed noise |
CGaussianShift | Estimates phase shift in time domain using Gaussian interpolation |
CHasArchive | Manages an archive and its index interface |
CHasBaselineEstimator | Manages a baseline estimator and its interface |
CHasChannels | Archive extensions that contain information for each frequency channel |
CHasPen | Interface to objects that have a PlotPen |
CHasPhaseScale | Interface to plots with a phase scale |
CHybridCalibrator | Supplements a SystemCalibrator with a SingleAxisCalibrator |
CImageCorrection | Corrects band-reversed signal due to poor image rejection |
CIndex | Combines an index value and integrate flag |
CInfoLabel | Print a label with three rows above the plot frame |
CInstrumentInfo | Communicates Instrument parameters to plotting routines |
►CIntegrate | Profile integration algorithms |
CRangePolicy | |
►CIntegration | Array of Profiles integrated over the same time interval |
CExpert | Provides access to private and protected members of Integration |
►CExtension | |
CInterface | Convenience class implements TextInterface::To<T>::get_interface_name |
CInterface | Provides a text interface to get and set Integration attributes |
CMeta | Stores otherwise shared attributes of orphaned Integrations |
CIntegrationBarycentre | Convenience interface to Barycentre class |
►CIntegrationManager | Manages a vector of Integration instances |
CExpert | Provides access to private and protected members of IntegrationManager |
CIntegrationOrder | Alternative ways of ordering Integration instances |
CIntegrationWeight | Algorithms that set the weights of sub-integrations |
CInterpreter | Pulsar data processing command language interpreter |
CInterQuartileRange | Uses the inter-quartile range to mask bad channels and sub-integrations |
CIonosphereCalibrator | Corrects ionospheric Faraday rotation |
CIQRBaseline | Finds a baseline that falls within the the inter-quartile range |
CIterativeBaseline | Finds a Profile baseline using an interative bounding method |
CITRFExtension | International Terrestrial Reference Frame Extension |
CIXRInfo | Communicates PolnCalibrator IXR to plotting routines |
CLastHarmonic | Finds the last significant harmonic in a flucuation power spectral density |
CLastSignificant | Find the last significant harmonic in a PSD |
CLawnMower | Removes broad-band impulsive spikes from pulse profiles |
CLinePhasePlot | Draw a set of profiles for subints stacked ontop of eachother |
CLogarithm | Compute the logarithm of the Profile |
CManagedStrategies | Inserted by Integration class to tell Profile instance it is managed |
CManualPolnCalibrator | Phenomenological description of the instrument |
CManualVariableTransformation | Adapts a VariableTransformation to a ManualPolnCalibrator |
CMaskSmooth | Smooths a mask by masking elements with masked neighbours |
CMatrixTemplateMatching | Estimates phase shift in Fourier domain using matrix template matching |
CMeanPhase | Estimates phase shift using the weighted mean sine and cosine of phase |
CModeSeparation | Separates polarized modes of emission |
CModularSNR | Calculates the S/N using an on-pulse and off-pulse ProfileWeightFunction |
CMoreProfiles | |
CMoreScale | Represents an axis with radio frequency ordinate |
CMower | Replaces impulsive DM=0 spikes with randomly selected noise |
CMultiData | Combines multiple data sets in a single plot |
CMultiDataPlot | Combines multiple data sets in a single plot |
CMultiFrame | Manages multiple plot frames |
CMultiFrequency | Plots multiple viewports with radio frequency along the shared x-axis |
CMultiPhase | Plots multiple viewports with pulse phase along the shared x-axis |
CMultiPlot | Plots multiple viewports |
CNoiseStatistics | Computes the noise to Fourier noise ratio |
CObsDescription | Stores pulsar parameters as uninterpreted text |
CObsExtension | Observation Information Extension |
COffPulseCalibrator | Uses the off-pulse noise statistics to scale the polarization |
COnPulseEstimator | ProfileWeight algorithms that compute on-pulse phase bins |
COnPulseThreshold | Uses the baseline statistics to find on-pulse phase bins |
COption | Configuration option |
CParIntShift | Estimates phase shift in time domain using parabolic interpolation |
CPassband | Instrumental passband (or bandpass) |
CPatchFrequency | Fills missing frequency channels with empties |
CPatchTime | Fills missing sub-integrations with empties |
►Cpdv_KtZ_Archive | Loads data from the ASCII output by pdv -KtZ |
CAgent | This class registers the pdv_KtZ_Archive plugin class for use |
CPeakConsecutive | Finds pulse defined by number of consecutive points above threshold |
CPeakCumulative | Find the edges of a pulse |
CPeriastronOrder | |
CPhaseGradShift | Estimates phase shift in Fourier domain |
CPhasePlot | Simple plots with pulse phase along the x-axis |
CPhaseResolvedHistogram | |
CPhaseScale | Reperesents an axis with pulse phase ordinate |
CPhaseSNR | Calculates the signal-to-noise ratio using old default algorithm |
CPhaseVsFrequency | Plots images of something as a function of pulse phase vs something |
CPhaseVsFrequencyPlus | Plots phase vs. frequency, plus integrated profile and spectrum |
CPhaseVsHist | Plots 2-D histograms of something vs pulse phase |
CPhaseVsHistPlus | Plots phase vs. frequency, plus integrated profile and spectrum |
CPhaseVsMore | Plots images of something as a function of pulse phase vs something |
CPhaseVsPlot | Plots images of something as a function of pulse phase vs something |
CPhaseVsTime | Plots images of something as a function of pulse phase vs something |
►CPhaseWeight | Stores a weight for each Profile phase bin |
CInterface | Archive statistics text interface |
CPhaseWeightFunction | Algorithms that produce PhaseWeight objects |
CPhaseWeightModifier | PhaseWeight algorithms that receive an input PhaseWeight |
CPhaseWeightShift | Shifts PhaseWeight elements |
CPhaseWeightSmooth | Algorithms that smooth PhaseWeight containers |
CPhaseWeightStatistic | Commmon statistics that can be derived from a pulse profile |
CPhaseWidth | Calculates the pulse width in the phase domain |
►CPlot | Base class of all plotters |
CConstructor | |
CPlotAnnotation | Add generic annotations to any SimplePlot |
CPlotAttributes | Stores the properties of the plot frame |
CPlotAxis | Stores the label and cpgbox options for an axis |
CPlotEdge | The edge of a plot viewport |
CPlotFactory | Provides a text interface to create new plots |
CPlotFrame | Stores the properties of the plot frame |
CPlotLabel | Stores three labels: left, centre, and right |
CPlotLoop | Base class of all plotters |
CPlotOptions | Plot command line options |
CPlotPen | Stores and sets plot line attributes |
CPlotScale | The scale on an axis |
CPlotWindow | Manages a window in which to Plot an Archive |
CPoincare | Plots the Stokes vector in three-dimensional Poincare space |
►CPointing | Telescope pointing parameters recorded during the observation |
CInfo | Extra pointing information |
►CPolarCalibrator | Represents the system as a polar decomposition |
CInfo | Communicates PolarCalibrator parameters to plotting routines |
CPolnCalExtFreqIntegrate | Integrates frequency channels in a polarization calibration extension |
CPolnCalibrator | Polarimetric calibrators |
►CPolnCalibratorExtension | Stores PolnCalibrator parameters in an Archive instance |
CTransformation | Intermediate storage of MEAL::Complex parameters |
CPolnProfile | Polarimetric pulse profile transformations and derivations |
►CPolnProfileFit | The matrix template matching algorithm |
CAnalysis | Analysis of the matrix template matching algorithm |
CPolnProfileShiftEstimator | Algorithms that estimate phase shift from a single polarization profile |
►CPolnProfileStats | Computes polarimetric pulse profile statistics |
CInterface | Archive statistics text interface |
CPolnSpectrumStats | Computes statistics of full-polarization fluctuation spectra |
CPolnStatistics | Interface to polarization statistics |
CPolynomialInfo | Communicates Polynomial function parameters to plotting routines |
CPosAngPlot | Plots the position angle of the linearly polarized radiation |
CPowerEstimator | Produces on-pulse and off-pulse power spectra |
CPowerSpectra | Plots flux profiles |
CPRESTOArchive | Loads and unloads PRESTO Prepfold (.pfd) pulsar archives |
CProcessor | Interface to any object that processes data in an Archive |
►CProfile | Any quantity recorded as a function of pulse phase |
CExtension | |
CStrategies | Manages the strategies that implement algorithms |
►CProfileAmps | Provides protected access to the Profile amplitudes array |
CExpert | Provides access to private and protected members of ProfileAmps |
CProfileColumn | Loads and unloads Profile vector from PSRFITS archives |
CProfileCovariance | |
CProfilePCA | Examines profile shape variation with principal components analysis |
CProfilePlot | Plots a single pulse profile |
CProfileShiftEstimator | Algorithms that estimate the phase shift from a single pulse profile |
CProfileShiftFit | Calculates profile shifts by fitting to a template/standard |
CProfileStandardShift | Estimates the phase shift relative to a standard pulse profile |
CProfileStatistic | Commmon statistics that can be derived from a pulse profile |
►CProfileStats | Computes pulse profile statistics |
CInterface | Profile statistics text interface |
CProfileVectorPlotter | Plots flux profiles |
CProfileWeightFunction | PhaseWeight algorithms that receive an input Profile |
CProfileWeightStatic | Set the Profile weights to a user-specified value |
CProjectionCorrection | Correct the backend convention |
CPulsarCalibrator | Implements Measurement Equation Template Matching (van Straten 2013) |
►CPuMaArchive | Loads and unloads PuMa Pulsar archives |
CAgent | This class registers the PuMaArchive plugin class for use |
CRadiometerWeight | Sets the weight of each Integration according to its duration |
►CReceiver | Contains information about the receiver and receiver platform |
CField | Stores the field orientation |
CLinear | Stores the X and Y receptor and calibrator orientations |
CNative | Stores receptor basis, hand, and orientation, and calibrator phase |
CState | The internal state of the Receiver Extension class |
CReceptionCalibrator | Implements Measurement Equation Modeling (van Straten 2004) |
CReceptionCalibratorPlotter | Plots the various components of a ReceptionCalibrator |
CReferenceCalibrator | Calibrators derived from reference source observations |
►CRemoveBaseline | Algorithms that remove the off-pulse baseline |
CEach | Find the baseline from each total intensity profile |
COperation | Performs the baseline removal operation |
CTotal | Find the baseline from the total integrated total intensity profile |
CRemoveVariableBaseline | Remove a variable baseline from each profile |
CRiseFall | Estimates the on-pulse region between a rise and a fall |
CRobustMower | Lawn mower algorithm uses robust statistics to find spikes |
CRotatingVectorModelOptions | RotatingVectorModel command line options |
CRotatingVectorModelShift | Estimates phase shift using phi0 from the best-fit rotating vector model |
CScalarProfileFitAnalysis | Analysis of the scalar template matching algorithm |
CScalarTemplateMatching | The original scalar template matching algorithm |
CScatteredPowerCorrection | Corrects the power scattered due to 2-bit quantization |
CScintArchive | A TimerArchive with transposed phase and frequency axis |
CScintPowerEstimator | Returns power estimates from a ScintArchive |
CScrunchFactor | Manages a combined scrunch factor or target dimension |
CSetReceiver | Looks up the receiver name from a log file and installs parameters |
CSetThresholds | Uses set cutoff values to mask bad channels and sub-integrations |
CShiftEstimator | Algorithms that estimate pulse phase shifts |
CSimplePlot | Plots a single plot |
CSimplePolnProfile | Simulates a simple Gaussian with a standard RVM and zero circular |
CSimPolnTiming | Simulates full-Stokes arrival time estimation |
CSincInterpShift | Estimates phase shift via sinc interpolation of CCF |
►CSingleAxisCalibrator | Represents the system as a Calibration::SingleAxis |
CInfo | Communicates SingleAxisCalibrator parameters |
CSmooth | Profile smoothing algorithms |
CSmoothMean | Smooths a Profile using the mean over a boxcar |
CSmoothMedian | Smooths a Profile using the median over a boxcar |
CSmoothSinc | Smooths a Profile by convolution with a sinc function |
CSNRatioEstimator | Algorithms that estimate the signal-to-noise ratio of pulse profiles |
CSNRWeight | Sets the weight of each Profile according to its S/N squared |
CSolverInfo | Communicates PolnCalibrator solver parameters to plotting routines |
CSortedMinimumSlope | Uses the minimum slope of the sorted data to define the good "median" |
CSourceInfo | Communicates Calibrator Stokes parameters |
CSpectralKurtosis | Spectral Kurtosis Staticstics calculated during observation |
CSpectrumPlot | Plots a single spectrum |
CSplineSmooth | Base class of penalized splines (p-spline) for smoothing |
CSquareWave | Calculates the signal-to-noise ratio using (on-off)/rms |
CStandardFlux | Computes average flux of a Profile by fitting to a standard |
CStandardOptions | Standard interpreter command line options |
CStandardSNR | Calculates the signal-to-noise ratio by fitting against a standard |
CStandardSNRWeight | Sets the weight of each Profile according to its S/N squared |
►CStatistics | Interface to a variety of useful statistics |
CInterface | Archive statistics text interface |
CStepsInfo | Communicates Steps function parameters to plotting routines |
CStokesCovariance | Phase-resolved four-dimensional covariance matrix of Stokes parameters |
CStokesCovariancePlot | Plots a polarization pulse profile |
CStokesCrossCovariance | Cross-covariances between the Stokes parameters |
CStokesCrossCovariancePlot | Plots a polarization pulse profile |
CStokesCylindrical | Plots a single pulse profile |
CStokesCylindricalPlus | Plots a single pulse profile |
CStokesFluctPhase | Plots fluctuation power spectra |
CStokesFluctPlot | Plots fluctuation power spectra |
CStokesPlot | Plots a polarization pulse profile |
CStokesSpherical | Plots a single pulse profile |
CSubtract | Computes the difference between two profiles |
CSumThreshold | Implement the SumThreshold masking algorithm |
CSyntheticPolnProfile | Simulated polarimetric pulse profile |
►CSystemCalibrator | PolnCalibrator with estimated calibrator Stokes parameters |
CUnloader | Unloads Pulsar::SystemCalibrator solution to file |
CSystemCalibratorPlotter | Plots the various components of a SystemCalibrator |
CTapeInfo | Stores information about the tape on which the data were recorded |
CTelescope | Contains information about the telescope used for the observation |
CThresholdMatch | Criterion used to determine if two archives match |
CTimeAppend | Algorithms that combine Integration data |
CTimeFrequencyMask | Compute mask from statistic vs time/freq |
CTimeFrequencySmooth | Smooth a statistic vs time freq |
CTimeFrequencyZap | Find bad data using a statistic vs time and frequency |
CTimeIntegrate | Integrates sub-integrations in an Archive |
CTimerArchive | Reads and writes the timer archive file format |
CTimeScale | Represents an axis with a time ordinate |
CTransformation | Algorithms that modify data in the Container |
CTransposer | Provides access to transposed Archive data |
CTwoBitPlot | Plots the measured distribution of the fraction of low voltage states |
CTwoBitStats | Stores histograms of two-bit low-voltage states |
CTwoDeeMedian | Median smooth using a 2-dimensional boxcar |
CUnloadJones | Unloads SystemCalibrator as a 2-D array of Jones matrices |
CUnloadOptions | Unload interpreter command line options |
CUsingQTDRIV | Manages a window in which to Plot an Archive |
CUsingXSERVE | Manages a window in which to Plot an Archive |
►CUVMArchive | Loads UVM data files |
CAgent | This class registers the UVMArchive plugin class for use |
CVariableProjectionCorrection | Adapts a VariableTransformation to a ProjectionCorrection |
CVariableTransformation | Analysis of the impact of instrumental boost on phase shift estimate |
CVariationInfo | Communicates time variation parameters to plotting routines |
CVerification | |
CWAPPArchive | Loads and unloads WAPP Pulsar archives |
CWaveletSmooth | Profile smoothing (more accurately denoising) that uses a thresholded wavelet transform |
CWaveletTransform | Performs 1-D discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) |
CWeight | Algorithms that set the weights of all Profiles in an Archive |
CWeightedFrequency | Compute the weighted mean frequency |
CWeightInterpreter | Interprets configuration strings into a weighting policy |
CWidebandCorrelator | Stores Parkes Wideband Correlator parameters |
CWidthEstimator | Algorithms that estimate the width of the pulse profile |
CZapExtend | Extend zapped areas in time and/or frequency |
CZeroPadShift | Estimates phase shift in Fourier domain using zero-pad interpolation |